1. Title: The good news about PMS(pre-menstrual syndrome)
2. Speaker: Robyn Stein Deluca
3. Duration: 14:44
4. Preference: ★★★★
5. Contents: It's that everyone can have PMS and no one has. Having these symptoms doesn't mean having a mental disorder.
6. Comments: Some phenomena are only stereotypes and the PMS myth does not exist. 环境对人情绪的影响大过月经本身,而传统的观点倾向于把女生月经期的发脾气归结于月经本身,导致忽略问题的根本所在,使得“完美女性”的帽子紧紧扣在女人身上。女人自己也没有意识到原因,去大量看医生、吃药——经济的驱使让事实没有过多的公之于众。