Generators Are Simplified Iterators
In the chapter on iterators we spent quite a bit of time writing a class-based iterator. This wasn’t a bad idea from an educational perspective—but it also demonstrated how writing an iterator class requires a lot of boilerplate code. To tell you the truth, as a “lazy” developer, I don’t like tedious and repetitive work.
And yet, iterators are so useful in Python. They allow you to write pretty for -in loops and help you make your code more Pythonic and efficient. If there only was a more convenient way to write these iterators in the first place…
Surprise, there is! Once more, Python helps us out with some syntactic sugar to make writing iterators easier. In this chapter you’ll see how to write iterators faster and with less code using generators and the yield keyword.
Infinite Generators
Let’s start by looking again at the Repeater example that I previously used to introduce the idea of iterators. It implemented a class-based iterator cycling through an infinite sequence of values. This is what the class looked like in its second (simplified) version:
class Repeater:
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
return self.value
If you’re thinking, “that’s quite a lot of code for such a simple iterator,” you’re absolutely right. Parts of this class seem rather formulaic, as if they would be written in exactly the same way from one class-based iterator to the next.
This is where Python’s generators enter the scene. If I rewrite this iterator class as a generator, it looks like this:
def repeater(value):
while True:
yield value
We just went from seven lines of code to three. Not bad, eh? As you can see, generators look like regular functions but instead of using the return statement, they use yield to pass data back to the caller.
Will this new generator implementation still work the same way as our class-based iterator did? Let’s bust out the for-in loop test to find out:
>>> for x in repeater('Hi'):
... print(x)
Yep! We’re still looping through our greetings forever. This much shorter generator implementation seems to perform the same way that the Repeater class did. (Remember to hit Ctrl+C if you want out of the infinite loop in an interpreter session.)
Now, how do these generators work? They look like normal functions, but their behavior is quite different. For starters, calling a generator function doesn’t even run the function. It merely creates and returns a generator object:
>>> repeater('Hey')
<generator object repeater at 0x107bcdbf8>
The code in the generator function only executes when next() is called on the generator object:
>>> generator_obj = repeater('Hey')
>>> next(generator_obj)
If you read the code of the repeater function again, it looks like the yield keyword in there somehow stops this generator function in midexecution and then resumes it at a later point in time:
def repeater(value):
while True:
yield value
And that’s quite a fitting mental model for what happens here. You see, when a return statement is invoked inside a function, it permanently passes control back to the caller of the function. When a yield is invoked, it also passes control back to the caller of the function—but it only does so temporarily.
Whereas a return statement disposes of a function’s local state, a yield statement suspends the function and retains its local state. In practical terms, this means local variables and the execution state of the generator function are only stashed away temporarily and not thrown out completely. Execution can be resumed at any time by calling next() on the generator:
>>> iterator = repeater('Hi')
>>> next(iterator)
>>> next(iterator)
>>> next(iterator)
This makes generators fully compatible with the iterator protocol. For this reason, I like to think of them primarily as syntactic sugar for implementing iterators.
You’ll find that for most types of iterators, writing a generator function will be easier and more readable than defining a long-winded classbased iterator.
Generators That Stop Generating
In this chapter we started out by writing an infinite generator once again. By now you’re probably wondering how to write a generator that stops producing values after a while, instead of going on and on forever.
Remember, in our class-based iterator we were able to signal the end of iteration by manually raising a StopIteration exception. Because generators are fully compatible with class-based iterators, that’s still what happens behind the scenes.
Thankfully, as programmers we get to work with a nicer interface this time around. Generators stop generating values as soon as control flow returns from the generator function by any means other than a yield statement. This means you no longer have to worry about raising StopIteration at all!
Here’s an example:
def repeat_three_times(value):
yield value
yield value
yield value
Notice how this generator function doesn’t include any kind of loop. In fact it’s dead simple and only consists of three yield statements. If a yield temporarily suspends execution of the function and passes back a value to the caller, what will happen when we reach the end of this generator? Let’s find out:
>>> for x in repeat_three_times('Hey there'):
... print(x)
'Hey there'
'Hey there'
'Hey there'
As you may have expected, this generator stopped producing new values after three iterations. We can assume that it did so by raising a StopIteration exception when execution reached the end of the function. But to be sure, let’s confirm that with another experiment:
>>> iterator = repeat_three_times('Hey there')
>>> next(iterator)
'Hey there'
>>> next(iterator)
'Hey there'
>>> next(iterator)
'Hey there'
>>> next(iterator)
>>> next(iterator)
This iterator behaved just like we expected. As soon as we reach the end of the generator function, it keeps raising StopIteration to signal that it has no more values to provide.
Let’s come back to another example from the iterators chapter. The BoundedIterator class implemented an iterator that would only repeat a value a set number of times:
class BoundedRepeater:
def __init__(self, value, max_repeats):
self.value = value
self.max_repeats = max_repeats
self.count = 0
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.count >= self.max_repeats:
raise StopIteration
self.count += 1
return self.value
Why don’t we try to re-implement this BoundedRepeater class as a generator function. Here’s my first take on it:
def bounded_repeater(value, max_repeats):
count = 0
while True:
if count >= max_repeats:
count += 1
yield value
I intentionally made the while loop in this function a little unwieldy. I wanted to demonstrate how invoking a return statement from a generator causes iteration to stop with a StopIteration exception. We’ll soon clean up and simplify this generator function some more, but first let’s try out what we’ve got so far:
>>> for x in bounded_repeater('Hi', 4):
... print(x)
Great! Now we have a generator that stops producing values after a configurable number of repetitions. It uses the yield statement to pass back values until it finally hits the return statement and iteration stops.
Like I promised you, we can further simplify this generator. We’ll take advantage of the fact that Python adds an implicit return None statement to the end of every function. This is what our final implementation looks like:
def bounded_repeater(value, max_repeats):
for i in range(max_repeats):
yield value
Feel free to confirm that this simplified generator still works the same way. All things considered, we went from a 12-line implementation in the BoundedRepeater class to a three-line generator-based implementation providing the exact same functionality. That’s a 75% reduction in the number of lines of code—not too shabby!
As you just saw, generators help “abstract away” most of the boilerplate code otherwise needed when writing class-based iterators. They can make your life as a programmer much easier and allow you to write cleaner, shorter, and more maintainable iterators. Generator functions are a great feature in Python, and you shouldn’t hesitate to use them in your own programs.
Key Takeaways
- Generator functions are syntactic sugar for writing objects that support the iterator protocol. Generators abstract away much of the boilerplate code needed when writing class-based iterators.
- The yield statement allows you to temporarily suspend execution of a generator function and to pass back values from it.
- Generators start raising StopIteration exceptions after control flow leaves the generator function by any means other than a yield statement.