- 如何定义一个指定类型的数据
let wantADouble = 3 //let wantADouble: Int = 3
let actuallyDouble = Double(3)
let actuallyDouble: Double = 3
let actuallyDouble = 3 as Double
- 字符和字符串定义
let characterA: Character = "a"
let characterDog: Character = "🐶"
let stringDog: String = "Dog"
let stringDog = "Dog" // Inferred to be of type String
- 字符串拼接
var message = "Hello" + " my name is "
let name = "Matt"
message += name // "Hello my name is Matt”
let exclamationMark: Character = "!"
message += String(exclamationMark) // "Hello my name is Matt!”
let zhang = "zhang"
let number = 3
var zhangsan = zhang + String(number)
- 字符串插入
message = "hello my name is \(name)" // "Hello my name is Matt!"
let oneThird = 1.0 / 3.0
let oneThirdLongString = "One third is \(oneThird) as a decimal."
“One third is 0.3333333333333333 as a decimal.”
- 多行字符串
let bigStr = """
you can have a string
that contains multiple
by doing
- 元组(Tuples)
- 不带变量名元组的定义与访问
let coordinate3D = (1, 2.1, 3)
print(coordinate3D.0, coordinate3D.1, coordinate3D.2)//通过索引来访问
- 带变量名元组的定义与访问
let coordinate3D = (x: 1, y : 2.1, z : 3)
print(coordinate3D.x, coordinate3D.y, coordinate3D.z)
let (x3, y3 ,z3) = coordinate3D
print(x3, y3, z3)
- 下划线
let (x4, y4, _) = coordinates3D