一般来说交通执法者附近100米范围内都有police station。
如果无法判断,尤其女生,建议只打开车窗1/4 。
被拦截后,正确应对攻略: (直接英文方便大家随取随用)
1. 冷静,calm down calm down
2. Smile and ask what is your violation ?
3. Apologize. Tell him that you are new in the area and request him to let you go for this violation your will not repeat it again! ( attention : new in the area not new in the country!)
Usually if you acknowledge your fault, its your first violation, and you will not repeat it again they will let you go.
4. If he insist in giving you ticket , just let him. Its hassle but you can easily claim your license in the nearest office. Just ask them where you can claim the ticket.
Depending on your violation the penalty does not cost much usually PHP200- PHP500.
由于我们是外国人,当地的交通执法者已经习惯狮子大开口,逮到一个就漫天要价。而我们通常都没有太多的精力和时间去警察局处理罚单,一般都是当场给钱求放行。建议大家车里提前备好 500 peso左右的零钱,不要给太多,递钱的时候把钱折叠起来不要看起来太明显,不然我们就成了贿赂执法者了,当前政府是阻止这种行为的。
https://ltoexam.com/ 大家没事可以翻翻交通法规。
谢谢WX同学第一时间问我需不需要帮打电话放行我,感谢TM alabang的朋友们给我的建议。