mask or respirator?
The following text is from Amazon(
Miuphro KN95 Face Mask 50 Pack, Disposable Respirator Masks, 5 Layer Design Safety Mask for Protection, Ideal for Men and Women (White)
A respirator has better filtration, and if worn properly the whole time it is in use, can provide a higher level of protection than a cloth or procedural mask. A mask or respirator will be less effective if it fits poorly or if you wear it improperly or take it off frequently.
Face coverings and medical masks are for helping protect those around you as you talk, cough or sneeze.
Respirators – when worn properly – are designed help protect you while you breathe in.
new word maskfish
Someone who is attractive with their mask on and not attractive with their mask off.
Mask fisher: A newly-coined phrase in the Era of the Covid-19 pandemic, same with “Magikkun” in Korean, which refers to a person who has a big difference in facial appearance before and after mask removal. The term points out someone as a fraud or assailant who disappointed an observer with an unexpected appearance, which possibly gives an emotional wound to him or her.