当测试组不能再找到一个有效MV进行阶跃时,其将标记为迭代完成并增加STGITERC计数。如果完成迭代次数大于或等于需求迭代数(STGITER),则测试组标记为已完成。某测试组完成后STGCOMP标签将被设置为1,并且测试组请求标签将被设置为SUSPEND(挂起)。当用户将测试组放回TEST(测试)或TEST NO-PULSE模式时, STGCOMP标签将复位。其允许工程师使用CCF计算来建立一些基本的测试调度。例如,当第一个测试组完成需求迭代数量时,工程师可以建立一个计算将所有测试组纳入控制中。
Group iterations
When the group can no longer find a valid MV to step then it will mark the iteration as complete and increment the STGITERC counter. If the number of iterations completed is greater or equal to the number of iterations requested (STGITER) then the group is marked completed. Upon completion of a group the STGCOMP flag is set to one and the group request flag is set to SUSPEND. When the user puts the group back into TEST or TEST NO-PULSE then the STGCOMP flag is reset. This allows the engineer to set up some basic test scheduling using ccf calculations. For example the engineer could set up a calculation that puts all test groups into CONTROL once the first test group finishes its requested number of iterations.
Organizing test groups for effective testing
Test groups should be designed to maximize parallel stepping. A group that is in TEST mode will only have one MV stepping at a time. If two MVs are unrelated (that is, they do not impact the same CVs), then they may be stepped simultaneously without generating correlated data. This is sufficient reason to put the MVs in separate test groups.
When a CV goes outside of test limits, the tester application will react to fix the problem by using all of the MVs from the TEST group in an optimal matter. Moreover, all of the test groups to which the CV belongs will be used to correct the problem.
If a CV is not impacted by the MVs of a test group, then the CV should not be in that test group.
If you follow these general guidelines, then you can realize the following benefits:
•MVs can be organized into groups to maximize the amount of simultaneous testing at any given time.
•CVs can be assigned to these groups to trigger the appropriate corrective behavior.
See Also
Correcting moves in a SmartStep application
CORRECTING mode in a SmartStep application
REPOSITION mode in a SmartStep application
Guidelines for configuring test groups