Origami Studio is a free design tool created by Facebook and available for Mac. It allows designers to rapidly build and share interactive interfaces.
Origami Sudio 是Facebook创作的一款免费的设计工具,支持Mac。设计人员可以快速构建和分享可交互界面。
There are 4 main panels in Origami Studio:
Origami Studio 有四个主要窗口:
▲ 官方文档里的界面图
▲ 板栗绘制的界面示意图
Patch Editor 模块编辑器
Add interaction, animation, and behavior to your prototype using blocks called** Patches**.
向原型添加、编辑交互、动画和事件的块称为模块 。
Layers 图层窗口
A list of layers in your prototype. Add a new layer with the + button in the toolbar. Select a layer and adjust its properties in the inspector. To add interactions to a layer, hover on it and click the Touch button to select from a list of interactions like Tap, Scroll, or Swipe.
原型中的图层列表。点击工具栏的 + 按钮添加新图层。
如需给图层添加交互,悬停在图层窗口的目标图层上,点击右上角的Touch按钮,弹出一个列表选择要添加的交互,如Tap 轻点、Scroll 滚动、Swipe滑动。
Viewer 查看器
View and interact with the prototype.
Patch Library Cmd
View a list of all patches and and their descriptions. To open the Patch Library, double click the Patch Editor or use the keyboard shortcut. To add a patch to a prototype, select it and press return.