If you look on the ground in search of a sixpence, you don't look up, and so miss the moon.
Strickland突然支身前往巴黎,谣言四起,中年人追逐艺术实在可笑,被年轻貌美的姑娘吸引从而私奔才稍显合理,即便这个理由很荒唐,但是更加符合常理。Mrs. Strickland拜托“我”前往巴黎找他,并且传达自己可以不计前嫌地愿望,只要他能够回头是岸。我肩负重任前往巴黎,通过种种迹象,以及同Strickland的面谈,我不得不承认,他就是单纯的想要画画了。女人,财富,都已经不再能够诱惑他。
如此的穷困潦倒也掩饰不了他身上散发出的魅力,有些神秘和原始,同周边的浮躁不同,很容易吸引人,更容易激起女人的保护欲望,所以prostitutes, Blanche, Ata都是很爱他,爱而不得也爱。看到Strickland如此轻视和怠慢女性,我就很生气,他可真是自大。可他的眼中,其他人都是不值一提的,妻子是,子女是,朋友也是,人都不是他关心的。
The demon which possessed him was exorcised at last, and with the completion of the work, for which all his life had been a painful preparation, rest descended on his remote and tortured soul.
He was willing to die, for he had fulfilled his purpose.
It was strange and fantastic. It was a vision of the beginnings of the world, the Garden of Eden, with Adam and Eve --que sais-je.
It was a hymn to the beauty of the human form, male and female, and the praise of Nature, sublime, indifferent, lovely and cruel.
It gave you an awful sense of the infinity of the space and of the endlessness of time.
Michael Angelo 米开朗琪罗
I do not know why I suddenly thought of Strickland's son by Ata. They had told me he was a merry, light-hearted youth.
I saw him, with my mind's eye, on the schooner on which he worked, wearing nothing but a pair of dungarees;
and at night, when the boat sailed along easily before a light breeze, and the sailors were gathered on the upper deck, while the captain and the supercargo lolled in deckchairs, smoking their pipes, I saw him dance with another lad, dance wildly, to the wheezy music of the concertina.
Above was the blue sky, and the stars, and all about the desert of the Pacific Ocean.
我们总是基于种种原因选择了自己的生活,小哪吒说,我命由我不由天。电影里有夸大的成分 ,但是也正是如此,我们自己根据各种考量做了选择,选择之后值不值得,只有自己知道。即使Strickland没有身前获得名利,他也已经完成了生命的洗礼,他的灵魂,走的干干净净。