Author: Keith Schwarz (
An algorithm for solving the following (classic) hard interview problem:
"You are given an array of integers of length n, where each element ranges
from 0 to n - 2, inclusive. Prove that at least one duplicate element must
exist, and give an O(n)-time, O(1)-space algorithm for finding some
duplicated element. You must not modify the array elements during this
This problem (reportedly) took CS legend Don Knuth twenty-four hours to solve
and I have only met one person (Keith Amling) who could solve it in less time
than this.
The first part of this problem - proving that at least one duplicate element
must exist - is a straightforward application of the pigeonhole principle.
If the values range from 0 to n - 2, inclusive, then there are only n - 1
different values. If we have an array of n elements, one must necessarily be
The second part of this problem - finding the duplicated element subject to
the given constraints - is much harder. To solve this, we're going to need a
series of nonobvious insights that transform the problem into an instance of
something entirely different.
The main trick we need to use to solve this problem is to notice that because
we have an array of n elements ranging from 0 to n - 2, we can think of the
array as defining a function f from the set {0, 1, ..., n - 1} onto itself.
This function is defined by f(i) = A[i]. Given this setup, a duplicated
value corresponds to a pair of indices i != j such that f(i) = f(j). Our
challenge, therefore, is to find this pair (i, j). Once we have it, we can
easily find the duplicated value by just picking f(i) = A[i].
But how are we to find this repeated value? It turns out that this is a
well-studied problem in computer science called cycle detection. The general
form of the problem is as follows. We are given a function f. Define the
sequence x_i as
x_0 = k (for some k)
x_1 = f(x_0)
x_2 = f(f(x_0))
x_{n+1} = f(x_n)
Assuming that f maps from a domain into itself, this function will have one
of three forms. First, if the domain is infinite, then the sequence could be
infinitely long and nonrepeating. For example, the function f(n) = n + 1 on
the integers has this property - no number is ever duplicated. Second, the
sequence could be a closed loop, which means that there is some i so that
x_0 = x_i. In this case, the sequence cycles through some fixed set of
values indefinitely. Finally, the sequence could be "rho-shaped." In this
case, the sequence looks something like this:
x_0 -> x_1 -> ... x_k -> x_{k+1} ... -> x_{k+j}
^ |
| |
That is, the sequence begins with a chain of elements that enters a cycle,
then cycles around indefinitely. We'll denote the first element of the cycle
that is reached in the sequence the "entry" of the cycle.
For our particular problem of finding a duplicated element in the array,
consider the sequence formed by starting at position n - 1 and then
repeatedly applying f. That is, we start at the last position in the array,
then go to the indicated index, repeating this process. My claim is that
this sequence is rho-shaped. To see this, note that it must contains a cycle
because the array is finite and after visiting n elements, we necessarily
must visit some element twice. This is true no matter where we start off in
the array. Moreover, note that since the array elements range from 0 to
n - 2 inclusive, there is no array index that contains n - 1 as a value.
Consequently, when we leave index n - 1 after applying the function f one
time, we can never get back there. This means that n - 1 can't be part of a
cycle, but if we follow indices starting there we must eventually hit some
other node twice. The concatenation of the chain starting at n - 1 with the
cycle it hits must be rho-shaped.
Moreover, think about the node we encounter that starts at the entry of the
cycle. Since this node is at the entry of the cycle, there must be two
inputs to the function f that both result in that index being generated. For
this to be possible, it must be that there are indices i != j with
f(i) = f(j), meaning that A[i] = A[j]. Thus the index of the entry of the
cycle must be one of the values that is duplicated in the array.
There is a famous algorithm due to Robert Floyd that, given a rho-shaped
sequence, finds the entry point of the cycle in linear time and using only
constant space. This algorithm is often referred to as the "tortoise and
hare" algorithm, for reasons that will become clearer shortly.
