
1. 建立一个汽车类Auto,包括轮胎个数,汽车颜色,车身重量,速度等属性,并通过不同的构造方法创建实例。至少要求 汽车能够加速 减速 停车。 再定义一个小汽车类CarAuto 继承Auto 并添加空调、CD属性,并且重新实现方法覆盖加速、减速的方法
class CorrectType(Exception):

    def __str__(self):
        return 'Wrong type!'

class WriteError(Exception):

    def __str__(self):
        return 'Modify read-only properties!'

class Auto:

    def __init__(self, tires_num, color, weight, speed=0):
        :param tires_num: 轮胎个数
        :param color: 汽车颜色
        :param weight: 车身重量
        :param speed: 起始速度
        self._tires_num = self.tires_num = tires_num
        self._color = color
        self.weight = weight
        if not (isinstance(speed, int) or isinstance(speed, float)) or speed < 0:
            raise CorrectType
            self._speed = speed

    def tires_num(self):
        return self._tires_num

    def tires_num(self, value):
        if not isinstance(value, int) or value <= 0:
            raise CorrectType
        self._tires_num = value

    def color(self):
        return self._tires_num

    def color(self, value):
        if not isinstance(value, str):
            raise CorrectType
        self._tires_num = value

    def weight(self):
        return self._tires_num

    def weight(self, value):
        if not Auto.is_num(value):
            raise CorrectType
        self._tires_num = value

    def speed(self):
        return self._speed

    def speed(self, value):
        raise WriteError

    def accelerate(self, sp):
        if not Auto.is_num(sp):
            raise CorrectType
        old_speed = self.speed
        self._speed += sp
        print('The auto is accelerating({} -> {}), the current speed is {} km/h.'
              .format(old_speed, self.speed, self.speed))

    def decelerate(self, sp):
        if not Auto.is_num(sp):
            raise CorrectType
        old_speed = self.speed
        self._speed = self._speed - sp if self._speed >= sp else 0
        print('The auto is decelerating({} -> {}), the current speed is {} km/h.'
              .format(old_speed, self.speed, self.speed))

    def stop(self):
        self._speed = 0
        print('The auto stopped, the current speed is {} km/h'.format(self.speed))

    def is_num(value):
        return isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, float) or value > 0

    def __repr__(self):
        return ''.join(['<', str(self.__dict__)[1:-1], '>'])

class CarAuto(Auto):

    def __init__(self, tires_num, color, weight, speed=0, air_conditioning=False, cd=False):
        :param tires_num: 轮胎个数
        :param color: 汽车颜色
        :param weight: 车身重量
        :param speed: 起始速度
        :param air_conditioning: 是否有空调
        :param cd: 是否有CD
        super().__init__(tires_num, color, weight, speed)
        self.air_conditioning = air_conditioning
        self.cd = cd

    def accelerate(self, sp):
        old_speed = self.speed
        self._speed += sp
        print('The car is accelerating({} -> {}), the current speed is {} km/h.'
              .format(old_speed, self.speed, self.speed))

    def decelerate(self, sp):
        old_speed = self.speed
        self._speed = self._speed - sp if self._speed >= sp else 0
        print('The car is decelerating({} -> {}), the current speed is {} km/h.'
              .format(old_speed, self.speed, self.speed))
auto1 = Auto(4, 'black', 300)

# The auto is accelerating(0 -> 20), the current speed is 20 km/h.
# The auto is decelerating(20 -> 10), the current speed is 10 km/h.
# The auto stopped, the current speed is 0 km/h

car1 = CarAuto(4, 'red', 200, air_conditioning=True)
# The car is accelerating(0 -> 40), the current speed is 40 km/h.
# 1The car is decelerating(40 -> 20), the current speed is 20 km/h.
2. 创建一个Person类,添加一个类字段用来统计Person类的对象的个数
class Person:
   count = 0

   def __init__(self, name, age, gender):
      self.name = name
      self.age = age
      self.gender = gender
      Person.count += 1

   def __repr__(self):
      return ''.join(['<', str(self.__dict__)[1:-1], '>'])
p1 = Person('Lina', 19, 'female')
print(Person.count)  # 1
p2 = Person('Jack', 18, 'male')
print(Person.count)  # 1
p3 = Person('Kin', 20, 'male')
print(Person.count)  # 1
3. 创建一个动物类,拥有属性:性别、年龄、颜色、类型 ,
要求打印这个类的对象的时候以'/XXX的对象: 性别-? 年龄-? 颜色-? 类型-?/' 的形式来打印
class Animal:
   def __init__(self, gender, age, color, species):
      self.gender = gender
      self.age = age
      self.color = color
      self.species = species

