1. 这是个什么词?
英英释义:to change what you are doing so that you are not following an expected plan, idea, or type of behavior
例句:A self-claimed idealist, he is deviating from his beliefs/principles.
2. 为什么选这个词?
“deviate”是不及物动词,意思是“偏离、背离”,后面搭配介词 from,后面往往接 path, values, norm, route 等词。它的主语可以是人也可以是物。这是个很好用的词,可以体现出使用者的词汇质量。我们通过下面几个例子来掌握这个词。
He is a rebellious person and started to deviate from the conventional path everyone else was following.
A self-claimed idealist, he is deviating from his beliefs/principles.
苹果一开始是一年发布一台 iPhone, 后来偏离了这种做法,可以说:
Apple deviated from its practice of rolling out one new iPhone a year.
最后来看《经济学人》中出现 deviate 的两个句子:
1)Stock prices deviate from this fair value only because investors over-react to news.
2)But even if quantum’s spring turns to winter, the chances are high that there will eventually be a summer. That has happened often enough in the past. To use a concept developed by Carlota Perez, an economic historian, revolutionary technologies always go through a “gilded age”, often accompanied by an investment bubble that pops, before entering a “golden age” of widespread deployment. There is little reason to believe that quantum computing will deviate from that path.
3. 怎样学会使用这个词?
Disciplined, he has never deviated from his goals and plans.
(参考翻译:Disciplined, he has never deviated from his goals and plans.)
例子: 他从未偏离自己最初的计划。
场景:He never deviated from his original plan.