- affine and convex sets
- some important examples
- operations that preserve convexity
- generalized inequalities
- separating and supporting hyperplanes
- dual cones and generalized inequalities
Affine set
line through x_1,x_2:all points
x = \theta x_1+(1-\theta)x_2,(\theta\in\mathbb{R})
affine set: contains the line through any two distinct points in the set.
example: solution set of linear equations \{x|Ax=b\}
(conversely, every affine set can be expressed as solution set of system of linear equations)
Convex set
line segment between x_1 and x_2: all points
x = \theta x_1+(1-\theta)x_2
with 0\leq\theta\leq1
convex set: contains line segment between any two points in the set
x_1,x_2\in\mathbb{C},0\leq\theta\leq 1\Longrightarrow \theta x_1+(1-\theta)x_2\in\mathbb{C}
Convex combination and convex hull
convex combination of x_1,...,x_k: any point x of the form:
with \theta_1+...+\theta_k = 1, \theta_i\geq 0
convex hull conv S: set of all convex combinations of points in S
Convex cone
conic (nonnegative) combination of x_1 and x_2: any point of the form
x = \theta_1x_1+\theta_2x_2
with \theta_1\geq 0,\theta_2\geq 0
convex cone: set that contains all conic combinations of points in the set
Hyperplanes and halfspaces
hyperplane: set of the form \{x|a^Tx=b\}(a\ne 0)
halfspace: set of the form \{x|a^Tx\leq b\}(a\ne 0)
- a is the normal vector
- hyperplanes are affine and convex; halfspaces are convex
Euclidean balls and ellipsoids
(Euclidean) ball with center x_c and radius r:
B(x_c,r)=\{x|\ ||x-x_c||_2\leq r\}=\{x_c+ru|\ ||u||_2\leq 1\}
ellipsoid: set of the form
\{x|(x-x_c)^TP^{-1}(x-x_c)\leq 1
with P\in \mathbb{S_{++}^n}(i.e. P symmetric positive definite)
other representation: \{x_c+Au|\ ||u||_2\leq 1\} with A square and nonsingular.
Norm balls and norm cones
norm: a function ||\cdot|| that satisfies
- ||x||\geq0,||x||=0 if and only if x=0
- ||tx||=|t|||x|| for t\in\mathbb{R}
- ||x+y||\leq||x||+||y||
norm ball with center x_c and radius r:\{x|\ ||x-x_c||\leq r\}
norm cone: \{(x,t)|\ ||x||\leq t\}
Euclidean norm cone is called second-order cone
norm balls and cones are convex
solution set of finitely many linear inequalities and equalities
Ax\preceq b,\qquad Cx=d
(A\in \mathbb{R}^{m\times n},C\in \mathbb{R}^{p\times n})
polyhedron is intersection of finite number of halfspaces and hyperplanes.
Positive semidefinite cone
- \mathbb{S}^n is set of symmetric n\times n matrices
- \mathbb{S}_{+}^{n} = \{X\in\mathbb{S}^n| X\succeq 0\}: positive semidefinite n\times n matrices
X\in\mathbb{S}_{+}^{n} \Longleftrightarrow z^TXz\geq0 \ for\ all\ z
\mathbb{S}_{+}^{n} is a convex cone
- \mathbb{S}_{+}^{n} = \{X\in\mathbb{S}^n| X\succ 0\}: positive definite n\times n matrices
Operations that preserve convexity
practical methods for establishing convexity of a set C
1. apply definition
x_1,x_2\in C,\quad 0\leq\theta\leq 1 \Longrightarrow \theta x_1+(1-\theta)x_2\in C
2. show that C is obtained from simple convex sets (hyperplanes, halfspaces, norm balls, ...) by operations that preserve convexity
- intersection
- affine functions
- perspective function
- linear-fractional functions
intersection: the intersection of any number of convex sets is convex
Affine function: suppose f:\mathbb{R}^n\to\mathbb{R}^m is affine (f(x) = Ax+b with A\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times n},b\in\mathbb{R}^m)
- the image of a convex set under f is convex
- the inverse image f^{-1}(C) of a convex set under f is convex.