   def __repr__(self):
      """/XXX的对象: 性别-? 年龄-? 颜色-? 类型-?/'"""
      return '/{}的对象: 性别-{} 年龄-{} 颜色-{} 类型-{}/' \
         .format(self.__class__.__name__, self.gender, self.age, self.color, self.species)

class Cat(Animal):

class Dog(Animal):
a1 = Animal('公', 3, '白色', '哺乳动物')
print(a1)  # /Animal的对象: 性别-公 年龄-3 颜色-白色 类型-哺乳动物/
c1 = Cat('母', 2, '灰白相间', '布偶猫')
print(c1)  # /Cat的对象: 性别-母 年龄-2 颜色-灰白相间 类型-布偶猫/
d1 = Dog('公', 1, '黑', '哈士奇')
print(d1)  # /Dog的对象: 性别-公 年龄-1 颜色-黑 类型-哈士奇/
4. 写一个圆类, 拥有属性半径、面积和周长;要求获取面积和周长的时候的时候可以根据半径的值把对应的值取到。但是给面积和周长赋值的时候,程序直接崩溃,并且提示改属性不能赋值
class Circle:
   pi = 3.141592653589793

   def __init__(self, radius):
      self.radius = radius
      self._area = Circle.pi * self.radius ** 2
      self._perimeter = 2 * Circle.pi * self.radius

   def area(self):
      self._area = Circle.pi * self.radius ** 2
      return self._area

   def area(self, value):
      raise WriteError

   def perimeter(self):
      self._perimeter = 2 * Circle.pi * self.radius
      return self._perimeter

   def perimeter(self, value):
      raise WriteError

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<radius: {}, area: {}, perimeter: {}>'\
            .format(self.radius, self.area, self.perimeter)
c1 = Circle(10)
print(c1)  # <radius: 10, area: 314.1592653589793, perimeter: 62.83185307179586>
c1.area = 100  # __main__.WriteError: Modify read-only properties!
c1.perimeter = 30  # __main__.WriteError: Modify read-only properties!
c1.radius = 5
print(c1)  # <radius: 5, area: 78.53981633974483, perimeter: 31.41592653589793>
5. 写一个扑克类, 要求拥有发牌和洗牌的功能(具体的属性和其他功能自己根据实际情况发挥)
from random import shuffle

class CorrectType(Exception):

    def __str__(self):
        return 'Wrong type!'

class Poker:
    __colors = ['♥️', '♠️', '♦️', '♣️']
    __nums = ['3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A', '2']

    def __init__(self):
        self.__cards = [i for i in range(54)]

        self.__top_cards = self.__cards[:3]

        # 对分组的牌排序
        self.__p1 = self.__p2 = self.__p3 = []
        self.__p1 = Poker.__sorted_cards(self.__cards[3:20])
        self.__p2 = Poker.__sorted_cards(self.__cards[20:37])
        self.__p3 = Poker.__sorted_cards(self.__cards[37:])

    def cards(self):
        return Poker.__set_cards(self.__cards)

    def cards(self, value):
        # self.__cards = [i for i in range(54)]
        # shuffle(self.__cards)
        raise WriteError

    def top_cards(self):
        return Poker.__set_cards(self.__top_cards)

    def top_cards(self, value):
        raise WriteError

    def p1(self):
        return Poker.__set_cards(self.__p1)

    def p1(self, value):
        raise WriteError

    def p2(self):
        return Poker.__set_cards(self.__p2)

    def p2(self, value):
        raise WriteError

    def p3(self):
        return Poker.__set_cards(self.__p3)

    def p3(self, value):
        raise WriteError

    def __sorted_cards(cards: list):
        self_cards = sorted(cards)
        return self_cards

    def to_be_landlord(self):
        times = 2
        while times:
            for i in range(1, 4):
                player = ''.join(['p', str(i)])
                choice = str(i) + input('{}是否叫地主(y/n):'.format(player))
                if choice[-1] == 'y':
                    # 拼接属性名
                    player = '_Poker__' + player
                    # print(player)
                    # 动态获取当前叫地主的玩家(p1-p3)
                    p = getattr(self, player)
                    # 将顶牌加入后,该玩家手牌重写排序
                    setattr(self, player, Poker.__sorted_cards(p + self.__top_cards))
            times -= 1

    def __set_cards(cls, part_cards: list):
        part_len = len(part_cards)
        out_cards = ['' for _ in range(part_len)]
        for index in range(part_len):
            if part_cards[index] == 52:
                out_cards[index] = 'Black Joker'
            elif part_cards[index] == 53:
                out_cards[index] = 'Red Joker'
                # 按大小排
                out_cards[index] = cls.__colors[part_cards[index] % 4] + cls.__nums[part_cards[index] // 4]
        return out_cards

