修正PackageApplication -o参数不能指定相对目录的问题

新版本的Xcode已经废弃了,取而代之是建议使用xcodebuild archive。

最近,在使用archive的时候,却遇到了个小问题,每次archive都要全部编译一次代码。而xcodebuild build命令则是默认增量编译的。于是,重新拿起PackageApplication。却发现,这货的-o参数竟然不能支持相对目录。


#    PackageApplication
#    Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Apple Inc.  All rights reserved.
#    Package an iPhone Application into an .ipa wrapper

use Pod::Usage;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Temp qw/ tempdir :POSIX /;
use File::Basename;
use File::Path qw/ remove_tree /;
use Cwd qw/ chdir /;
use Cwd qw/ abs_path/;

print "\n\n\nwarning: PackageApplication is deprecated, use `xcodebuild -exportArchive` instead.\n\n\n";

$|=1;   # don't buffer stdout

my $program = $0;

my %opt = ();
GetOptions ( \%opt,
             "plugin=s@" => \@plugins,
             ) or pod2usage(2);

pod2usage(2) if $opt{help};
pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $opt{man};

fatal("An application was not specified.") unless $ARGV[0];
my $origApp = shift @ARGV;
fatal("Specified application doesn't exist or isn't a bundle directory : '$origApp'") unless -d $origApp;

if ( $opt{verbose} ) {
    print "Packaging application: '$origApp'\n";
    print "Arguments: ";
    while( ($key,$value) = each %opt)
        print "$key=$value  ";
    print "\n";
    print "Environment variables:\n";
    while( ($key,$value) = each %ENV)
        print "$key = $value\n";
    print "\n";

# check any plugins that might be specified 
foreach $plugin (@plugins) {
    print "Plugin: '$plugin'\n" if $opt{verbose};
    fatal("Specified plugin doesn't exist or isn't a bundle directory : '$plugin'") unless -d $plugin;

# setup the output name if it isn't specified

# setup the output if it isn't specified 
if ( !defined($opt{output})  ) {
    $opt{output} = dirname($origApp).'/'.basename($origApp, ".app")."\.ipa";
$opt{output} = abs_path($opt{output});
print "Output directory: '$opt{output}'\n" if $opt{verbose};
# Make sure we have a temp dir to work with
my $tmpDir = tempdir( CLEANUP => !defined($opt{verbose}) );
print "Temporary Directory: '$tmpDir'  (will NOT be deleted on exit when verbose set)\n" if $opt{verbose};

################## Start Packaging #####################

### Step One : Make a copy of the application (and any plugins)
my $appName = basename($origApp);
chomp $appName;
my $destAppDir = "$tmpDir/Payload";
my $destApp = "$destAppDir/$appName";

mkdir $destAppDir;
fatal("Unable to create directory : '$destAppDir'") unless -d $destAppDir;

runCmd("/bin/cp", "-Rp", $origApp, $destAppDir);
fatal("Unable to copy application '$origApp' into '$destAppDir'") unless -e $destApp;

foreach $plugin (@plugins) {
    my $pluginName = basename($plugin);
    chomp $pluginName;
    my $destPlugin = "$destAppDir/$pluginName";
    my $result = runCmd("/usr/bin/codesign", "--verify", "-vvvv", , $plugin );
    if ( $result !~ /valid on disk/ ) {
        fatal("Codesign check fails : $result\n");
    runCmd("/bin/cp", "-Rp", $plugin, $destAppDir);
    fatal("Unable to copy application '$plugin' into '$destAppDir'") unless -e $destPlugin;

if ( $opt{symbols} ) {
    my $destSymbols = "$tmpDir/Symbols";
    runCmd("/bin/cp", "-Rp", $opt{symbols}, $destSymbols);
    fatal("Unable to copy symbols '$opt{symbols}' into '$destSymbols'") unless -e $destSymbols;

### Step Two : recode sign it if necessary

if ( $opt{verbose} ) {
    print "### Checking original app\n";
    my $result = runCmd("/usr/bin/codesign", "--verify", "-vvvv", , $origApp );
    if ( $result !~ /valid on disk/ ) {
        print "Codesign check fails : $result\n";
    print "Done checking the original app\n";

if ( defined $opt{sign} ) {
    if ( $opt{embed} ) {
        print "### Embedding '$opt{embed}'\n" if $opt{verbose};
        runCmd("/bin/rm", "-rf", "$destApp/embedded.mobileprovision" );
        fatal("Unable to remove '$destApp/embedded.mobileprovision'\n") if ( -e "$destApp/embedded.mobileprovision" );
        runCmd("/bin/cp", "-rp", $opt{embed}, "$destApp/embedded.mobileprovision");
        fatal("Unable to copy '$opt{embed}' to '$destApp/embedded.mobileprovision'\n") unless ( -e "$destApp/embedded.mobileprovision" );

    my $entitlements_plist = File::Temp::tempnam($tmpDir, "entitlements_plist");

