在国际国内经济出现所 常态'下,我们保持定力、深 处着力,更加关注结构调整 等长期问题,并不随单项指 标的短期小幅波动而起舞, 比如说,7、8月份用电最二 货运量等指标出现一些波动, 这是难以避免的,也是在预 料之中的,因为国内外经济 形势仍然复杂多变,而且去 年下半年我们发展的基数也 比较高。
Facing the new normal state of the global and the Chinese economy, we have remained level-headed and taken steps to tackle deep-seated challenges. We focused more on structural readjustment and other long-term problems, and refrained from being distracted by the slight short-term fluctuations of individual indicators. In July and August, for example, electricity consumption, freight volume and other indicators fluctuated somewhat. That was inevitable and within our expectation. It was because the domestic and international situation was still complex and volatile and base figures for the second half of last year were relatively high.
看中国经济,不能只看 眼前、看局部、看“单科”, 更要看趋势、看全局、看“总 分”。我们坚持区间调控的 基本思路,只要经济增速保持在7.5%左右,高一点,低 一点,都属于合理区间。尤 其应当看到,稳增长是为了 保就业,调控的下限是比较 充分的就业随着总量'扩 大,尤其是服务业发展迅速, 经济增长的就业容量扩大了, 对波动的容忍度也提高了
When observing the Chinese economy, one should not just focus on its short-term performance or the performance of a particular sector. Rather, one should look at the overall trend, the bigger picture and the total score. Judging by the principle of range-based macro-control, we believe the actual economic growth rate is within the proper range, even if it might be slightly higher or lower than the 7.5 percent target. In particular, we should realize that an important goal of maintaining stable growth is to ensure employment, and the floor of the proper range is to ensure relatively adequate employment. As the economic aggregate continues to expand, and in particular, as the service sector develops rapidly, growth will mean more jobs and there will be greater tolerance to fluctuations.
世界经济变动对亚太金 融市场、资金流动、汇率"稳 定带来挑战,增加了本地区经 济金融风险我们要注意防 范风险叠加造成亚太经济金 融大动荡,以社会政策托底经 济政策,防止经济金融风险演 化为政治社会问题
World economic fluctuations have brought challenges to the financial market, capital flow and exchange rate stability in the region, exposing the region to more economic and financial risks. We must prevent risks from pilling up and causing major economic and financial turbulence in the region. We must support economic policies with social policies to prevent economic and financial risks from developing into political and social problems.
同时要看到,亚太地区 谋和平、求稳定、促发展'的 共同愿望没有改变,亚太地区 在世界政治经济版图’中的地 位和作用[二升的历史趋势没 有改变,亚太地区经济持续快 速增长的动力和潜力没有改 变亚太经济体已经从过去 的经历中吸取了教训,抵御 风险能力显著增强:我们有理 由对亚太发展前景保持信心。
Having said that, we recognize that the Asia-Pacific region’s common aspiration for peace, stability and development has not changed, nor has the historical trends of its growing status and role in the world political and economic landscape, or the driving force and potential for its rapid and sustained economic growth. Asia-Pacific economies have learned lessons from their past experience and significantly enhanced their capabilities to fend off risks. We have every reason to be confident about the future of this region.
要转变经济发展方*, 调整经济结构,推进改革创 新,释放内需潜力、创新动力、 市场活力,为经济持续健康发 展提供内生动力
We must transform the current economic development model, adjust the economic structure, advance reform and innovation, and release the potential of domestic demand, the impetus of innovation and the vitality of the market, so as to provide an internal driving force for sustained and sound economic development.