Monica:I mean,why should i let them meet him,I mean.I bring a guy home and within five minutes they`ll all over him. I mean, they`re like coyotes,picing off the weak members of the herd.(凭什么我得让他们见他呀,每次我带男人回家,不到五分钟,他们就到处找他的缺点。他们就像丛林狼,专门找牧群中的弱者下手)
they`ll all over him. 他们都在找他的毛病
I·m all over you.我对你有感觉(喜欢)
I`m over you.我不在乎你了,我不想跟你再有任何关系
Paula:Listen. As someone who`s seen more than her fair share of bed beef(比喻不怎么好的男人),I·ll tell you:that is not such a terrible thing.I mean,they`re your friends,they`re just looking out after you.(作为一个阅尽天下极品男人的人,我告诉你,这不是什么坏事。我的意思是,他们是你的朋友,他们也只是关心你罢了。)
As someone who`s seen more than her fair share of bed beef.这句话的意思就像中文常说的:我吃过的盐比你吃过的饭还多。比喻有一定的阅历,有资格说点什么。
Monica:I know,I juat wish that once,I `d bring a guy home that they actually liked.(我知道,我只是想有那么一次,我可以带一个他们真正喜欢的人回家。)
Paula:Well,you do realize the odds (几率)of that happening are a little slimmer if they never get to meet the guy...(好吧,那你应该非常清楚,如果你不让他们见他,这事发生的几率就更小了。)
Joey:Let it go,Ross.(罗斯还在为狗狗chichi难过)
Ross:Yeah,well,you didn`t know ChiChi.(你又不认识chichi)
Monica:Do you all promise?(你们都保证吗?)
All:Yeah,!We promise!(我们保证)
Ross:We`ll be good.(我们会很乖的)
Monica:Chandler?Do you promise to be good?
Joey:You can come in ,but your filter tipped little buddy has to stay outside!(你可以进来,但是得把你的烟放在外面。)
Phoebe:'Dear Ms.Buffay.thank you for calling attention to our error,we have credited your account with five hundred dollars .we are sorry for the inconvenience,and hope you`ll accept this football phone as our free gift.'Do you believe this?! now I have a thousand dollars,and a football phone! (“亲爱的比菲小姐,非常感谢您提醒我们的错误,我们已经将500元存入你的银行账户,很抱歉给你造成不便,并且希望你可以收下这部足球电话,聊表歉意”你们能相信吗?现在我不仅有1000元,还多了一部电话。)
Rachel:What bank is this?(这到底是哪家银行呀?在上一幕中菲比的银行账户莫名其妙多了500 元钱,这一幕中菲比去处理之后又多了500 元,还送了一部足球电话)
Monica:Hey,It`s him.(他来了)Who is it?(谁呀?)
Alan:It`s Alan.(我是Alan)
Joey:Chandler,He`s here!(钱德勒,他来了。)
Monica:Okay,please be good,please.Just remember how much you all love me.