最常见的 |深度学习| 用到的维度,[1,3,224,224],代表一个batch,3个通道,图片大小为224x224,为了阐述的方便,这里以[1,2,3,4]为例,里面的值是自定义的,不必纠结值:
[ [1,2,3,4] ],
[ [1,2,3,4] ],
[ [1,2,3,4] ]
[ [1,2,3,4] ],
[ [1,2,3,4] ],
[ [1,2,3,4] ]
总共1x2x3x4=24 个数据
ExecutableNetwork executableNetwork = ie.LoadNetwork(network, device);
InferRequest inferRequest = executableNetwork.CreateInferRequest();
inImg = cv::imread(img)
Blob::Ptr imgBlob = inferRequest.GetBlob(inName);
matU8ToBlob<unsigned char>(inImg, imgBlob, 0);
inferRequest.SetBlob(inName, imgBlob);
//inferRequest.SetBlob(inName, wrapMat2Blob(inImg));
我们进去Blob::ptr 看看(ie_blob.h头文件):
// Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Intel Corporation
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @brief A header file for Blob and generic TBlob<>
* @file ie_blob.h
#pragma once
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <numeric>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "details/ie_blob_iterator.hpp"
#include "details/ie_exception.hpp"
#include "details/ie_pre_allocator.hpp"
#include "ie_allocator.hpp"
#include "ie_common.h"
#include "ie_layouts.h"
#include "ie_locked_memory.hpp"
#include "ie_precision.hpp"
namespace InferenceEngine {
* @brief This class represents a universal container in the Inference Engine
* @note Each Blob implementation must be derived from this Blob class directly or indirectly
* @brief A smart pointer containing Blob object
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<Blob>;
* @brief A smart pointer to the const Blob object
using CPtr = std::shared_ptr<const Blob>;
* @brief Creates a TBlob<> object from a Data node
* @param data A reference to a smart pointer of the Data node
* @return Smart pointer to TBlob<> with the relevant C type to the precision of the data node
static Ptr CreateFromData(const DataPtr& data);
* @brief Blob virtual destructor
virtual ~Blob();
* @brief Checks if the Blob object can be cast to the type T*
* @tparam T Type to be checked. Must represent a class derived from the Blob
* @return true if this object can be dynamically cast to the type T*. Otherwise, false
template <typename T,
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer<T>::value && !std::is_reference<T>::value, int>::type = 0,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<Blob, T>::value, int>::type = 0>
bool is() noexcept {
return dynamic_cast<T*>(this) != nullptr;
* @brief Checks if the Blob object can be cast to the type const T*
* @tparam T Type to be checked. Must represent a class derived from the Blob
* @return true if this object can be dynamically cast to the type const T*. Otherwise, false
template <typename T,
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer<T>::value && !std::is_reference<T>::value, int>::type = 0,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<Blob, T>::value, int>::type = 0>
bool is() const noexcept {
return dynamic_cast<const T*>(this) != nullptr;
* @brief Casts this Blob object to the type T*.
* Use InferenceEngine::as() to operate with shared Blob objects instead of raw pointers
* @tparam T Type to cast to. Must represent a class derived from the Blob
* @return Raw pointer to the object of the type T or nullptr on error
template <typename T,
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer<T>::value && !std::is_reference<T>::value, int>::type = 0,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<Blob, T>::value, int>::type = 0>
T* as() noexcept {
return dynamic_cast<T*>(this);
* @brief Casts this Blob object to the type const T*.
* Use InferenceEngine::as() to operate with shared Blob objects instead of raw pointers
* @tparam T Type to cast to. Must represent a class derived from the Blob
* @return Raw pointer to the object of the type const T or nullptr on error
template <typename T,
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer<T>::value && !std::is_reference<T>::value, int>::type = 0,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<Blob, T>::value, int>::type = 0>
const T* as() const noexcept {
return dynamic_cast<const T*>(this);
* @brief Constructor. Creates an empty Blob object with the specified precision.