    def __repr__(self):
        # return 'top_cards: {}\np1: {}\np2: {}\np3: {}' \
        #   .format(self.__top_cards, self.__p1, self.__p2, self.__p3)
        return 'top_cards: {}\np1: {}\np2: {}\np3: {}' \
            .format(self.top_cards, self.p1, self.p2, self.p3) if self.__top_cards else \
            'p1: {}\np2: {}\np3: {}'.format(self.p1, self.p2, self.p3)
    poker = Poker()
    top_cards: ['♠️J', '♦️5', '♠️7']
    p1: ['♥️4', '♣️4', '♠️5', '♣️5', '♥️6', '♥️7', '♦️7', '♠️8', '♣️8', '♥️10', '♦️J', '♥️Q', '♠️Q', '♥️K', '♠️K', '♦️K', '♠️2']
    p2: ['♠️3', '♦️3', '♣️3', '♠️4', '♦️6', '♣️7', '♦️8', '♠️9', '♦️10', '♥️J', '♥️A', '♠️A', '♣️A', '♥️2', '♣️2', 'Black Joker', 'Red Joker']
    p3: ['♥️3', '♦️4', '♥️5', '♠️6', '♣️6', '♥️8', '♥️9', '♦️9', '♣️9', '♠️10', '♣️10', '♣️J', '♦️Q', '♣️Q', '♣️K', '♦️A', '♦️2']
    p1: ['♥️4', '♣️4', '♠️5', '♦️5', '♣️5', '♥️6', '♥️7', '♠️7', '♦️7', '♠️8', '♣️8', '♥️10', '♠️J', '♦️J', '♥️Q', '♠️Q', '♥️K', '♠️K', '♦️K', '♠️2']
    p2: ['♠️3', '♦️3', '♣️3', '♠️4', '♦️6', '♣️7', '♦️8', '♠️9', '♦️10', '♥️J', '♥️A', '♠️A', '♣️A', '♥️2', '♣️2', 'Black Joker', 'Red Joker']
    p3: ['♥️3', '♦️4', '♥️5', '♠️6', '♣️6', '♥️8', '♥️9', '♦️9', '♣️9', '♠️10', '♣️10', '♣️J', '♦️Q', '♣️Q', '♣️K', '♦️A', '♦️2']
6. (尝试)写一个类,其功能是:1.解析指定的歌词文件的内容 2.按时间显示歌词 提示:歌词文件的内容一般是按下面的格式进行存储的。歌词前面对应的是时间,在对应的时间点可以显示对应的歌词
import time
import re

class CorrectType(Exception):

    def __str__(self):
        return 'Wrong type!'

class LyricsAnalysis:
    def __init__(self):
        self.__lyric_list = []

    def lyric_list(self):
        return self.__lyric_list

    def lyric_list(self, value):
        raise WriteError

    def analysis(self, path: str):
        with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            line = f.readline()
            while line:
                r1 = re.compile(r'(\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{2})')  # r1分离时间
                # r'([\u4E00-\u9FA5A-Za-z:./-]*)(?:\n)$'
                r2 = re.compile(r'(?:])(\D+)$')  # r2分离歌词,匹配']'(不显示)和非数字类型
                ti = r1.findall(line)
                ly = r2.findall(line)
                # print(ti, ly)
                if ti:
                    for key in r1.findall(line):
                        key = LyricsAnalysis.__to_second(key)
                        value = ly[0] if ly else ''
                        # print(key, value)
                        self.__lyric_list.append([key, value])
                line = f.readline()

    def show_lyrics(self, speed=0):
        for index in range(len(self.__lyric_list) - 1):
            last_time = self.__lyric_list[index][0]
            this_time = self.__lyric_list[index + 1][0]
            sleep_time = this_time - last_time
            if sleep_time > 2:
                if not index % 10:
                    speed = sleep_time / 15 + sleep_time / 100
                    speed = sleep_time / 15
                if not index % 5:
                    speed = sleep_time / 45 + sleep_time / 20
                    speed = sleep_time / 45
            while sleep_time > speed:
                # print(this_time - last_time)
                print('\r{}\t\t{:.2f}'.format(self.__lyric_list[index][1][:-1], sleep_time), end='')
                sleep_time -= speed

    def __to_second(str1: str):
        r = re.compile(r'(?::)')  # 分离分钟和秒
        result = r.split(str1)
        minute = result[0]
        return int(minute) * 60 + float(result[1])
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