Day 31
释义:n. the usual or normal situation, way of doing sth 长期形成的一种规范,和“exception"相对。
normality:正常的状态 → go back to normality
1- In China marrying young is no longer the social norm.
2-Birth out of wedlock are becoming the norm in many countries.
3-Bilingual education remains the norm in international schools through out non-English-speaking countries.
4-The social norm"men should earn more than their wives" remains unchanged.
5-Immersive, 360-degree experiences, complete with touch and temperature sensations, should become the norm. 配有触觉和温度感应的浸入式360°体验应该成为标配。
adj. accepted, established | ethical, moral | cultural, social | statistical | community, family, group
verb. conform to, break, challenge | deviate from, differ from
prep. above the ~, below the ~, over the ~ , ~ for ,~ of
短语: a deviation/departure from the norm, an exception to the norm, the norm rather than the exception I
2-翻译: (有创造力的人往往会挑战,甚至偏离常规,而不是固守成规。→ Creative people tend to challenge or even deviate from the social norms, rather than conform to them.(参考翻译) Creative minds tend to challenge and even deviate from the norm, rather than conform to it.)
Phones with full screen are gradually becoming the norm.