* @param tensorDesc Defines the layout and dims of the blob
explicit Blob(const TensorDesc& tensorDesc): tensorDesc(tensorDesc) {}
* @brief Returns the tensor description
virtual const TensorDesc& getTensorDesc() const noexcept {
return tensorDesc;
* @brief Returns the tensor description
virtual TensorDesc& getTensorDesc() noexcept {
return tensorDesc;
* @brief By default, returns the total number of elements (a product of all the dims or 1 for scalar)
* Return value and its interpretation heavily depend on the blob type
virtual size_t size() const noexcept {
if (tensorDesc.getLayout() == Layout::SCALAR) return 1;
return product(tensorDesc.getDims());
* @brief Returns the size of the current Blob in bytes.
virtual size_t byteSize() const noexcept {
return size() * element_size();
* @deprecated Cast to MemoryBlob and use its API instead.
* Blob class can represent compound blob, which do not refer to the only solid memory.
* @brief Returns the number of bytes per element.
* The overall Blob capacity is size() * element_size(). Abstract method.
virtual size_t element_size() const noexcept = 0;
* @brief Allocates memory to store the data.
* Abstract method.
virtual void allocate() noexcept = 0;
* @brief Releases previously allocated data.
* Abstract method.
virtual bool deallocate() noexcept = 0;
* @deprecated Cast to MemoryBlob and use new wlock/rwlock API instead.
* Blob class can represent compound blob, which do not refer to the only solid memory.
* @brief Gets access to the allocated memory.
* Abstract method.
* @return A LockedMemory object
virtual LockedMemory<void> buffer() noexcept = 0;
* @deprecated Cast to MemoryBlob and use new MemoryBlob::rmap() function instead.
* Blob class can represent compound blob, which do not refer to the only solid memory.
* @brief Gets read-only access to the allocated memory.
* Abstract method.
* @return A LockedMemory object
virtual LockedMemory<const void> cbuffer() const noexcept = 0;
* @brief The tensor descriptor of the given blob.
TensorDesc tensorDesc;
* @deprecated Cast to MemoryBlob and use its API instead.
* @brief Multiplies the dimension vector values.
* @param dims Reference to a vector with dimension values of type size_t
* @return Result of multiplication
static size_t product(const SizeVector& dims) noexcept {
if (dims.empty()) return 0;
return std::accumulate(std::begin(dims), std::end(dims), (size_t)1, std::multiplies<size_t>());
* @brief Gets an allocator for allocator-based blobs
* @return The allocator for allocator-based blobs or nullptr if there is none
virtual const std::shared_ptr<IAllocator>& getAllocator() const noexcept = 0;
* @brief Gets a handle to allocated memory
* @return The handle to allocated memory for allocator-based blobs or nullptr if there is none
virtual void* getHandle() const noexcept = 0;
template <typename>
friend class TBlobProxy;
* @brief Helper cast function to work with shared Blob objects
* @return shared_ptr to the type T. Returned shared_ptr shares ownership of the object with the
* input Blob::Ptr
template <typename T,
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer<T>::value && !std::is_reference<T>::value, int>::type = 0,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<Blob, T>::value, int>::type = 0>
std::shared_ptr<T> as(const Blob::Ptr& blob) noexcept {
return std::dynamic_pointer_cast<T>(blob);
* @brief Helper cast function to work with shared Blob objects
* @return shared_ptr to the type const T. Returned shared_ptr shares ownership of the object with
* the input Blob::Ptr
template <typename T,
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer<T>::value && !std::is_reference<T>::value, int>::type = 0,
typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<Blob, T>::value, int>::type = 0>
std::shared_ptr<const T> as(const Blob::CPtr& blob) noexcept {
return std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const T>(blob);
* @brief This class implements a container object that represents a tensor in memory (host and
* remote/accelerated)
* @note Any Blob implementation that represents a concept of a tensor in memory (for example,
* TBlob) must be a subclass of MemoryBlob instead of Blob
class INFERENCE_ENGINE_API_CLASS(MemoryBlob): public Blob {
* @brief A smart pointer to the MemoryBlob object
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<MemoryBlob>;
* @brief A smart pointer to the const MemoryBlob object
using CPtr = std::shared_ptr<const MemoryBlob>;
* @brief MemoryBlob virtual destructor
virtual ~MemoryBlob();
* @brief Constructor. Creates an empty MemoryBlob object with the specified precision.
