. role / sheep
- play a role of sheep
- pay attention to the 尾音
. written
- 我错听成节奏 rhythm /ˋrɪðəm /
. they'll /ðel/
- And they'll focus on your personal qualities
. steal / stole/ stolen / stealing
- with a worker suspected of stealing
- A boy broke into a shop and stole $45
. third /θɝd/ 和 three 不同
- two of you act this out while the third observes
. while /waɪl/
- 读的时候嗷了一声一样 ರ_ರ 心塞
. notice
- notice 不是know啊!
. badge /bædʒ/
- name badge
- police badge
. we've /wiv/
. I've
. rest / west
- west emphasize the 'st'
- vice versa /v3:se /
. Progress
N: ‘progr3s V: pro’gress
. Firm /fɝm/
. Submit /səbˋmɪt/
- it's really brief and short
. Former
- It used to be exist in earlier time
He is my former colleague
. Field /fild/ feel
- field 感觉音比较沉,不会太明显
. rang /ræŋ/
The very evening I left, the phone rang.