生活在17世纪的浪漫诗人,六世达赖喇嘛仓央嘉措(1683~1706)(清康熙二十二年)生于门隅。门隅又是情歌之乡,正是这些情歌,唤醒了仓央嘉措朦胧的性意识使得小小的仓央嘉措对男女恩爱、儿女情长有一种神秘的向往。他的父母是门巴族,世代信奉宁玛派佛教——红教。红教僧人可以结婚生子。他的父亲是个自负清高贫穷落魄的红教喇嘛(藏传喇嘛教为黄教)。仓央嘉措对极端禁欲主义的清规戒律,再也难以默守。仓央嘉措一生只为情所惑,视权力地位如粪土。仓央嘉措早就参透爱的道理,《情歌》纯是天籁之音,是他爱情生活的真实写照,也可以说是一个宗教叛逆者寻花猎艳的心灵披露。他大胆追求爱情,反对扼杀人性。仓央嘉措最后在1706年,被赐死在青海湖畔的兖嘎诺尔湖(一说病死) 。
The first, the one you should not meet, so then you may notlove.
The second, the one you should not known well, so then you
may not lovesick.第二最好不相知,如此便可不相思。
The third, the one you should not accompany, so then you may
not owe.第三最好不相伴,如此便可不相欠。
The fourth, the one you should not pity, so then you may not
The fifth, the one you should not love, so then you may not
The sixth, the one you should not opposite, so then you may
not meet.第六最好不相对,如此便可不相会。
The seventh, the one you should not promise, so then you may
not harm.第七最好不相误,如此便可不相负。
The eighth, the one you should not wish, so then you may not
go on.第八最好不相许,如此便可不相续。
The ninth, the one you should not rely on, so then you may
not snuggle.第九最好不相依,如此便可不相偎。
The tenth, the one you should not meet, so then you may not
have a meeting.第十最好不相遇,如此便可不相聚。
To meet, to know. It’s better you’ve never met.
How should you part, with the love till death.