* @param tensorDesc Defines the layout and dims of the blob
explicit MemoryBlob(const TensorDesc& tensorDesc): Blob(tensorDesc) {}
* @brief Returns the tensor description
const TensorDesc& getTensorDesc() const noexcept override {
return tensorDesc;
* @brief Returns the tensor description
TensorDesc& getTensorDesc() noexcept override {
return tensorDesc;
* @brief Returns the total number of elements, which is a product of all the dimensions
size_t size() const noexcept override {
if (tensorDesc.getLayout() == Layout::SCALAR) return 1;
return product(tensorDesc.getDims());
* @brief Returns the size of the current Blob in bytes calculated as `size() * element_size()`.
* @return Blob's size in bytes
size_t byteSize() const noexcept override {
return size() * element_size();
* @brief Provides the number of bytes per element.
* Abstract method.
* @return The number of bytes per element.
size_t element_size() const noexcept override = 0;
* @brief Allocates memory to store the data.
* Abstract method.
void allocate() noexcept override = 0;
* @brief Releases previously allocated data.
* Abstract method.
* @return `True` if deallocation happens successfully, `false` otherwise.
bool deallocate() noexcept override = 0;
* @deprecated Use wmap() or rwmap() API instead.
* @brief Gets access to the allocated memory.
* Abstract method.
* @return A LockedMemory object
LockedMemory<void> buffer() noexcept override = 0;
* @deprecated Use rmap() function instead.
* @brief Gets read-only access to the allocated memory.
* Abstract method.
* @return A LockedMemory object
LockedMemory<const void> cbuffer() const noexcept override = 0;
* @brief Gets read/write access to the memory in virtual space of the process.
* The function returns object which retains mapped memory.
* The memory been addressed in the MemoryBlob in general case can be allocated on remote device.
* This function maps remote memory to the memory in the virtual process space and after destruction
* of the LockedMemory will upload changed content to the accelerator.
* To avoid extra copy of data, you can use rmap() and wmap() functions.
* In case of memory originally allocated on the host, this function returns LockedMemory which will
* transparently refer to original memory address. No extra copy will happen
* In general case, pointer received from that LockedMemory becomes invalid just after
* destruction of LockedMemory instance. Keep Locked memory alive while you need to address memory
* in the process on the host.
* Abstract method.
* @return A LockedMemory object
virtual LockedMemory<void> rwmap()noexcept = 0;
* @brief Gets read only access to the memory in virtual space of the process.
* The function returns object which retains mapped memory.
* The memory been addressed in the MemoryBlob in general case can be allocated on remote device.
* This function copies remote memory to the memory in the virtual process space and after
* destruction of the LockedMemory it will not upload host memory back, bacause it is expected that
* content is not changed.
* To have an ability change content, you can use rwmap() and wmap() functions.
* In case of memory originally allocated on the host, this function returns LockedMemory which will
* transparently refer to original memory address. No extra copy will happen
* In general case, pointer received from that LockedMemory becomes invalid just after destruction
* of LockedMemory instance. Keep Locked memory alive while you need to address memory in the
* process on the host.
* Abstract method.
* @return A LockedMemory object
virtual LockedMemory<const void> rmap()const noexcept = 0;
* @brief Gets "write only direction" access to the memory in virtual space of the process.
* The function returns object which retains memory to be uploaded on device.
* The memory been addressed in the MemoryBlob in general case can be allocated on remote device.
* This function does not copy of the content from the device to the memory in the virtual process
* space, the content of the memory just after calling of this functin is not specified. After
* destruction of the LockedMemory, content will be upload host memory.
