The graphs illustrate the number of Japanese travelling globally from 1985 to 1995 and theproportion of them choosing Australia as their destination. Overall, it can be obviouslyseen that both trends follow a similar growth pattern.
The bar chartrepresents the quantity of Japanese outbound tourists in the decade. There was aconstant growth from just below 5 million in 1985 to around 11 million in 1990,with an annual growth pace of roughly 10%, followed by a decrease to just over10 million in 1991. Since 1992 it climbed to and remained above 11 million, reachingits peak of over 15 million in 1995.
As is showedin the line chart, the percentage of Japanese tourists visited Australia rosesteadily from 2% in 1985 to approximately 4.7% in 1988 and then dropped sharplyto just over 4% one year later. The year of 1990 seen an uptick and then theproportion maintained a gradual pickup, culminating in 6% in 1994 with a recordhigh of over 6% in 1993.