Let me explain this another way. Muscles can become tense when they are consciously holding back an impulse. For example, one can become so angry that the muscles ache from holding back the impulse.
——一股脑的把Lowen的书都买了,现在发现这些用时间和生命累积起来的智慧,是需要同频才能阅读的。幸好,有一些浅表性的理解,读起来可以更顺畅,而那些目前还不能同频的抛给了宇宙,等待后续再读的时候领悟。突然想起来Satir《the new pepple making 》当时就在想新家庭如何塑造一个人呢?几次的和不同的伙伴读了N多遍之后,才发现这是一本不可多得的好书。而每一次读它都会有不同的添加进来。
In this case one feels the tension in the muscles. But muscles can be tense and the person unaware of the tension.Here, too, an impulse is being restrained but the restraint is unconscious. This is a superego phenomenon.
Just as on the psychic level the superego prevents certain thoughts from reaching consciousness, so on the biological level, spastic, chronically contracted muscles prevent certain impulses from reaching the surface. These muscles are thus removed from conscious control and their function is repressed.
It would follow that one could determine the nature of the super- ego from an analysis of the state of tension in the muscular system. the pattern of muscular tension determines the expres- sion of the individual and this expression is related to this character structure.
In the Chinese symbol of the Yin and the Yang (fg. 3), the t'ai chi is a container of opposites. These opposites have been inter- preted as black and white, day and night, heaven and earth, male and female. We can add the opposites, body and mind.
——不同的文化,有不同文化的精髓。在太极的阴阳文化中,强调阴阳的平衡,阴中有阳,阳中有阴,这是二元的互动关系。所以,我们会居安思危,会塞翁失马焉知非福。在这本书中 ,我会添加一个新的部分是“互动”,在小我、身体、情绪、自己各个部分的互动,彼此互相制约,又互相的影响。如果我可以改变身体的一个微笑的互补,整体的互动和影响就会发生,彼此之间协调形成新的可能性。这么看不仅仅是阴阳平衡,其实某种意义上也是一种互动。
The whole is the cosmos, the macrocosm and mierocosm which is the individual life. It is composed of two perfectly equal halves which lie in close contact with each other. These halves are subject to various interpretation, all of which fit the symbol. What impresses us in this symbol is the roundness, the lack of interaction the unchanging and static quality of the design. It is an expression of Eastern philosophy in which the concept of change and progress is relatively unimportant.
an ego must allow itself to be overwhelmed by each new vital experience so that a new ego will arise in which that experience is properly integrated. But this is only possible where the ego extends in depth. Where the ego is fighting to maintain itself against the superego below, no major growth is possible.