b406512784384e1aba88f02b52769098 (1).png
//==================== HighPass Sharp copy ==============
function HighPassSharpcopy() {
// Make
function step1(enabled, withDialog) {
if (enabled != undefined && !enabled)
var dialogMode = (withDialog ? DialogModes.ALL : DialogModes.NO);
var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref1 = new ActionReference();
desc1.putReference(PSString.Null, ref1);
executeAction(PSEvent.Make, desc1, dialogMode);
// Merge Visible
function step2(enabled, withDialog) {
if (enabled != undefined && !enabled)
var dialogMode = (withDialog ? DialogModes.ALL : DialogModes.NO);
var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor();
desc1.putBoolean(PSEvent.Duplicate, true);
executeAction(sTID('mergeVisible'), desc1, dialogMode);
// Set
function step3(enabled, withDialog) {
if (enabled != undefined && !enabled)
var dialogMode = (withDialog ? DialogModes.ALL : DialogModes.NO);
var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref1 = new ActionReference();
ref1.putEnumerated(PSClass.Layer, PSType.Ordinal, PSEnum.Target);
desc1.putReference(PSString.Null, ref1);
var desc2 = new ActionDescriptor();
desc2.putString(PSKey.Name, "Base_Sharp");
desc1.putObject(PSKey.To, PSClass.Layer, desc2);
executeAction(PSEvent.Set, desc1, dialogMode);
// Layer Via Copy
function step4(enabled, withDialog) {
if (enabled != undefined && !enabled)
var dialogMode = (withDialog ? DialogModes.ALL : DialogModes.NO);
executeAction(sTID('copyToLayer'), undefined, dialogMode);
// Set
function step5(enabled, withDialog) {
if (enabled != undefined && !enabled)
var dialogMode = (withDialog ? DialogModes.ALL : DialogModes.NO);
var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref1 = new ActionReference();
ref1.putEnumerated(PSClass.Layer, PSType.Ordinal, PSEnum.Target);
desc1.putReference(PSString.Null, ref1);
var desc2 = new ActionDescriptor();
desc2.putEnumerated(PSKey.Mode, PSType.BlendMode, PSEnum.Overlay);
desc1.putObject(PSKey.To, PSClass.Layer, desc2);
executeAction(PSEvent.Set, desc1, dialogMode);
// High Pass
function step6(enabled, withDialog) {
if (enabled != undefined && !enabled)
var dialogMode = (withDialog ? DialogModes.ALL : DialogModes.NO);
var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor();
desc1.putUnitDouble(PSKey.Radius, PSUnit.Pixels, 4);
executeAction(sTID('highPass'), desc1, dialogMode);
// Set
function step7(enabled, withDialog) {
if (enabled != undefined && !enabled)
var dialogMode = (withDialog ? DialogModes.ALL : DialogModes.NO);
var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref1 = new ActionReference();
ref1.putEnumerated(PSClass.Layer, PSType.Ordinal, PSEnum.Target);
desc1.putReference(PSString.Null, ref1);
var desc2 = new ActionDescriptor();
desc2.putString(PSKey.Name, "Sharp_Image");
desc1.putObject(PSKey.To, PSClass.Layer, desc2);
executeAction(PSEvent.Set, desc1, dialogMode);
// Select
function step8(enabled, withDialog) {
if (enabled != undefined && !enabled)
var dialogMode = (withDialog ? DialogModes.ALL : DialogModes.NO);
var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref1 = new ActionReference();
ref1.putName(PSClass.Layer, "Base_Sharp");
desc1.putReference(PSString.Null, ref1);
desc1.putEnumerated(PSString.selectionModifier, PSString.selectionModifierType, PSString.addToSelectionContinuous);
desc1.putBoolean(PSKey.MakeVisible, false);
executeAction(PSEvent.Select, desc1, dialogMode);
// Make
function step9(enabled, withDialog) {
if (enabled != undefined && !enabled)
var dialogMode = (withDialog ? DialogModes.ALL : DialogModes.NO);
var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref1 = new ActionReference();
desc1.putReference(PSString.Null, ref1);
var ref2 = new ActionReference();
ref2.putEnumerated(PSClass.Layer, PSType.Ordinal, PSEnum.Target);
desc1.putReference(PSKey.From, ref2);
executeAction(PSEvent.Make, desc1, dialogMode);
// Set
function step10(enabled, withDialog) {
if (enabled != undefined && !enabled)
var dialogMode = (withDialog ? DialogModes.ALL : DialogModes.NO);
var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref1 = new ActionReference();
ref1.putEnumerated(PSClass.Layer, PSType.Ordinal, PSEnum.Target);
desc1.putReference(PSString.Null, ref1);
var desc2 = new ActionDescriptor();
desc2.putString(PSKey.Name, "Image_Sharp");
desc1.putObject(PSKey.To, PSClass.Layer, desc2);
executeAction(PSEvent.Set, desc1, dialogMode);
// Set
function step11(enabled, withDialog) {
if (enabled != undefined && !enabled)
var dialogMode = (withDialog ? DialogModes.ALL : DialogModes.NO);
var desc1 = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref1 = new ActionReference();
ref1.putEnumerated(PSClass.Layer, PSType.Ordinal, PSEnum.Target);
desc1.putReference(PSString.Null, ref1);
var desc2 = new ActionDescriptor();
desc2.putEnumerated(PSKey.Color, PSKey.Color, PSEnum.Blue);
desc1.putObject(PSKey.To, PSClass.Layer, desc2);
executeAction(PSEvent.Set, desc1, dialogMode);
step1(); // Make
step2(); // Merge Visible
step3(); // Set
step4(); // Layer Via Copy
step5(); // Set
step6(true, true); // High Pass
step7(); // Set
step8(); // Select
step9(); // Make
step10(); // Set
step11(); // Set
cTID = function (s) {
return app.charIDToTypeID(s);
sTID = function (s) {
return app.stringIDToTypeID(s);
// HighPassSharpcopy.loadSymbols
// Loading up the symbol definitions like this makes it possible
// to include several of these generated files in one master file
// provided a prefix is specified other than the default. It also
// skips the definitions if PSConstants has already been loaded.
