1. 整体评注
定义了权限校验对象 authority_checker。权限校验无非涉及两部分,一部分当前提供的权限,另一部分之前设定好的权限,然后判定当前提供的权限是否满足之前设定好的权限。当前提供的权限是通过对象 authority_checker 的构造函数中的字段 provided_keys 提供的,而这些公钥又是来源于本地钱包的。
之前设定好的权限哪里来?目前不清楚。对象 authority_checker 的模板参数 PermissionToAuthorityFunc 是一个函数,能够根据对象 permission 从数据库中还原出对象 authority。目前这部分内容我还不是特别清楚。
需要注意的是,代码语法比较绕,使用了大量的仿函数,如果无法理解仿函数,就无法理解权限校验的具体过程。比如:仿函数 weight_tally_visitor。需要理解的是,字段 checker 包含了当前待检验权限信息,字段 total_weight 表示累计权重,字段 recursion_depth 表示校验最大的递归次数。参数 vistor 则表示已设定好的权限。
2. 源代码及注释
* @file
* @copyright defined in eos/LICENSE
#pragma once
#include <eosio/chain/types.hpp>
#include <eosio/chain/authority.hpp>
#include <eosio/chain/exceptions.hpp>
#include <eosio/chain/parallel_markers.hpp>
#include <fc/scoped_exit.hpp>
#include <boost/range/algorithm/find.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/cxx11/all_of.hpp>
#include <functional>
namespace eosio { namespace chain {
namespace detail {
// Order of the template types in the static_variant matters to meta_permission_comparator.
using meta_permission = static_variant<permission_level_weight, key_weight, wait_weight>;
struct get_weight_visitor {
using result_type = uint32_t;
template<typename Permission>
uint32_t operator()( const Permission& permission ) { return permission.weight; }
// Orders permissions descending by weight, and breaks ties with Wait permissions being less than
// Key permissions which are in turn less than Account permissions
struct meta_permission_comparator {
bool operator()( const meta_permission& lhs, const meta_permission& rhs ) const {
get_weight_visitor scale;
auto lhs_weight = lhs.visit(scale);
auto lhs_type = lhs.which();
auto rhs_weight = rhs.visit(scale);
auto rhs_type = rhs.which();
return std::tie( lhs_weight, lhs_type ) > std::tie( rhs_weight, rhs_type );
using meta_permission_set = boost::container::flat_multiset<meta_permission, meta_permission_comparator>;
} /// namespace detail
* @brief This class determines whether a set of signing keys are sufficient to satisfy an authority or not
* To determine whether an authority is satisfied or not, we first determine which keys have approved of a message, and
* then determine whether that list of keys is sufficient to satisfy the authority. This class takes a list of keys and
* provides the @ref satisfied method to determine whether that list of keys satisfies a provided authority.
* @tparam F A callable which takes a single argument of type @ref AccountPermission and returns the corresponding
* authority
template<typename PermissionToAuthorityFunc>
class authority_checker {
PermissionToAuthorityFunc permission_to_authority;
const std::function<void()>& checktime;
vector<public_key_type> provided_keys; // Making this a flat_set<public_key_type> causes runtime problems with utilities::filter_data_by_marker for some reason. TODO: Figure out why.
flat_set<permission_level> provided_permissions;
vector<bool> _used_keys;
fc::microseconds provided_delay;
uint16_t recursion_depth_limit;
authority_checker( PermissionToAuthorityFunc permission_to_authority,
uint16_t recursion_depth_limit,
const flat_set<public_key_type>& provided_keys,
const flat_set<permission_level>& provided_permissions,
fc::microseconds provided_delay,
const std::function<void()>& checktime
,checktime( checktime )
,provided_keys(provided_keys.begin(), provided_keys.end())
,_used_keys(provided_keys.size(), false)
EOS_ASSERT( static_cast<bool>(checktime), authorization_exception, "checktime cannot be empty" );
enum permission_cache_status {
typedef map<permission_level, permission_cache_status> permission_cache_type;
bool satisfied( const permission_level& permission,
fc::microseconds override_provided_delay,
permission_cache_type* cached_perms = nullptr
auto delay_reverter = fc::make_scoped_exit( [this, delay = provided_delay] () mutable {
provided_delay = delay;
provided_delay = override_provided_delay;
return satisfied( permission, cached_perms );
bool satisfied( const permission_level& permission, permission_cache_type* cached_perms = nullptr ) {
permission_cache_type cached_permissions;
if( cached_perms == nullptr )
cached_perms = initialize_permission_cache( cached_permissions );
weight_tally_visitor visitor(*this, *cached_perms, 0);
return ( visitor(permission_level_weight{permission, 1}) > 0 );
template<typename AuthorityType>
bool satisfied( const AuthorityType& authority,
fc::microseconds override_provided_delay,
permission_cache_type* cached_perms = nullptr
auto delay_reverter = fc::make_scoped_exit( [this, delay = provided_delay] () mutable {
provided_delay = delay;
provided_delay = override_provided_delay;
return satisfied( authority, cached_perms );
template<typename AuthorityType>
bool satisfied( const AuthorityType& authority, permission_cache_type* cached_perms = nullptr ) {
