
1. 编程语言发展

1.1 1940年之前



爱达·勒芙蕾丝在1842年至1843年间花费了九个月,将意大利数学家Luigi Menabrea关于查尔斯·巴贝奇新发表机器分析机的回忆录翻译完成。她于那篇文章后面附加了一个用分析机计算伯努利数方法的细节,被部分历史学家认为是世界上第一个电脑程序。[2]

Herman Hollerith在观察列车长对乘客票根在特定位置打洞的方式后,意识到他可以把信息编码记载到打孔卡上,随后根据这项发现使用打孔卡来编码并纪录1890年的人口统计资料。





劣势:学习难度大 编程效率低

1.2 1940年代

最早被确认的现代化、电力引导(electrically powered)的计算机约在1940年代被创造出来。程序员在有限的速度及存储器容量限制之下,撰写人工调整(hand







1943 - Plankalkül (Konrad Zuse)

1943 - ENIAC coding system

1949 - C-10


劣势:学习难度大 编程效率低

1.3 1950与1960年代



Fortran (1955),名称取自"FORmula





Business Oriented Language"(通用商业导向语言),由被葛丽丝·霍普深刻影响的Short Range Committee所发明。


优势:学习难度大大降低 编程效率大大提高

劣势:计算机无法直接识别 执行速度相对较慢

1.4 1967-1978:确立了基础范型


Simula,于1960年代晚期由奈加特与Dahl以Algol 60超集合的方式发展,同时也是第一个设计支持面向对象进行开发的编程语言。






1.5 1980年代:增强、模块、性能




1980 - Ada

1983 - C++ (就像有类别的C)

1984 - Common Lisp

1985 - Eiffel

1986 - Erlang

1987 - Perl

1988 - Tcl

1989 - FL (Backus)

1.6 1990年代:互联网时代

1990年代未见到有什么重大的创新,大多都是以前构想的重组或变化。这段期间主要在推动的哲学是提升程序员的生产力。许多"快速应用程序开发" (RAD) 语言也应运而生,这些语言大多都有相应的集成开发环境、垃圾回收等机制,且大多是先前语言的派生语言。这类型的语言也大多是面向对象的编程语言,包含有Object Pascal、Visual Basic,以及C#。Java则是更加保守的语言,也具备垃圾回收机制。与其他类似语言相比,也受到更多的观注。


1990 - Haskell

1991 - Python

1991 - Visual Basic

1993 - Ruby

1993 - Lua

1994 - CLOS (part of ANSI Common Lisp)

1995 - Java

1995 - Delphi (Object Pascal)

1995 - JavaScript

1995 - PHP

1997 - REBOL

1999 - D

1.7 现今的趋势












2001 - C#

2001 - Visual Basic .NET

2002 - F#

2003 - Scala

2003 - Factor

2006 - Windows PowerShell

2007 - Clojure

2009 - Go

2014 - Swift (编程语言)

2. 编程语言的分类




类似于谷歌翻译 一次性翻译完成后可以多次使用




类似于同声传译 说一句翻译一句



3. 总结


编译型语言    通过专门的编译器,将所有源代码一次性转换成特定平台(Windows、Linux 等)执行的机器码(以可执行文件的形式存在)。     编译一次后,脱离了编译器也可以运行,并且运行效率高。    可移植性差,不够灵活。

解释型语言    由专门的解释器,根据需要将部分源代码临时转换成特定平台的机器码。    跨平台性好,通过不同的解释器,将相同的源代码解释成不同平台下的机器码。    一边执行一边转换,效率很低。





有趣的是,“黑客”这个词并非源于计算机。更确切地讲,它源于1961年麻省理工学院(MIT)的技术模型铁路俱乐部,当时俱乐部成员们为修改功能而黑了他们的高科技列车组。然后,他们从玩具列车推进到了计算机领域,利用MIT艰涩难懂而又昂贵的 IBM 704 计算机进行创新、探索、创建新的范例,试图扩展计算机能够完成的任务。