HighPassSharpcopy.loadSymbols = function () {
var dbgLevel = $.level;
$.level = 0;
try {
return; // only if PSConstants is defined
} catch (e) {
} finally {
$.level = dbgLevel;
var needDefs = true;
$.level = 0;
try {
needDefs = false;
} catch (e) {
} finally {
$.level = dbgLevel;
if (needDefs) {
PSClass = function () {
PSEnum = function () {
PSEvent = function () {
PSForm = function () {
PSKey = function () {
PSType = function () {
PSUnit = function () {
PSString = function () {
// We may still end up duplicating some of the following definitions
// but at least we don't redefine PSClass, etc... and wipe out others
PSClass.AdjustmentLayer = cTID('AdjL');
PSClass.Channel = cTID('Chnl');
PSClass.HueSatAdjustmentV2 = cTID('Hst2');
PSClass.HueSaturation = cTID('HStr');
PSClass.Layer = cTID('Lyr ');
PSClass.Mask = cTID('Msk ');
PSClass.PaintbrushTool = cTID('PbTl');
PSClass.Version = cTID('Vrsn');
PSEnum.All = cTID('Al ');
PSEnum.Bicubic = cTID('Bcbc');
PSEnum.Blue = cTID('Bl ');
PSEnum.Composite = cTID('Cmps');
PSEnum.ForegroundColor = cTID('FrgC');
PSEnum.GaussianDistribution = cTID('Gsn ');
PSEnum.HideAll = cTID('HdAl');
PSEnum.Multiply = cTID('Mltp');
PSEnum.None = cTID('None');
PSEnum.Normal = cTID('Nrml');
PSEnum.Overlay = cTID('Ovrl');
PSEnum.QCSAverage = cTID('Qcsa');
PSEnum.RGB = cTID('RGB ');
PSEnum.Target = cTID('Trgt');
PSEvent.Delete = cTID('Dlt ');
PSEvent.Duplicate = cTID('Dplc');
PSEvent.Exchange = cTID('Exch');
PSEvent.Fill = cTID('Fl ');
PSEvent.Hide = cTID('Hd ');
PSEvent.Make = cTID('Mk ');
PSEvent.Reset = cTID('Rset');
PSEvent.Select = cTID('slct');
PSEvent.Set = cTID('setd');
PSEvent.Transform = cTID('Trnf');
PSKey.Adjustment = cTID('Adjs');
PSKey.At = cTID('At ');
PSKey.Color = cTID('Clr ');
PSKey.Colorize = cTID('Clrz');
PSKey.Colors = cTID('Clrs');
PSKey.Distribution = cTID('Dstr');
PSKey.FilterLayerRandomSeed = cTID('FlRs');
PSKey.FreeTransformCenterState = cTID('FTcs');
PSKey.From = cTID('From');
PSKey.Height = cTID('Hght');
PSKey.Horizontal = cTID('Hrzn');
PSKey.Hue = cTID('H ');
PSKey.Interpolation = cTID('Intr');
PSKey.Lightness = cTID('Lght');
PSKey.MakeVisible = cTID('MkVs');
PSKey.Mode = cTID('Md ');
PSKey.Monochromatic = cTID('Mnch');
PSKey.Name = cTID('Nm ');
PSKey.New = cTID('Nw ');
PSKey.Noise = cTID('Nose');
PSKey.Offset = cTID('Ofst');
PSKey.Opacity = cTID('Opct');
PSKey.Radius = cTID('Rds ');
PSKey.Start = cTID('Strt');
PSKey.To = cTID('T ');
PSKey.Type = cTID('Type');
PSKey.Using = cTID('Usng');
PSKey.Vertical = cTID('Vrtc');
PSKey.Width = cTID('Wdth');
PSString.Null = sTID('null');
PSString.addToSelectionContinuous = sTID('addToSelectionContinuous');
PSString.layerGroup = sTID('layerSection');
PSString.presetKind = sTID('presetKind');
PSString.presetKindDefault = sTID('presetKindDefault');
PSString.presetKindType = sTID('presetKindType');
PSString.selection = sTID('selection');
PSString.selectionModifier = sTID('selectionModifier');
PSString.selectionModifierType = sTID('selectionModifierType');
PSType.BlendMode = cTID('BlnM');
PSType.FillContents = cTID('FlCn');
PSType.Interpolation = cTID('Intp');
PSType.Ordinal = cTID('Ordn');
PSType.QuadCenterState = cTID('QCSt');
PSType.UserMaskOptions = cTID('UsrM');
PSUnit.Distance = cTID('#Rlt');
PSUnit.Percent = cTID('#Prc');
PSUnit.Pixels = cTID('#Pxl');
HighPassSharpcopy.loadSymbols(); // load up our symbols
// HighPassSharpcopy.main
HighPassSharpcopy.main = function () {
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