Given an array of size n, find the majority element. The majority element is the element that appears more than ⌊ n/2 ⌋ times.
You may assume that the array is non-empty and the majority element always exist in the array.
由于appears more than ⌊ n/2 ⌋ times, 用count变量计算当前值出现次数,如果如果num[I]与当前值不等,count--, 如果count小于0,改变当前值,count归零。
public class Solution {
public int majorityElement(int[] nums) {
int major = nums[0], count = 1;
for(int i=1; i<nums.length; i++){
if(count == 0){
major = nums[i];
else if(major == nums[i]) count++;
else count--;
return major;