德拉浦传奇性地发现了 Cap’n Crunch 麦片赠送的玩具口哨可以发出2600赫兹的声音,正好可以指示长途电话线路转接新的通话。这招让他和其他飞客可以愚弄电话交换网络,免费享用长途通话。

















为应对激进黑客和网络罪犯,政府实体和大公司竞相改善安全,计算机巨头努力调整他们的系统。然而,尽管一直在招募网络安全专家,系统也一直在升级,技术一直在创新,黑客们——无论白帽子还是黑帽子,依然不出所料地保持领先一步的态势,丝毫没有动摇。1. Programming language development

1.1 Before 1940

The first programming languages predatemodern computers. First, the language is a code.

Invented in 1804, the jacquard loom (orcard-jacquard) uses holes in punch cards to represent the arm movements of asewing loom to automate the production of decorative patterns.

Ada Loveless spent nine months between 1842and 1843 translating Italian mathematician Luigi Menabrea's memoir of CharlesBabbage's newly published machine analysis Machine. She appended the articlewith details of a method of calculating Bernoulli numbers using an analyticalmachine, considered by some historians to be the world's first computerprogram. [2]

Herman Hollerith realized that he couldencode information on punch cards after observing the way train conductorspunched holes in passenger ticket studs at specific locations, and subsequentlyused punch cards to encode and record demographic data in 1890 based on thisdiscovery.

The first programming languages weremachine languages.

It's very simple. How easy is it? Simpleenough to program with just the numbers "1" and "0".


Advantages: Computer can directly identify,fast execution

Disadvantages: difficult to learn and lowprogramming efficiency

1.2 in the 1940 s

The first recognized modern, electricallypowered computer was created around the 1940s. The programmer has worked withlimited speed and memory capacity to write an assembly language program tunedby hand. It soon became clear that this way of writing in assembly language wasintellectual effort and prone to error-prone problems.


So until now, assembly language has had itsplace. But, this seat is crowded more and more no space.

Conrad Chuese published his paper on thePlankalkul programming language in 1948. But the language did not materializeduring his lifetime, and his original contributions were isolated by otherdevelopments.

Important languages developed during thisperiod include:

1943 - Plankalkul (Konrad Zuse)

1943 - ENIAC coding system

1949 - C-10

Advantage: Lower difficulty compared tomachine language

Disadvantages: difficult to learn and lowprogramming efficiency

1.3 The 1950s and 1960s

Three modern programming languages weredevised in the 1950s, and their derivations are still widely used today,

Among them was the creation of themuch-loved high-level programming language that has caused millions ofprogrammers to compete with each other.

Fortran (1955), named after "FORmulaTRANslator", invented by John Backus and others; Is the world's firstofficially adopted and passed down to today's high-level programming language

LISP, named after the "LIStProcessor", was invented by John McCarthy and others;

COBOL, named after the "COmmonBusiness Oriented Language", was invented by the Short Range Committee,which was deeply influenced by Grace Hope.

Communicate with a computer usingcharacters that humans can read

Advantages: The learning difficulty isgreatly reduced and the programming efficiency is greatly improved

Disadvantages: The computer cannot directlyrecognize that the execution speed is relatively slow

1.4 1967-1978: Basic paradigm established

The period from the late 1960s to the late1970s also saw significant gains in programming language development. Most ofthe major language paradigms in use today were invented during this period:

Simula, developed in the late 1960s byNagat and Dahl as the Algol 60 superset, was also the first programminglanguage designed to support object-oriented development.

C, developed between 1969 and 1973 by BellLABS researchers Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, was an early systemsprogramming language.

Smalltalk, developed in the mid-1970s, isan object-oriented programming language designed completely from the ground up.

Prolog, designed in 1972 by Colmerauer,Roussel, and Kowalski, was the first logic programming language.

