英英释义: having a particular character, interest or way of thinking about things
例句:The Lancet, a general medical journal, is highly popular among academically-minded medical students.
2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)
“minded”常以后缀的形式使用,比如我们常见的有 like-minded(志同道合的),open-minded(思想开明的)。-minded 作为后缀可以表示“有…性格”“对…感兴趣”,我们在一些语境下可以用来灵活替换 charater, be interested in。一起通过几个例子来了解它的灵活用法。
Great leadership calls for tough-minded professionalism.(在这里 tough-minded 就表示有“tough”这种性格的人)
许多对学术研究有兴趣的医学生都喜欢读医学期刊《柳叶刀》(The Lancet),我们可以用 academically-minded 来表示“对学术研究有兴趣的”:
The Lancet, a general medical journal, is highly popular among academically-minded medical students.
《经济学人》中也常用 -minded,比如:
And as more career-minded women have had children, they have become powerful enough to demand time off from their employers.(这里的 career-minded 可以理解为“事业心强的”)
《经济学人》的招聘广告上也有 -minded:
This is an opportunity to work with smart digitally-minded people fighting to keep the newspaper competitive in an ever-changing environment.(digitally-minded 指的就是“对数字媒体感兴趣的”)
3. 从认识到会用(作业)
This program is designed for students who are more interested in sports rather than academic.
(参考翻译:This program is designed for students who are more sports-oriented than academically-minded. )
2.With this methods,I can be open minded to face their fair.