6 hours ago
Thousands of protesters from India'slow-caste Dalit community disrupted key transport services in Mumbai.
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Protests in Mumbai disrupted transportservices
Thousands from India's low-caste Dalitcommunity protested against right-wing Hindu groups in the western city ofMumbai earlier this month, bringing the city to a halt. Nehali Upasham explainswhy she took part.
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I work and live in Mumbai but every year,on 1 January, I visit a village called Bhima Koregaon four hours away, for afestival that commemorates a battle where Dalits (formerly known asuntouchables) defeated an upper-caste ruler.
Usually, since thousands of Dalits visitthe site of the battle on this day, one sees many stalls selling items such asfood and medicines or books and films on Dalit history.
But something seemed wrong this year. Manyof the stalls were shut.
This was all the more surprising because2018 marks the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Koregaon. On 1 January 1818,Dalits fought alongside British colonial forces to defeat an upper caste ruler,in what my community calls the first battle against caste oppression.
People gather around the "victorypillar", an obelisk-shaped memorial in Bhima Koregaon, to honour thecourage that this day represented for Dalits.
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I have been doing this ever since I was achild. I am also married to a man who was born in this village - so myconnection to this place is stronger now.
This year, I was setting up a stall onbehalf of a production house that I manage along with some other women. Weproduce videos and run a YouTube channel about Dalit empowerment.
What happened in Bhima Koregaon?
We were in the parking lot unloadingmaterials when I realised there was trouble. A group of men approached us andtold us that we could not put up any stalls and we should "get out"of the village.
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Although they appeared threatening, wechose to ignore them.
Nearly an hour later, we found that wecould not use our phones to make calls because we weren't able to access thenetwork.
A map of Bhima Koregaon village inMaharashtra
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Dalits defeated an upper caste ruler in abattle in Bhima Koregaon
My brother-in-law, who had gone back to theparking lot, returned with the news that the windows of our car had beenshattered. And he said he had to flee from what looked like a mob of more thana 100 men, all of whom were holding saffron flags [which are commonly used byright-wing Hindu groups].
When we went out to the parking lot, we sawpeople running.
And then the mob started running towardsus. People started pelting stones at us from their balconies. Vehicles withsymbols of Buddhism or those that displayed images of Dalit icons weretargeted.
An elderly man threw a large stone at a busthat had an 'Ashok Chakra' [a blue wheel that is a symbol of Buddhism] on it.[Dalits who have converted to Buddhism display these symbols on theirvehicles.]
Through all this, the police failed toprotect us.
We fled towards a neighbouring village butvillagers prevented us from entering. They said: "You cannot wait herebecause they will burn our houses."
We had no choice but to walk until we werea safe distance from Bhima Koregaon.
Why I joined the Mumbai rally
I took part in the protests on the streetsof Mumbai to get justice for what happened to us - Dalits - in Bhima Koregaon.
On that day in Bhima Koregaon, there werethose like me who were there to represent justice and our struggle for it. Butthere were also others who were representing their individual agendas.
Indian firemen inspect a damaged bus aftersupporters of the Republican Party of India turned violent during a protest inMumbaiImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES
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Buses were attacked as Mumbai proteststurned violent
But what was worse than the violence itselfwas the discussion that it kicked off on social media.
It made me realise how little people knewof Dalit history or their status during British colonial rule. Some of mycolleagues provoked me to react on social media and then humiliated me.
They didn't treat me like a human being.They reduced my existence to my caste.
Some people commented that this shouldhappen to "them" [Dalits] since "their" status hasprogressed only because of "reservations" or quotas based on caste.
Others said that while upper castes paytaxes, Dalits enjoy the benefits, adding that perhaps Dalits should go toBritain to "beg" for quotas since they had fought alongside Britishforces in the Koregaon battle.
Violence broke out during celebrations tocommemorate the 200th anniversary of a battle in Bhima KoregaonImagecopyrightAFP/GETTY IMAGES
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One man was killed in the clashes in BhimaKoregaon
The comments don't surprise me since I havebeen hearing similar statements for a long time.
Every time there is violence againstDalits, everyone blames the caste-based quotas in India.
I want to know why is there so much angerand discrimination against Dalits? What does anyone truly gain from this?
Aren't we - Dalits - human like the rest ofthem?
More than a week has passed since theevents in Bhima Koregaon but I can't forget what I saw.
Now it's become a matter of our identity.So, we will fight until we get justice.
We, the followers of BR Ambedkar [an iconicDalit leader], believe in peace and I believe those who share our beliefs willnever indulge in violence.
本月早些时候,来自印度的低种姓达利特社区的成千上万人抗议西部城市孟买的右翼印度教团体,使这座城市停滞不前。 Nehali Upasham解释了为什么她参加了。
我在孟买工作和生活,但是每年的1月1日,我都会在四个小时之外拜访一个名叫Bhima Koregaon的村庄,这个节日是为了纪念达利特人(以前称为贱民)击败上层种族统治者的一场战役。
这更令人惊讶,因为2018年是Koregaon战役200周年。 1818年1月1日,达利特人与英国殖民势力一起打败上层种族统治者,这是我们社会所说的第一次反对种姓压迫的斗争。
人们聚集在Bhima Koregaon的一座方尖碑式的“胜利支柱”周围,以纪念今天代表达利特人的勇气。
为什么Narendra Modi印度的达利特人生气?
自从我还是个孩子以来,我一直在这样做。我也嫁给了一个出生在这个村庄的男人 - 所以我现在和这个地方的联系更加紧密了。
Bhima Koregaon发生了什么?
在马哈拉施特拉邦Bhima Koregaon村的地图
达利特在Bhima Koregaon的一场战役中击败了上层种族统治者
一名老人在一辆巴士上扔了一块大石头,在这辆巴士上有一个“阿肖克脉轮”(佛陀的象征)。 [皈依佛教的达利人在车上展示这些符号]
我们别无选择,只能走,直到我们与Bhima Koregaon安全的距离。
我参加了在孟买街头的抗议活动,以便为我们发生的事情伸张正义,达利特在Bhima Koregaon。
在印度共和党的支持者在孟买举行抗议活动后,印度消防员检查了一辆受损巴士。图片版权归GETTY IMAGES
庆祝活动中爆发的暴力事件是为了纪念Bhima Koregaon战役200周年图片版权所有AFP / GETTY IMAGES
一名男子在Bhima Koregaon的冲突中丧生