* In the same time there is no abilities to restrict reading from the memory, you need to care of
* reading from memory got by wmap(), it might have sence in some cases like filling of content and
* before uploading to device
* To access data stored in the blob, you can use rwmap() and rmap() functions.
* In case of memory originally allocated on the host, this function returns LockedMemory which will
* transparently refer to original memory address. No extra copy will happen
* In general case, pointer received from that LockedMemory becomes invalid just after destruction
* of LockedMemory instance. Keep Locked memory alive while you need to address memory in the
* process on the host.
* Abstract method.
* @return A LockedMemory object
virtual LockedMemory<void> wmap()noexcept = 0;
* @brief Gets the allocator for allocator-based blobs.
* @return The allocator for allocator-based blobs or if there is none then a nullptr.
const std::shared_ptr<IAllocator>& getAllocator() const noexcept override = 0;
* @brief Gets the handle to allocated memory.
* @return The handle to allocated memory for allocator-based blobs or if there is none then a nullptr.
void* getHandle() const noexcept override = 0;
template <typename>
friend class TBlobProxy;
* @brief This is a convenient type for working with a map containing pairs(string, pointer to a Blob instance).
using BlobMap = std::map<std::string, Blob::Ptr>;
* @brief Represents real host memory allocated for a Tensor/Blob per C type.
template <typename T, typename = std::enable_if<std::is_pod<T>::value>>
class TBlob : public MemoryBlob {
template <typename, typename>
friend class TBlob;
* @brief Smart Pointer to this TBlob object.
using Ptr = std::shared_ptr<TBlob<T>>;
* @brief Creates a TBlob object with the specified dimensions and layout but does not allocate the memory.
* Use the allocate() method to allocate memory.
* @param tensorDesc Tensor description
explicit TBlob(const TensorDesc& tensorDesc): MemoryBlob(tensorDesc) {}
* @brief The constructor creates a TBlob object with the specified dimensions and layout
* on the pre-allocated memory.
* The allocate() call is not required.
* @param tensorDesc Tensor description
* @param ptr Pointer to the pre-allocated memory
* @param data_size Length of the pre-allocated array. If not set, size is assumed equal
* to the dot product of dims.
TBlob(const TensorDesc& tensorDesc, T* ptr, size_t data_size = 0): MemoryBlob(tensorDesc) {
if (data_size == 0) {
data_size = size();
if (data_size != 0 && ptr == nullptr) {
THROW_IE_EXCEPTION << "Using Blob on external nullptr memory";
_allocator = details::make_pre_allocator(ptr, data_size);
// blob on attached memory is always allocated, so we are not forcing the user to call allocate()
* @brief Creates a TBlob object with the specified dimensions, layout and custom memory allocator but does not
* allocate the memory.
* @param tensorDesc Tensor description
* @param alloc An allocator
TBlob(const TensorDesc& tensorDesc, const std::shared_ptr<IAllocator>& alloc)
: MemoryBlob(tensorDesc), _allocator(alloc) {
if (_allocator == nullptr) THROW_IE_EXCEPTION << "TBlob allocator was not initialized.";
* @brief The copy constructor data is reallocated and copied from the source to the target blob.
* @param blob Source blob
TBlob(const TBlob<T>& blob): MemoryBlob(blob.getTensorDesc()) {
* @brief A move constructor.
* @param blob rvalue to make a move from
TBlob(TBlob<T>&& blob): MemoryBlob(blob.getTensorDesc()) {
* @brief Copy operator for the TBlob object.
* @param blob object reference to copy from
* @return Newly copied object
TBlob& operator=(const TBlob& blob) {
return *this;
*@brief Virtual destructor.
#ifdef __clang__
virtual ~TBlob();
virtual ~TBlob() {
#endif // __clang__
* @brief Gets the size of the given type.
* @return Size of the type
size_t element_size() const noexcept override {
return sizeof(T);
* @brief Creates an new empty rvalue LockedMemory object.
* @return rvalue for the empty locked object of type T
virtual LockedMemory<T> data() noexcept {
return std::move(lockme<T>());
* @brief Creates a new empty rvalue read-only LockedMemory object.