ML, which was invented by Robin Milner in1973 as the polymorphic type system based on Lisp, is also a pioneer of thestatically typed functional programming language.

Each of these languages has branched offinto its own family, and most modern programming languages can trace theirancestry back to at least one of them.

1.5 1980s: Enhancements, modules,performance

The programming languages of the 1980s weremuch more powerful than before. C++ incorporates object orientation and systemprogramming. The U.S. government standardizes a system programming languagecalled Ada and makes it available to defense contractors. A lot of money hasbeen spent in Japan and elsewhere on fifth-generation languages that uselogical programming language structures. The functional programming languagecommunity has shifted its focus to standardized ML and Lisp. These activitiesare not developing new paradigms, but taking ideas invented in the lastgeneration further.

However, there is a major new trend inlanguage design towards the use of modules or large organizational programunits for the development of large systems

Important languages developed during thisperiod include:

1980 - Ada

1983 - C++ (like C with categories)

1984 - Common Lisp

1985 - Eiffel

1986 - Erlang

1987 - Perl

1988 - Tcl

1989 - FL (Backus)

1.6 1990s: The Internet era

No major innovations were seen in the1990s, mostly reorganizations or changes of previous ideas. The main philosophybeing pushed during this period was to increase programmer productivity. Many"Rapid Application development" (RAD) languages have emerged, most ofwhich have integrated development environments, garbage collection, and othermechanisms, and most of which are derivations of previous languages. Most ofthese languages are object-oriented programming languages, including ObjectPascal, Visual Basic, and C#. Java is a more conservative language and also hasgarbage collection. It also receives more attention than other similarlanguages.

Important languages developed during thisperiod include:

1990 - Haskell

1991 - Python

1991 - Visual Basic

1993 - Ruby

1993 - Lua

1994 - CLOS (part of ANSI Common Lisp)

1995 - Java

1995 - Delphi (Object Pascal)

1995 - JavaScript

1995 - PHP

1997 - REBOL

1999 - D

1.7 Current Trends

Programming languages continue to evolve atboth the academic and corporate levels. Some current trends include:

Add security and reliability verificationmechanisms to the language: additional stack checks, information flow control,and static thread safety.

- Provides alternative mechanisms formodularity: mixing, delegation, and opinion-orientation.

Component-oriented software development

Metaprogramming, reflection, or accessingabstract syntax trees

More emphasis on distributed and mobileapplications.

Integration with databases, including XMLand relational databases.

Support for writing programs in Unicode, sosource code is not constrained by the ASCII character set and can be used likenon-Latin scripts or extended punctuation.

XML(XUL, XAML) for the graphical userinterface.

Important languages developed during thisperiod include:

2001 - C#

2001 - Visual Basic .NET

2002 - F#

2003 - Scala

2003 - Factor

2006 - Windows PowerShell

2007 - Clojure

2009 - Go

2014 - Swift (Programming language)

2. Classification of programming languages

High-level languages are the choice of mostprogrammers. Compared with assembly language, high-level language does notspecifically refer to a specific language, but includes many programminglanguages. Programs programmed in high-level language cannot be directlyrecognized by the computer and must be executed after conversion. According tothe conversion method, they can be divided into interpretation type andcompilation type.

A compiled

Compiled programs written language beforebeing executed, needs a special compilation process, compile program intomachine language files, such as the exe file, later to run it you don't have totranslate, just use the result of the compilation directly (exe files), becausethe translation done only once, the runtime does not need to be translated, Socompiled language program execution efficiency is high.

Similar to Google Translate once thetranslation can be used many times

Common compiled languages: C, C++, Golang


Programs in interpreted languages do notneed to be compiled. They are translated at run time, and each statement istranslated at execution time. In this way, the interpretation language needs tobe translated line by line every time it is executed, which is relativelyinefficient.