- scaling, translation, projection
- solution set of linear matrix inequality \{x| x_1A_1+...+x_mA_m\preceq B\} (with A_i,B\in\mathbb{S}^p)
- hyperbolic cone \{x| x^TPx\leq(c^Tx)^2,c^Tx\geq 0\}(with P\in\mathbb{S}_{+}^{n})
Perspective and linear-fractional function
-perspective funtion P:\mathbb{R}^{n+1}\to\mathbb{R}^n:
P(x,t)=x/t,\qquad domP=\{(x,t)|t\ >0\}
images and inverse images of convex sets under perspective are convex.
-linear-fractional function f:\mathbb{R}^n\to\mathbb{R}^m:
f(x)=\frac{Ax+b}{c^Tx+d},\qquad dom f=\{x| c^Tx+d>0\}
images and inverse images of convex sets under linear-fractional functions are convex.
Generalized inequalities
a convex cone K\subset\mathbb{R}^n is a proper cone if
- K is closed (contains its boundary)
- K is solid (has nonempty interior)
- K is pointed (contains no line)
- nonnegative orthant K=\mathbb{R}_{+}^{n}=\{x\in\mathbb{R}^n| x_i\geq0,i=1,..,n\}
- positive semidefinite cone K = \mathbb{S}_{+}^{n}
- nonnegative polynomials on [0,1]:
K=\{x\in\mathbb{R}^n| x_1+x_2t+x_3t^2+...+x_nt^{n-1}\geq0\ for\ t\in[0,1]\}
generalized inequality defined by a proper cone K:
x\preceq_{K} y \Longleftrightarrow y-x\in K,x\prec_{K} y \Longleftrightarrow y-x\in \textbf{int}K
properties: many properties of \preceq_K are similar to \leq on \mathbb{R},e.g.,
x\preceq_K y,\quad u\preceq_Kv \Longrightarrow x+u\preceq_K y+v
Minimum and minimal elements
\preceq_K is not in general a \textit{linear ordering}
x\in\mathbb{S} is the minimum element of S with respect to \preceq_K if
y\in\mathbb{S}\Longrightarrow x\preceq_K y
x\in\mathbb{S} is a minimal element of S with respect to \preceq_K if
y\in\mathbb{S},y\preceq_K x\Longrightarrow y=x
Separating hyperplane theorem
if C and D are disjoint convex sets, then there exists a\ne 0,b such that
a^Tx\leq b\ for\ x\in C,\quad a^Tx\geq b\ for\ x\in D
the hyperplane \{x | a^Tx = b\} separates C and D
strict separation requires additional assumptions(e.g.,C is closed, D is a singleton)
Supporting hyperplane theorem
supporting hyperplane to set C at boundary point x_0:
\{x| a^Tx = a^Tx_0\}
where a\ne 0 and a^Tx\leq a^Tx_0 for all x\in C
supporting hyperplane theorem: if C is convex, then exists a supporting hyperplane at every boundary point of C
Dual cones and generalized inequalities
dual cone of a cone K:
K^* = \{y| y^Tx\geq 0\ for\ all\ x\in K\}
K = \mathbb{R}_{+}^n: K^* = \mathbb{R}_+^n
K = \mathbb{S}_{+}^n: K^* = \mathbb{S}_+^n
K = \{(x,t)|\ ||x||_2\leq t\}: K^*=\{(x,t)|\ ||x||_2\leq t\}
K = \{(x,t)|\ ||x||_1\leq t\}: K^*=\{(x,t)|\ ||x||_{\infty}\leq t\}
first three examples are self-dual cones
dual cones of proper cones are proper, hence define generalized inequalities:
y\succeq_{K^*} 0 \Longleftrightarrow y^Tx\geq0\ for\ all\ x\succeq_K 0
Minimum and minimal elements via dual inequalities
minimum element w.r.t. \preceq_K
x is minimum element of S iff for all \lambda\succ_{K^*}0,x is the unique minimizer of \lambda^Tz over S
minimal element w.r.t. \preceq_K
- if x minimizes \lambda^Tz over S for some \lambda\succ_{K^*}0, then x is minimal
- if x is a minimal element of a convex set S, then there exists a nonzero \lambda\succeq_{K^*}0 such that x minimizes \lambda^Tz over S