Schadenfreude 幸灾乐祸
Schadenfreude over Trump's COVID-19 diagnosis was more about cosmic justice than joy in another's pain.
On the nose 缺乏想象力;恰到好处
The director's prediction that shooting will end at 4 pm was on the nose.
Lone Ranger 独行侠
Want a silver bullet for COVID-19?
Look to The Lone Ranger.
Cupboard is bare 弹尽粮绝
If cupboard was bare, Trump emptied it.
Take one's hat off to somebody = Hat off to somebody 向他人致敬
Hats off to all our nurses.
Rally Cry = Battle Cry = War Cry 集结号
Gaming startup Rally Cry raises over $1 million in seed funding.
游戏初创公司Rally Cry获得了超过一百万美元的种子投资。
The GOAT = Greatest of All Time 史上最佳
Roger Federer is the GOAT - Nick Kyrgios on mimicking Federer's shots.
费德勒是史上最佳,Nick Kyrgios畅谈如何模仿费德勒的球路。
Parasite 寄生虫
Para(旁边) + Sitos(面包)
Trust your nose: what rich people can learn from Parasite.
Matchmaker 媒人
Matchmake 婚配,安排比赛,生意,制造火柴
Many new dating apps are leveraging AI to introduce smart matchmaking.