Back a的发音,梅花音,要读得夸张一点。
ghetto 发音
somehow 重音在第一个音
knowing 平缓,不要那么重。
Deeply rooted 根深蒂固
〖扩展〗即兴:On the spot, improvise,made it up as he went along,apparent
Equal 的发音
We hold this truths to be self-evidente, that all men are created equal. 来自《独立宣言》
Self-evidente 不言而喻,不证自明。也可以说成:It goes without saying。
Nip 掐住。nip it in the bud 在萌芽时掐住
live out the true meaning of its creed. Live sth out,如果宾语太长,要后置。creed 信条。
Former slaves 和 former slaves owner 也是种重复。重复有重复的好,简洁也有简洁的好,要视情况而定。
Swelter 闷热
Oppression 镇压
Oasis 绿洲
Color 和 content 压头韵
说白人黑人不要用black 和white,不恰当也不尊重。应该用:fair,pale,light, dark,tanned