abnormal, atypical, aberrant
They all mean deviating markedly from the rule or standard of its kind.它们都指明显与规则或标准相悖。
abnormal : frequently suggests strangeness and sometimes deformity or monstrosity. ant normal
例子:a classic study of abnormal personalities 一个关于异常人格的经典研究。
atypical stresses divergence upward or downward from some established norm. anttypical, representative
例子:a markedly atypical reaction to a drug. 一个典型的对药物不正常的反应
aberrant implies a departure from the usual or natural type. ant true(to a type)
The joyriding incident must be regarded as an aberrant episode in his life. 飙车事件是他生活中的一个异常插曲。