前几天不慎,电脑染上time-to-read.ru病毒,折腾了好久,终于找到一个靠谱的方法解决。附上链接how to remove time-to-read.ru
To remove Time-to-read.ru redirect, follow these steps:
<li><a href="#adwcleaner"><strong>STEP 1</strong>: Scan your computer with Malwarebytes Adwcleaner</a></li>
<li><a href="#malwarebytes"><strong>STEP 2</strong>: Scan your computer with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware</a></li>
<li><strong>STEP 3</strong>: Scan your computer with HitmanPro</li>
<li><strong>(OPTIONAL) STEP 4</strong>: Reset your browser to the default settings</li>
<a id="adwcleaner"><h3>STEP 1: Scan your computer with Malwarebytes AdwCleaner</h3></a>
<p>Malwarebytes AdwCleaner is a free utility that will scan your computer for adware programs that may have been installed without your knowledge.</p>
<li>You can download <strong>Malwarebytes AdwCleaner</strong> from the below link.
<strong>MALWAREBYTES ADWCLEANER DOWNLOAD LINK</a></strong> (<em>This link will start the download of “Malwarebytes AdwCleaner” on your computer</em>)</li>
<li>Before starting Malwarebytes AdwCleaner, close your web browser, then <strong>double-click on the Malwarebytes AdwCleaner icon</strong>.

If Windows prompts you as to whether or not you wish to run Malwarebytes AdwCleaner, please allow it to run.

<li>When the Malwarebytes AdwCleaner program will open, click on the “<strong>Scan</strong>” button as shown below.

Malwarebytes AdwCleaner will now start to search for the adware and other malicious programs.</li>
<li>To remove the malicious files that were detected in the previous step, please click on the “<strong>Clean</strong>” button.

<li>Malwarebytes AdwCleaner will prompt you to save any open files or documents, as the program will need to reboot the computer to complete the cleaning process. Please do so, and then click on the “<strong>OK</strong>” button.

When your computer reboots and you are logged in, Malwarebytes AdwCleaner will automatically <em>open a log file</em> that contains the files, registry keys, and programs that were removed from your computer. Please review this log file and then close the notepad window.</li>
<a id="malwarebytes"><h3>STEP 2: Scan your computer with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware</h3></a>
<p>Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is a powerful on-demand scanner which will remove the Time-to-read.ru redirect from your machine. It is important to note that Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will run alongside antivirus software without conflicts.</p>
<li>You can download <strong>download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware</strong> from the below link.
<strong>MALWAREBYTES ANTI-MALWARE DOWNLOAD LINK</strong><em>(This link will open a new web page from where you can download “Malwarebytes Anti-Malware”)</em></li>
<li>Once downloaded, close all programs, then double-click on the icon on your desktop named “<em>mbam-setup”</em> to start the installation of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.

You may be presented with a <em>User Account Control</em> dialog asking you if you want to run this file. If this happens, you should click “<em>Yes</em>” to continue with the installation.

<li>When the installation begins, you will see the <em>Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Setup Wizard</em> which will guide you through the installation process.

To install Malwarebytes Anti-Malware on your machine, <em>keep following the prompts</em> by clicking the “<strong>Next</strong>” button.

<li>Once installed, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will automatically start and will update the antivirus database. To start a system scan you can click on the “<strong>Scan Now</strong>” button.

<li>Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will now start scanning your computer for the Time-to-read.ru browser hijacker. When Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is scanning it will look like the image below.

<li>When the scan has completed, you will be presented with a screen showing the malware infections that Malwarebytes Anti-Malware has detected. To remove the malicious programs that Malwarebytes Anti-malware has found, click on the “<strong>Remove Selected</strong>” button.

<li>Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will now quarantine all the malicious files and registry keys that it has found. When removing the files, <em>Malwarebytes Anti-Malware may require a reboot</em> in order to remove some of them. If it displays a message stating that it needs to reboot your computer, please allow it to do so.</li>
<a id="hitmanpro"><h3>STEP 3: Scan your computer with HitmanPro</h3></a>
<p>HitmanPro finds and removes malware, adware, bots, and other threats that even the best antivirus suite can oftentimes miss. It’s designed to run alongside your antivirus suite, firewall, and other security tools.</p>
<li>You can download <strong>HitmanPro</strong> from the below link:
<strong>HITMANPRO DOWNLOAD LINK</strong><em>(This link will open a new web page from where you can download “HitmanPro”)</em></li>
<li>Double-click on the file named “<strong>HitmanPro.exe</strong>” (for 32-bit versions of Windows) or “<strong>HitmanPro_x64.exe</strong>” (for 64-bit versions of Windows).

Click on the “<strong>Next</strong>” button, to install HitmanPro on your computer.

<li>HitmanPro will now begin to scan your computer for malware.

<li>When it has finished it will display a list of all the malware that the program found as shown in the image below. Click on the “<strong>Next</strong>” button, to remove malware.

<li>Click on the “<strong>Activate free license</strong>” button to begin the <em>free 30 days trial</em>, and remove all the malicious files from your computer.

<a id="browser" ><h3>(Optional) STEP 4: Reset your browser to the default settings</h3></a>
If you are still experiencing issues with the Time-to-read.ru redirect in Internet Explorer, Firefox or Chrome, we will need to reset your browser to its default settings.
<strong>This step needs to be performed only if your issues have not been solved by the previous steps</strong>.
<h2>Google Chrome</h2>
Google Chrome has an option that will reset itself to its default settings. Resetting your browser settings will reset the unwanted changes caused by installing other programmes. However, your saved bookmarks and passwords will not be cleared or changed.
<li>Click on Chrome’s main menu button, represented by three horizontal lines. When the drop-down menu appears, select the option labeled <strong>Settings</strong>.

<li>Chrome’s Settings should now be displayed in a new tab or window, depending on your configuration. Next, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the <strong>Show advanced settings</strong> link (as seen in the below example).

<li>Chrome’s advanced Settings should now be displayed. Scroll down until the <em>Reset browser settings</em> section is visible, as shown in the example below. Next, click on the <strong>Reset browser</strong> settings button.

<li>A confirmation dialog should now be displayed, detailing the components that will be restored to their default state should you continue on with the reset process. To complete the restoration process, click on the <strong>Reset</strong> button.

Your computer should now be free of the Time-to-read.ru browser hijacker. You can remove <strong>AdwCleaner</strong> from your machine, however we recommend that you keep <strong>Malwarebytes Anti-Malware</strong> and <strong>HitmanPro</strong> installed to perform regular computer scans.
If you are still experiencing problems while trying to remove Time-to-read.ru redirect from your machine, please do one of the following:
- Run a system scan with <strong><a href="https://malwaretips.com/blogs/run-a-scan-with-zemana-antimalware/">Zemana AntiMalware</a></strong>
- Ask for help in our <strong><a title="Malware Removal Assistance" href="https://malwaretips.com/forums/malware-removal-assistance.10/" >Malware Removal Assistance</a></strong> forum.lwarebytes AdwCleaner, please allow it to run.