阅读内容: 《穷查理宝典》 Poor Charlie's Almanack---Talk Eleven
The Psyohology of Human Misjudgment
This talk are the selections from three of Charlie's talks, combined into one talk never made, after revisions by Charlie in 2005 that included considerable new material.
The talk features Charlie's original concept of "behavioral finance," which has now burgeoned into its own academic field of study.
Charlie also addresses the importance of recognizing patterns to determine how humans behave, both rationally and irrationally. He shares with us his checklist of twenty-five standard causes of human misjudgment, which contains observations that are ingenious, counterintuitive, and important- values Charlie treasures in the work of other great thinkers throughout hisrory. He also emphasizes the "lollapalooza" power of psychological misjudgments in combination.
One: Reward and Punishment Superresponse Tendency
Two: Liking/Loving Tendency
Three: Disliking/HatingTendency
Four: Doubt-Avoidance Tendency
Five: Inconsistency-Avoidance Tendency
Six: Curiosity Tendency
Seven: Kantian Fairness Tendency
Eight: Envy/Jealousy Tendency
Nine: Reciprocation Tendency
Ten: Inffuence-from-Mere-Association Tendency
Eleven: Simple, Pain-Avoiding psychological Denial
Twelve: Excessive Self-Regard Tendency
Thirteen: Overoptimism Tendency
Fourteen: Deprival-Superreaction Tendency
Fifteen: Social-Proof Tendency
Sixteen: Contrast-Misreaction Tendency
Seventeen: Stress-Influence Tendency
Eighteen: Availability-Misweighing Tendency
Nineteen: Use-It-or-Lose-It Tendency
Twenty: Drug-Misinfluence Tendency
Twenty-One: Senescence-Misinfluence Tendency
Twenty-Two: Authority-Misinfluence Tendency
Twenty-Three: Twaddle Tendency
Twenty-Four: Reason-Respecting Tendency
Twenty-Five: Lollapalooza Tendency-The Tendency to Get Extreme consequences from confluences of psychological Tendencies Acting in Favor of a Particular outcome