    # If re-signing with a distribution profile and get-task-allow is
    # true, the app store will reject the submission. Setting
    # get-task-allow to false here.
    if ( $opt{sign} =~ /^i(Phone|OS) Distribution/ ) {
        my $entitlements_raw = File::Temp::tempnam($tmpDir, "entitlements_raw");
        runCmd("/usr/bin/codesign", "-d", "--entitlements", $entitlements_raw, $destApp);
        $? == 0 or fatal("Failed to read entitlements from '$destApp'");
        if ( -e $entitlements_raw ) {
            $plist = read_raw_entitlements($entitlements_raw);
            unlink($entitlements_raw) or fatal("Cannot delete '$entitlements_raw': $!");

            open(my $ofh, '>', $entitlements_plist) or fatal("Cannot open '$entitlements_plist': $!");
            print $ofh $plist or fatal("Cannot write entitlements to '$entitlements_plist': $!");
            close($ofh) or fatal("Cannot close file handle for '$entitlements_plist': $!");

            runCmd('/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy', '-c', 'Set :get-task-allow NO', $entitlements_plist);
            # PlistBuddy will fail if get-task-allow doesn't exist. That's okay.
            runCmd('/usr/bin/plutil', '-lint', $entitlements_plist);
            $? == 0 or fatal("Invalid plist at '$entitlements_plist'");

    my @codesign_args = ("/usr/bin/codesign", "--force", "--preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements,resource-rules",
                         "--sign", $opt{sign},

    if ( -e $entitlements_plist ) {
        push(@codesign_args, '--entitlements');
        push(@codesign_args, $entitlements_plist);

    push(@codesign_args, $destApp);
    print "### Codesigning '$opt{embed}' with '$opt{sign}'\n" if $opt{verbose};
    my $codesign_output = runCmd(@codesign_args);
    $? == 0 or fatal("@codesign_args failed with error " . ($? >> 8) . ". Output: $codesign_output");

    if ( -e $entitlements_plist ) {
        unlink($entitlements_plist) or fatal("Cannot delete '$entitlements_plist': $!");

### Step Three : zip up the package
fatal("Unable to remove older '$opt{output}'") if ( -e "$opt{output}" );

chdir $tmpDir;
if($opt{verbose}) {
    runCmd("/usr/bin/zip", "--symlinks", "--verbose", "--recurse-paths", "$opt{output}", ".");
} else {
    runCmd("/usr/bin/zip", "--symlinks", "--quiet", "--recurse-paths", "$opt{output}", ".");

fatal("Unable to create '$opt{output}'") if ( ! -e "$opt{output}" );

print "Results at '$opt{output}' \n" if $opt{verbose};

################## Finished ############################

exit 0;


sub fatal {
    my ($msg) = @_;
    print STDERR "error: $msg\n";
    exit 1;

use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h);

sub runCmd {
    my (@cmds) = @_;
    my $output = ();
    if ( $opt{verbose} ) {
        my $_cmd = join(" ", @cmds);
        print "+ $_cmd\n" ;
    my $program = shift @cmds;
    my ($readme, $writeme);
    pipe $readme, $writeme;
    my $pid = fork;
    defined $pid or die "cannot fork: $!";
    if ( $pid == 0 ) {
        # child
        open(STDOUT, ">&=", $writeme) or die "can't redirect STDOUT: $!";
        open(STDERR, ">&=", $writeme) or die "can't redirect STDERR: $!";
        close $readme;
        exec($program, @cmds) or die "can't run $program: $!";

    close $writeme;
    while(<$readme>) {
        $output .= $_;
    close $readme;
    my $waitpid_ret;
    do { $waitpid_ret = waitpid($pid, 0); } while ( $waitpid_ret == 0 );
    $waitpid_ret == $pid or die "waitpid returned $waitpid_ret: $!";
    my $return_code = $? >> 8;
    $opt{verbose} and print "Program $program returned $return_code : [$output]\n";

# Let clients handle error checking.
#    $return_code == 0 or fatal("Program $program failed with return code $return_code.");
    return $output;

# Param: path to codesign --entitlements output file. Returns xml plist in a string.
sub read_raw_entitlements {
    my $entitlements_raw = shift;

    open(my $ifh, '<', $entitlements_raw) or fatal("Cannot open '$entitlements_raw': $!");

    read($ifh, my $format_tag, 4) or fatal("Cannot read format tag from '$entitlements_raw': $!");
    $format_tag = unpack('H*', $format_tag);
    my $expected_format_tag = 'fade7171';
    $format_tag eq $expected_format_tag
        or fatal("Format tag '0x$format_tag' does not match '0x$expected_format_tag'.");

    read($ifh, my $plist_size, 4) or fatal("Cannot read plist size from '$entitlements_raw': $!");
    $plist_size = unpack('L>', $plist_size);
    read($ifh, my $plist, $plist_size) or fatal("Cannot read $plist_size bytes of plist data from '$entitlements_raw': $!");

    close($ifh) or fatal("Cannot close file handle for '$entitlements_raw': $!");

    return $plist;

=head1 NAME

PackageApplication - prepare an application for submission to AppStore or installation by iTunes.


PackageApplication [-s signature] application [-o output_directory] [-verbose] [-plugin plugin] || -man || -help 


    -s <signature>  certificate name to resign application before packaging
    -o              specify output filename
    -plugin         specify an optional plugin
    -help           brief help message
    -man            full documentation
    -v[erbose]      provide details during operation

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 8

=item B<-s>

Optional codesigning certificate identity common name.  If provided, the application is will be re-codesigned prior to packaging.

=item B<-o>

Optional output filename.  The packaged application will be written to this location.

=item B<-plugin>

Specify optional plugin.  The packaged application will include the specified plugin(s).

=item B<-help>

Print a brief help message and exits.

=item B<-man>

Prints the manual page and exits.

=item B<-verbose>

Provides additional details during the packaging.



This program will package the specified application for submission to the AppStore or installation by iTunes.



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