Shared Photo Library:
Requesting Authorization to Access Photos//Prepare your app to ask for permission when accessing the user's photo library.请求权限
class PHPhotoLibrary//A shared object that manages access and changes to the user’s shared photo library.
Asset Retrieval:
Fetching Objects and Requesting Changes//Get assets, asset collections, and collection lists matching a specified query.
class PHAsset//A representation of an image, video, or Live Photo in the Photos library.
class PHAssetCollection//A representation of a Photos asset grouping, such as a moment, user-created album, or smart album.
class PHCollection//The abstract superclass for Photos asset collections and collection lists.
class PHCollectionList//A group containing Photos asset collections, such as Moments, Years, or folders of user-created albums.
class PHObject//The abstract superclass for Photos model objects (assets and collections).
class PHFetchResult//An ordered list of assets or collections returned from a Photos fetch method.
class PHFetchOptions//A set of options that affect the filtering, sorting, and management of results that Photos returns when you fetch asset or collection objects.
Asset Loading:
Loading and Caching Assets and Thumbnails//Request image, video, or Live Photos content, and cache for quick reuse.
class PHImageManager//An object that facilitates retrieving or generating preview thumbnails and asset data.
class PHCachingImageManager//An object that facilitates retrieving or generating preview thumbnails, optimized for batch preloading large numbers of assets.
class PHImageRequestOptions//A set of options affecting the delivery of still image representations of Photos assets you request from an image manager.
class PHVideoRequestOptions//A set of options affecting the delivery of video asset data that you request from an image manager.
class PHLivePhotoRequestOptions//A set of options affecting the delivery of Live Photo assets you request from an image manager.
Live Photos:
Displaying Live Photos//Provide the same interactive playback of Live Photos as in the iOS Photos app.
class PHLivePhotoView//A view that displays a Live Photo—a picture that also includes motion and sound from the moments just before and after its capture.
class PHLivePhoto//A displayable representation of a Live Photo—a picture that includes motion and sound from the moments just before and after its capture.
Asset Resource Management:
class PHAssetResource//An underlying data resource associated with a photo, video, or Live Photo asset in the Photos library.
class PHAssetCreationRequest//A request to create a new Photos asset from underlying data resources, for use in a photo library change block.
class PHAssetResourceCreationOptions//A set of options affecting the creation of a new Photos asset from underlying resources.
class PHAssetResourceManager//A resource manager for the data storage underlying a Photos asset.
class PHAssetResourceRequestOptions//A set of options affecting the delivery of underlying asset data that you request from the asset resource manager.
Photo Editing Extensions:
Creating Photo Editing Extensions//Allow your app to edit assets directly within the Photos app.
protocol PHContentEditingController//A protocol your custom view controller class implements to provide a user interface for your Photos extension.
class PHEditingExtensionContext//An object that provides Photos editing extensions with access to the underlying project and photo library.