permission_cache_type cached_permissions;
if( cached_perms == nullptr )
cached_perms = initialize_permission_cache( cached_permissions );
return satisfied( authority, *cached_perms, 0 );
bool all_keys_used() const { return boost::algorithm::all_of_equal(_used_keys, true); }
flat_set<public_key_type> used_keys() const {
auto range = filter_data_by_marker(provided_keys, _used_keys, true);
return {range.begin(), range.end()};
flat_set<public_key_type> unused_keys() const {
auto range = filter_data_by_marker(provided_keys, _used_keys, false);
return {range.begin(), range.end()};
static optional<permission_cache_status>
permission_status_in_cache( const permission_cache_type& permissions,
const permission_level& level )
auto itr = permissions.find( level );
if( itr != permissions.end() )
return itr->second;
itr = permissions.find( {, permission_name()} );
if( itr != permissions.end() )
return itr->second;
return optional<permission_cache_status>();
permission_cache_type* initialize_permission_cache( permission_cache_type& cached_permissions ) {
for( const auto& p : provided_permissions ) {
cached_permissions.emplace_hint( cached_permissions.end(), p, permission_satisfied );
return &cached_permissions;
template<typename AuthorityType>
bool satisfied( const AuthorityType& authority, permission_cache_type& cached_permissions, uint16_t depth ) {
// Save the current used keys; if we do not satisfy this authority, the newly used keys aren't actually used
auto KeyReverter = fc::make_scoped_exit([this, keys = _used_keys] () mutable {
_used_keys = keys;
// Sort key permissions and account permissions together into a single set of meta_permissions
detail::meta_permission_set permissions;
permissions.insert(authority.waits.begin(), authority.waits.end());
permissions.insert(authority.keys.begin(), authority.keys.end());
permissions.insert(authority.accounts.begin(), authority.accounts.end());
// Check all permissions, from highest weight to lowest, seeing if provided authorization factors satisfies them or not
weight_tally_visitor visitor(*this, cached_permissions, depth);
for( const auto& permission : permissions )
// If we've got enough weight, to satisfy the authority, return!
if( permission.visit(visitor) >= authority.threshold ) {
return true;
return false;
struct weight_tally_visitor {
using result_type = uint32_t;
authority_checker& checker;
permission_cache_type& cached_permissions;
uint16_t recursion_depth;
uint32_t total_weight = 0;
weight_tally_visitor(authority_checker& checker, permission_cache_type& cached_permissions, uint16_t recursion_depth)
uint32_t operator()(const wait_weight& permission) {
if( checker.provided_delay >= fc::seconds(permission.wait_sec) ) {
total_weight += permission.weight;
return total_weight;
uint32_t operator()(const key_weight& permission) {
auto itr = boost::find( checker.provided_keys, permission.key );
if( itr != checker.provided_keys.end() ) {
checker._used_keys[itr - checker.provided_keys.begin()] = true;
total_weight += permission.weight;
return total_weight;
uint32_t operator()(const permission_level_weight& permission) {
auto status = authority_checker::permission_status_in_cache( cached_permissions, permission.permission );
if( !status ) {
if( recursion_depth < checker.recursion_depth_limit ) {
bool r = false;
typename permission_cache_type::iterator itr = cached_permissions.end();
bool propagate_error = false;
try {
auto&& auth = checker.permission_to_authority( permission.permission );
propagate_error = true;
auto res = cached_permissions.emplace( permission.permission, being_evaluated );
itr = res.first;
r = checker.satisfied( std::forward<decltype(auth)>(auth), cached_permissions, recursion_depth + 1 );
} catch( const permission_query_exception& ) {
if( propagate_error )
return total_weight; // if the permission doesn't exist, continue without it
if( r ) {
total_weight += permission.weight;
itr->second = permission_satisfied;
} else {
itr->second = permission_unsatisfied;
} else if( *status == permission_satisfied ) {
total_weight += permission.weight;
return total_weight;
}; /// authority_checker
template<typename PermissionToAuthorityFunc>
auto make_auth_checker( PermissionToAuthorityFunc&& pta,
uint16_t recursion_depth_limit,
const flat_set<public_key_type>& provided_keys,
const flat_set<permission_level>& provided_permissions = flat_set<permission_level>(),
fc::microseconds provided_delay = fc::microseconds(0),
const std::function<void()>& _checktime = std::function<void()>()
auto noop_checktime = []() {};
const auto& checktime = ( static_cast<bool>(_checktime) ? _checktime : noop_checktime );
return authority_checker< PermissionToAuthorityFunc>( std::forward<PermissionToAuthorityFunc>(pta),
checktime );
} } // namespace eosio::chain
- Windstamp,