Robot (Janitor Droid 9001)
I was cleaning the toilet when a rude, young man came up to me and forced me to help him with his homework. What is up with humans. I told him I was programmed and made as a cleaning droid. He said I was lying and all robots are smart I thought all humans were not as dumb as him. He forced me to do his math homework even though I did not even know what the cross and the line with the dots on either side nor what the two lines one on top of the other meant I wrote random numbers and I thought I had gotten away. The next day, he came back and said he will take me to a mechanic because he got a zero on his homework he took me there and the mechanic had to spend an hour telling him that i was only programmed for cleaning and he kicked me back to the toilet and left.I was pretty annoyed and angry. The next day, i saw him walking down the street with his mother. Her mother looked angry so i just pretended i did not see them. Until she came in and forced Matin to apologize. I wondered what she was doing in the boys’ washroom. I suddenly realized it was Matin who was going into the girls’ washroom. After Matin apologized,they left and i never saw them again.
Young boy (Matin)
My teacher gave me homework so I snuck into the bathroom to ask the cleaning droid to help. A droid is a robot and robots are smart. I am clever do you agree? Anyways, I asked him but he said that was not in his program. He said he only knows how to clean toilets. I was sure he was lying and I kept on bugging him until he did my homework. I was right he was lyin. The next day, when the teacher returned the homework, I was confident I got a ten out of ten but I was wrong. I got a zero out of ten. I thought to myself the robot must have done this on purpose. I went to the washroom and took him to the mechanic am I just clever? Anyways, he kept on saying that he did not understand the homework. Of course he was lying, or so I thought. The mechanic spent an entire hour telling me about programmes so I kicked him all the way back to the washroom and when I got home, my teacher was at the door saying I forgot yesterday's homework at school and she gave me the homework i got zero out of ten on and my mother gave me a angry expression. After my teacher left, I had to explain to my mother and I told her about the droid and what I thought at the time. The next day, when i went to apologize, i realized the droid belonged in the girls’ washroom and i never realized i was going in the girl’s washroom, which got me into more trouble. After i apologized, my mother screamed at me for about a hour and a half. She stopped because she realized it was eleven o'clock in the morning and it was a thursday and she realized i should be at school.
Homework paper
First, i was a tree, enjoying my life. Next second, i am being chopped down and made into paper. I was loaded into a box and shipped off to the school. A teacher grabbed me along with twenty six other sheets of paper and two seconds later, i was in a printe. It was hot and uncomfortable. By the time i got out, i had twelve math questions on me. The teacher took me to her class and handed them out. Before i knew it, a kid was drawing all over me. Then he crumpled me and shoved me to the bottom of his bag, under his heaviest books. Then, he ran outside as the bell rang and played jump rope with his bag on. I was being squashed under all those books and he would not stop until the second bell rag. Then he ran somewhere and took me out of his bag. He uncrumpled me and took me inside a washroom… wait, a girls’ washroom? Anyways, he got a droid to write on me and shoved me back in his bag, this time, in between two of his heaviest books. He took me in a building and threw the bag on the ground. It hurt so much. I was stuck in that position, under a stack of books for around fourteen hours. When he woke up, he grabbed me and took me to school. He handed me in and then, i was under a stack of papers and was carried onto a desk. The bell rang and the kids ran out for recess. The teacher marked all the papers. When she got to me, she said: dear me. She started to scribble all over me in red pen. Then, she wrote something at the top and put me on the desk. When the kid saw me, he threw a tantrum. He crumpled me, ripped me and threw me. Then he left. I was pretty happy i did not have to stay in his bag. Then the teacher saw me. shoved me back in his bag, this time, in between two of his heaviest books. He took me in a building and threw the bag on the ground. It hurt so much. I was stuck in that position, under a stack of books for around fourteen hours. When he woke up, he grabbed me and took me to school. He handed me in and then, i was under a stack of papers and was carried onto a desk. The bell rang and the kids ran out for recess. The teacher marked all the papers. When she got to me, she said: dear me. She started to scribble all over me in red pen. Then, she wrote something at the top and put me on the desk. When the kid saw me, he threw a tantrum. He crumpled me, ripped me and threw me. Then he left. I was pretty happy i did not have to stay in his bag. Then the teacher saw me. She shoved me in her bag and took me to the kid’s house She showed the kid’s mom just as he showed up. The kid’s mom glared at him and started screaming and i did not feel sorry for him one little bit. Even when he had to explain what happened.I was then thrown in the trash and taken to a landfill, where i would rest for eternity, under a pile of junk, until the mother took e out of the trash and placed me in a display case to remind the boy, every time he went down the hall so i was being squished in a frame, in a display case for ten years. Then, the frame broke and i fell into the trash, where the boy’s mom found me and kept me under a pile of books in the boys room. Some things never change. When the boy found me, he got mad and went to his mother and ripped me into pieces and threw my remains into a shredder, where they were shredded into a million pieces and his mom taped me back together and put me back in a frame. And that was the miserable story of my life. Now i still lie in this frame and i will stay in here for as long as the mother lives.