Time 7:00-9:00pm Mar.5th,2017
Opening 3' /MC/Division S Director/Ivy Yang
1.How to improve your stage performance? 25'
Lina Luo /Shanghai/N1 AD
2.How to do a good table topic speech? 15'
Matt Zhou/QDWC TMC/Club president.
3.Why to join Speech contest?
10' 林璐怡
Mandarin Champion of Suzhou Conference.
4. Why to organize speech contest? 5-7'
S1/AD/ Ange Wang
5..Speech contest process introduction. 10'
Cici Qin /S2 Director
6.How to be a professional contest chair?15'
Liwei Dong /VPE of Inception Club
7.Chief judge 's responsibilities.10'
Bob Gu/Div S PQD
8.How to win a speech contest? 10'
Iris He/Second place winner in SZ Conference.
9.Q &A. 7'
10.Appreciation 3'