It's kind of like simultaneousinterpretation

Common interpreted languages: Python, Perl,PHP, Ruby


3. Summary

The differences between compiled andinterpreted languages are summarized in the following table:

Compiled languages use specializedcompilers to convert all source code at once into machine code (in the form ofexecutable files) for execution on a specific platform (Windows, Linux, etc.).After compiling once, it can also run without the compiler, and runefficiently. Poor portability, not flexible enough.

Interpreted languages have specializedinterpreters that temporarily convert portions of source code intoplatform-specific machine code as needed. Good cross-platform, throughdifferent interpreters, the same source code is interpreted into differentplatform machine code. It's inefficient to convert as you go along.

Now on to hacking:

The word "hacker" carries so manynegative connotations these days that it conjures up images of digital thievesintent on stealing identities and spreading destructive viruses.

This is not always the case. In fact, whatthe public thought of as a computer hacker was, at first, a tech enthusiast whothought only of optimization, customization, and tinkering. Only in recentdecades, with the advent of viruses and cybercrime, have traditional hackersbeen kidnapped into the realm of malicious hackers, sharing the publicvilification of hacking.

In the '60 s

Interestingly, the word "hacker"doesn't come from computers. More specifically, it originated in 1961 whenmembers of the MIT Technical Model Railroad Club hacked their high-tech traincrew to modify its features. Then they moved from toy trains to computers,using MIT's obscure and expensive IBM 704 computer to innovate, explore, createnew paradigms and try to expand what computers could do.

These MIT students, and other earlyhackers, were simply interested in exploring, refining, and testing the limitsof existing programs. In some cases, these hackers even produced programs thatwere far better than their predecessors, such as Dennis Ritchie and KeithThompson's UNIX operating system.

In the 70 s

The boom in computer hacking continued intothe 1970s, a decade that also gave rise to a new class of hackers: hackers whogame the phone system. Phone hackers, also known as "fliers," such asthe notorious John Draper, take advantage of the operational characteristics oftelephone switching networks. Today, of course, the telephone exchange networkis completely electronic.

Drape legendly discovered that a toywhistle from Cap 'n Crunch could produce a 2,600Hz sound, just in time todirect a long-distance phone line to a new call. This allowed him and otherfliers to fool telephone exchange networks and enjoy free long-distance calls.

The telemarketer subculture has producednot only influential hackers like Draper, but also digital visionaries. Beforethey founded the world's most successful computer company, Steve Wozniak andSteve Jobs were, in fact, little more than telephone fliers.

In the 80 s

The 1980s was a watershed in the history ofhacking because it marked the introduction of the fully fledged personalcomputer into the public eye. Computers are no longer limited to big companiesand elite schools. Everyone can use them to do their own thing -- no matterwhat. Not surprisingly, the widespread popularity of personal computers hastriggered a rapid increase in hacking.

That's not the only change in the hackercommunity. While there are still plenty of hackers focused on improvingoperating systems, a new class of hackers more focused on personal gains isemerging. Instead of using their know-how to improve computers, they use it forcriminal activities, including pirating software, creating viruses and hackinginto systems to steal sensitive information.

It is not too late for the legal professionto respond. The first hacking-related legislation, the Federal Computer Fraudand Abuse Act, was introduced in 1986, and the emergence of cybercrime wasquickly countered.

It was also the time when the notion ofhackers as digital experts capable of both good and evil entered popularculture. A series of books and films have promoted this perception, notably the1983 film War Games. In the movie, a suburban teenager discovers the back doorto the military's central computer and nearly starts World War III.

In the 90 s

Riding the whirlwind of change in the '80s,the' 90s was where hackers really began to gain notoriety. The word hacker hasbeen tarnished by repeated cybercrime "crackers," or malicioushackers, and a spate of high-profile arrests that have followed.

Kevin Mitnick, Kevin Paulsen, RobertMorris, and Vladimir Lewen are the cracklers to be highlighted at this stage.Their crimes include stealing proprietary software from big companies, cheatingradio stations to win luxury cars, and making

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