Even Wuhuo the strongest man of the world can't move a bull by using out his strength to drag its tail untill the tail broken, because he violent the law of nature, however, a little boy could drag the bull by its nose cause he obey the law of nature. Celebrities no matter good or evil, inevitably expect long living life, but with violence of the law of nature in daily life, how could they have their wish come true. In order to mentain a vivid long living life, one must keep in mind the law of nature, he who igore law of nature cause he put desires ahead of life, now we understand people with wisdom would control his unreasonable desire.
室大则多阴,台高则多阳,多阴则蹶 ,多阳则痿,此阴阳不适之患也。是故先王不处大室,不为高台,味不众珍,衣不火单热。火单热则理塞,理塞则气不达;味众珍则胃充,胃充则中大鞔;中大鞔而气不达,以此长生可得乎?昔先圣王之为苑囿园池也,足以观望劳形而已矣;其为宫室台榭也,足以辟燥湿而已矣;其为舆马衣裘也,足以逸身暖骸而已矣;其为饮食酏醴也,足以适味充虚而已矣;其为声色音乐也,足以安性自娱而已矣。五者,圣王之所以养性也,非好俭而恶费也,节乎性也。
Overbroad house gathers darkness and wet, while overhigh spot expose to exceed brightness and heat, with darknessvand wet, one would have disease on feet, with brightnessvand heat , one would become weak, illnesses are stem from uneven situation between darkness and brightness , wet and heat. That's why the emperor in the past would never live in ovetbroad house , build overhigh spot, eat wild animals that captured in the sea and mountain, and wear overthickly. Wearing overthickly would block the blood and breath , eat wild animls would stuffy stomach and digestion, it was not the right way to seek healthy life. The Kings in the past has managed control their desires , they moderately construct palaces just good enough for living, wear clothes just warm enough , eat just feed their normal appetite, enjoy art performance just average entertaining. People with wisdom would like to keep well mentainence with their life by following such principles, have nothing to do with character of frugality