* @return rvalue for the empty locked const object of type T.
virtual LockedMemory<const T> readOnly() const noexcept {
return std::move(lockme<const T>());
* @brief Allocates or reallocates memory
void allocate() noexcept override {
if (_handle != nullptr) {
_handle = getAllocator()->alloc(size() * sizeof(T));
* @brief Frees all allocated data
bool deallocate() noexcept override {
return free();
* @brief Creates a new LockedMemory instance holding void pointer.
* @return LockedMemory instance holding void pointer
LockedMemory<void> buffer() noexcept override {
return std::move(lockme<void>());
* @brief Creates a new LockedMemory instance holding constant void pointer.
* @return LockedMemory instance holding constant void pointer
LockedMemory<const void> cbuffer() const noexcept override {
return std::move(lockme<const void>());
LockedMemory<void> rwmap()noexcept override {
return std::move(lockme<void>());
LockedMemory<const void> rmap() const noexcept override {
return std::move(lockme<const void>());
LockedMemory<void> wmap()noexcept override {
return std::move(lockme<void>());
* @brief Gets BlobIterator for the data.
* Enables a ranged loop support for the TBlob object.
* @return BlobIterator object of type T
details::BlobIterator<T> begin() {
return details::BlobIterator<T>(data());
* @brief Gets BlobIterator for the end of data.
* Enables a ranged loop support for the TBlob object.
* @return BlobIterator object of type T representing end of the data
details::BlobIterator<T> end() {
return details::BlobIterator<T>(data(), size());
* @brief Gets a const BlobIterator for the read-only data.
* Enables a ranged loop support for the TBlob object.
* @return BlobIterator object of type const T
details::BlobIterator<const T> begin() const {
return details::BlobIterator<const T>(readOnly());
* @brief Gets a const BlobIterator for the end of read-only data.
* Enables a ranged loop support for the TBlob object.
* @return BlobIterator object of type const T representing end of data
details::BlobIterator<const T> end() const {
return details::BlobIterator<const T>(readOnly(), size());
* @brief Local instance of IAllocator to manipulate memory.
mutable std::shared_ptr<IAllocator> _allocator;
* @brief A handle for the stored memory returned from _allocator.alloc().
void* _handle = nullptr;
* @brief Copies dimensions and data from the TBlob object.
* @param blob object reference to copy from
void copyFrom(const TBlob<T>& blob) {
tensorDesc = blob.tensorDesc;
auto memptr = data();
memcpy(memptr, blob.readOnly(), byteSize());
* @brief Swaps memory handlers between the current blob and the given one.
* @tparam U Type of the blob to move from
* @param blob TBlob instance to move from
template <class U>
void moveFrom(TBlob<U>& blob) {
tensorDesc = blob.tensorDesc;
this->_allocator = std::move(blob._allocator);
std::swap(this->_handle, blob._handle);
* @brief Frees handler and cleans up the stored data.
virtual bool free() {
bool bCanRelease = getAllocator()->free(_handle);
_handle = nullptr;
return bCanRelease;
* @brief Creates a LockedMemory instance.
* @tparam S Type of the LockedMemory to be created
* @return A created instance of LockedMemory
template <class S>
LockedMemory<S> lockme() const {
return LockedMemory<S>(_allocator.get(), _handle, 0);
* @brief Gets an allocator or creates a default one.
* @return IAllocator instance
const std::shared_ptr<IAllocator>& getAllocator() const noexcept override {
// in case when constructor without allocator was used
if (!_allocator) {
_allocator = shared_from_irelease(CreateDefaultAllocator());
return _allocator;
* @brief Returns handle to the stored data.
