人生感悟 Sentiment of Life (阎老师原创)
A bean counter
(This young lady is really a bean counter)
A question to answer: to work for a living or live for work?
It is beyond most people as they fail to answer it.
As bean counters, they have their heart set on pinching pennies and enjoy skimping and saving one more cent.
A cordial reminder: we can not cut it fine and live a discounted life.
- beyond sb:超过某人水平; 为某人所不能理解;超出某人的能力范围2. bean counter:极善于计算的人
- have one's heart set on 渴望;一门心思;一心想要做
- pinch pennies: 精打细算;非常节省;节俭;分斤掰两;吝啬
- scrimp and save: 节俭;省吃俭用
- cut it fine:(金钱、时间、空间等)扣得紧紧的,几乎不留余地;
7.warm reminder 温馨提示;温馨提醒