要成为100x engineer,首先要成为10X engineer(高超的编程水平),其次光靠自身是无法产生生产效率的100倍提升的,要产生impact,就需要带动team其他的人,需要soft skill。
Therefore, it is worth looking at the skillset of a 100x engineer. As you will notice, it is very, very different than of 10x programmers.
Communication — this one is almost too obvious to mention, but it’s an important one. 100x’ers have excellent communication skills. Communication is an essential part of having 100x impact.
Creativity — obviously this is common with 10x programmers, but the creativity required is not about algorithms, nor clever class inheritance structures, rather it is about coming up with more effective ways of achieving goals.
Empathy—somewhere buried in all this “challenge everything” talk, I mentioned “productive challenging.” So what did I mean by that? Let me explain using my oldest son as an example. He is 4 years old. What is the favorite question of a 4 year old? “Why!?” Does that mean my son is a 100x engineer? No. Why not? Because he asks “Why?” always. Whether it’s a good time or not, whether it makes sense or not, whether he makes his parents want to kill themselves or not. Having the empathy of knowing what to challenge, how, and when is an essential skill of the 100x engineer as well.
Negotiation—good ideas are overrated. Everybody has them, but few manage to execute on them. An essential element of being able to implement ideas that you know need to be implemented is negotiation— negotiation with fellow developers, with product managers, and with other stakeholders. Explaining why the idea is good, and why time should be allowed to implement them. 100x’ers know how to do this, as a result everything seems possible when they’re around.
Technical—last on this list, but still vital. While most skills mentioned are quite “soft,” this does not mean the 100x engineer needn’t be technical. In fact, it’s a prerequisite that he or she is technical top talent, for two reasons: (1) challenging things at the technical level yield big gains, and therefore require a deep level of technical understanding, and (2) ethosmatters, 100x engineers wouldn’t be accepted by their peers if they weren’t strong technically, you have to be “one of us.”
100X Mindset:
no finger pointing(不要推卸责任), 对于所以可能发生的情况,要有对应的plan
Challenging the status quo
The 100x engineer challenges things in three dimensions:
What? This is primarily about scope: what are we developing, and is this scoped well, is everything clear in terms of requirements, and are we sure that all of it is important and needs to be done (right now)?
How? This is about being smart about how something is implemented, are there less-effort ways to get to the same result? But also about process: how do we get to the results we want and how can we improve?
Why? This is about business context, about fully understanding why a feature need to be developed, and to check that the product manager’s approach is the right way to fill the user’s need.