void* getHandle() const noexcept override {
return _handle;
#ifdef __clang__
extern template class INFERENCE_ENGINE_API_CLASS(InferenceEngine::TBlob<float>);
extern template class INFERENCE_ENGINE_API_CLASS(InferenceEngine::TBlob<double>);
extern template class INFERENCE_ENGINE_API_CLASS(InferenceEngine::TBlob<int16_t>);
extern template class INFERENCE_ENGINE_API_CLASS(InferenceEngine::TBlob<uint16_t>);
extern template class INFERENCE_ENGINE_API_CLASS(InferenceEngine::TBlob<int8_t>);
extern template class INFERENCE_ENGINE_API_CLASS(InferenceEngine::TBlob<uint8_t>);
extern template class INFERENCE_ENGINE_API_CLASS(InferenceEngine::TBlob<int>);
extern template class INFERENCE_ENGINE_API_CLASS(InferenceEngine::TBlob<long>);
extern template class INFERENCE_ENGINE_API_CLASS(InferenceEngine::TBlob<long long>);
extern template class INFERENCE_ENGINE_API_CLASS(InferenceEngine::TBlob<uint64_t>);
#endif // __clang__
* @brief Creates a blob with the given tensor descriptor.
* @tparam Type Type of the shared pointer to be created
* @param tensorDesc Tensor descriptor for Blob creation
* @return A shared pointer to the newly created blob of the given type
template <typename Type>
inline typename InferenceEngine::TBlob<Type>::Ptr make_shared_blob(const TensorDesc& tensorDesc) {
if (!tensorDesc.getPrecision().hasStorageType<Type>())
THROW_IE_EXCEPTION << "Cannot make shared blob! "
<< "The blob type cannot be used to store objects of current precision";
return std::make_shared<InferenceEngine::TBlob<Type>>(tensorDesc);
* @brief Creates a blob with the given tensor descriptor from the pointer to the pre-allocated memory.
* @tparam Type Type of the shared pointer to be created
* @param tensorDesc TensorDesc for Blob creation
* @param ptr Pointer to the pre-allocated memory
* @param size Length of the pre-allocated array
* @return A shared pointer to the newly created blob of the given type
template <typename Type>
inline typename InferenceEngine::TBlob<Type>::Ptr make_shared_blob(const TensorDesc& tensorDesc, Type* ptr,
size_t size = 0) {
if (!tensorDesc.getPrecision().hasStorageType<Type>())
THROW_IE_EXCEPTION << "Cannot make shared blob! "
<< "The blob type cannot be used to store objects of current precision";
return std::make_shared<InferenceEngine::TBlob<Type>>(tensorDesc, ptr, size);
* @brief Creates a blob with the given tensor descriptor and allocator.
* @tparam Type Type of the shared pointer to be created
* @param tensorDesc Tensor descriptor for Blob creation
* @param alloc Shared pointer to IAllocator to use in the blob
* @return A shared pointer to the newly created blob of the given type
template <typename Type>
inline typename InferenceEngine::TBlob<Type>::Ptr make_shared_blob(
const TensorDesc& tensorDesc, const std::shared_ptr<InferenceEngine::IAllocator>& alloc) {
if (!tensorDesc.getPrecision().hasStorageType<Type>())
THROW_IE_EXCEPTION << "Cannot make shared blob! "
<< "The blob type cannot be used to store objects of current precision";
return std::make_shared<InferenceEngine::TBlob<Type>>(tensorDesc, alloc);
* @brief Creates a copy of given TBlob instance.
* @tparam TypeTo Type of the shared pointer to be created
* @param arg given pointer to blob
* @return A shared pointer to the newly created blob of the given type
template <typename TypeTo>
inline typename InferenceEngine::TBlob<TypeTo>::Ptr make_shared_blob(const TBlob<TypeTo>& arg) {
return std::make_shared<InferenceEngine::TBlob<TypeTo>>(arg);
* @brief Creates a Blob object of the specified type
* @param args Constructor arguments for the Blob object
* @return A shared pointer to the newly created Blob object
template <typename T, typename... Args, typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<Blob, T>::value, int>::type = 0>
std::shared_ptr<T> make_shared_blob(Args&&... args) {
return std::make_shared<T>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
* @brief This structure describes ROI data.
struct ROI {
size_t id; //!< ID of a ROI
size_t posX; //!< W upper left coordinate of ROI
size_t posY; //!< H upper left coordinate of ROI
size_t sizeX; //!< W size of ROI
size_t sizeY; //!< H size of ROI
* @brief Creates a blob describing given ROI object based on the given blob with pre-allocated memory.