The idea behind the algorithm is to define two quantities. First, let c be
the length of the chain that enters the cycle, and let l be the length of the
cycle. Next, let l' be the smallest multiple of l that's larger than c.
I claim that for any rho-shaped sequence l' defined above, that
x_{l'} = x_{2l'}
The proof is actually straightforward and very illustrative - it's one of my
favorite proofs in computer science. The idea is that since l' is at least
c, it must be contained in the cycle. Moreover, since l' is a multiple of
the length of the loop, we can write it as ml for some constant m. If we
start at position x_{l'}, which is inside the loop, then take l' more steps
forward to get to x_{2l'}, then we will just walk around the loop m times,
ending up right back where we started.
One key trick of Floyd's algorithm is that even if we don't explicitly know l
or c, we can still find the value l' in O(l') time. The idea is as follows.
We begin by keeping track of two values "slow" and "fast," both starting at
x_0. We then iteratively compute
slow = f(slow)
fast = f(f(fast))
We repeat this process until we find that slow and fast are equal to one
another. When this happens, we know that slow = x_j for some j, and
fast = x_{2j} for that same j. Since x_j = x_{2j}, we know that j must be at
least c, since it has to be contained in the cycle. Moreover, we know that j
must be a multiple of l, since the fact that x_j = x_{2j} means that taking j
steps while in the cycle ends up producing the same result. Finally, j must
be the smallest multiple of l greater than c, since if there were a smaller
multiple of l greater than c then we would have reached that multiple before
we reached j. Consequently, we must have that j = l', meaning that we can
find l' without knowing anything about the length or shape of the cycle!
To complete the construction, we need to show how to use our information
about l' to find the entry to the cycle (which is at position x_c). To do
this, we start off one final variable, which we call "finder," at x_0. We
then iteratively repeat the following:
finder = f(finder)
slow = f(slow)
until finder = slow. We claim that (1) the two will eventually hit each
other, and (2) they will hit each other at the entry to the cycle. To see
this, we remark that since slow is at position x_{l'}, if we take c steps
forward, then we have that slow will be at position x_{l' + c}. Since l' is
a multiple of the loop length, this is equivalent to taking c steps forward,
then walking around the loop some number of times back to where you started.
In other words, x_{l' + c} = x_c. Moreover, consider the position of the
finder variable after c steps. It starts at x_0, so after c steps it will be
at position x_c. This proves both (1) and (2), since we've shown that the
two must eventually hit each other, and when they do they hit at position x_c
at the entry to the cycle.
The beauty of this algorithm is that it uses only O(1) external memory to
keep track of two different pointers - the slow pointer, and then the fast
pointer (for the first half) and the finder pointer (for the second half).
But on top of that, it runs in O(n) time. To see this, note that the time
required for the slow pointer to hit the fast pointer is O(l'). Since l' is
the smallest multiple of l greater than c, we have two cases to consider.
First, if l > c, then this is l. Otherwise, if l < c, then we have that
there must be some multiple of l between c and 2c. To see this, note that
in the range c and 2c there are c different values, and since l < c at least
one of them must be equal to 0 mod l. Finally, the time required to find the
start of the cycle from this point is O(c). This gives a total runtime of at
most O(c + max{l, 2c}). All of these values are at most n, so this algorithm
runs in time O(n).
def findArrayDuplicate(array):
assert len(array) > 0
# The "tortoise and hare" step. We start at the end of the array and try
# to find an intersection point in the cycle.
slow = len(array) - 1
fast = len(array) - 1
# Keep advancing 'slow' by one step and 'fast' by two steps until they
# meet inside the loop.
while True:
slow = array[slow]
fast = array[array[fast]]
if slow == fast:
# Start up another pointer from the end of the array and march it forward
# until it hits the pointer inside the array.
finder = len(array) - 1
while True:
slow = array[slow]
finder = array[finder]
# If the two hit, the intersection index is the duplicate element.
if slow == finder:
return slow