The restaurant in Japan generally is not very beneficial to those who like vegetarian food. In the cooking of vegetarian dishes, there are really not many choices. If a delegation goes out to eat something, there is not so much choice as compared to our Chinese menu.
Although the Japanese meal is exquisite and elegant, I honestly said that given I had tried most of, if not all, the good japanese food in Hong Kong, this time I couldn't see any surprise in Japan.
It can also be said that I am not a very strong fan of Japan myself, unlike some of my Hong Kong friends who seem to feel uncomfortable if not visiting Japan once a month or so. I donnot have this calling in this respect.
In Japan, JR, subway, google map are really effective, but I would also like to say that taxi fare is outrageous. To take a 10 minute taxi ride in Roppongi at night, it costs HK$220 and I can't stand it.
Japan is famous for their good quality of life and social beings , but you know that there have been no major economic advancements in Tokyo and major cities in Japan in the past decade or so. In addition to the ever-increasing house prices, wages have stagnated as before. How you can call young Japanese youth to live a good life while their rented house is essentially much smaller than Hong Kong.
The Japanese’s English is even worse than expected, a huge language barrier. Fortunately, we can understand some Japanese written words. At least we can guess some meanings. We Chinese are more fortunate than foreigners in Japan. But with only a single language, how do Japanese young people explore the world?
Therefore, we need to cherish our Greater Bay Area development in Hong Kong for our next generation, seizing the opportunity created by the one Belt and one Road national initiative, and taking the journey to rejuvenate our Chinese culture. This way, our young people in Hong Kong will have a breakthrough, so that they can lead a more meaningful and happier life. What do you say?
在日本的JR, 地铁,google map 实在是太有效,但我还要说taxi 太离谱,晚上在六本木搭个10几分钟的士,竟然收费220元港币,受不了。