* @param inputBlob original blob with pre-allocated memory.
* @param roi A ROI object inside of the original blob.
* @return A shared pointer to the newly created blob.
INFERENCE_ENGINE_API_CPP(Blob::Ptr) make_shared_blob(const Blob::Ptr& inputBlob, const ROI& roi);
} // namespace InferenceEngine
* @copybrief IInferRequest::GetBlob
* Wraps IInferRequest::GetBlob
* @param name A name of Blob to get
* @return A shared pointer to a Blob with a name @p name. If a blob is not found, an exception is thrown.
Blob::Ptr GetBlob(const std::string& name) {
Blob::Ptr data;
CALL_STATUS_FNC(GetBlob, name.c_str(), data);
std::string error = "Internal error: blob with name `" + name + "` is not allocated!";
auto blobPtr = data.get();
if (blobPtr == nullptr) THROW_IE_EXCEPTION << error;
if (blobPtr->buffer() == nullptr) THROW_IE_EXCEPTION << error;
return data;
先得到一个指针, data,再调用回调函数CALL_STATUS_FNC;
Blob::Ptr data;
CALL_STATUS_FNC(GetBlob, name.c_str(), data);
在头文件中 ie_exception_conversion.hpp
#pragma once
#include <ie_common.h>
#define CALL_STATUS_FNC(function, ...) \
if (!actual) THROW_IE_EXCEPTION << "Wrapper used in the CALL_STATUS_FNC was not initialized."; \
ResponseDesc resp; \
auto res = actual->function(__VA_ARGS__, &resp); \
if (res != OK) InferenceEngine::details::extract_exception(res, resp.msg);
struct ResponseDesc {
* @brief A character buffer that holds the detailed information for an error.
char msg[4096] = {};
auto res = actual->function(__VA_ARGS__, &resp);
if (res != OK) InferenceEngine::details::extract_exception(res, resp.msg);
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <inference_engine.hpp>
#include <monitors/presenter.h>
#include <samples/common.hpp>
//#include <samples/ocv_common.hpp>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <samples/slog.hpp>
#include <iostream>
template <typename T>
void matU8ToBlob(const cv::Mat& orig_image, InferenceEngine::Blob::Ptr& blob, int batchIndex = 0) {
InferenceEngine::SizeVector blobSize = blob->getTensorDesc().getDims();
const size_t width = blobSize[3];
const size_t height = blobSize[2];
const size_t channels = blobSize[1];
if (static_cast<size_t>(orig_image.channels()) != channels) {
THROW_IE_EXCEPTION << "The number of channels for net input and image must match";
InferenceEngine::LockedMemory<void> blobMapped = InferenceEngine::as<InferenceEngine::MemoryBlob>(blob)->wmap();
T* blob_data = blobMapped.as<T*>();
cv::Mat resized_image(orig_image);
if (static_cast<int>(width) != orig_image.size().width ||
static_cast<int>(height) != orig_image.size().height) {
cv::resize(orig_image, resized_image, cv::Size(width, height));
int batchOffset = batchIndex * width * height * channels;
if (channels == 1) {
for (size_t h = 0; h < height; h++) {
for (size_t w = 0; w < width; w++) {
blob_data[batchOffset + h * width + w] = resized_image.at<uchar>(h, w);
else if (channels == 3) {
for (size_t c = 0; c < channels; c++) {
for (size_t h = 0; h < height; h++) {
for (size_t w = 0; w < width; w++) {
blob_data[batchOffset + c * width * height + h * width + w] =
resized_image.at<cv::Vec3b>(h, w)[c];
else {
THROW_IE_EXCEPTION << "Unsupported number of channels";
int main(){
return 0;
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4 5 6
7 8 9
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