1. The importance of dealing with the heart:
The heart is a well from which all the issues of life gush forth. The hearts is the control center of life, which determines all behaviors.
Dealing with hearts could unmask children’s sin, which leads to the cross of Christ.
2. Centrality of the heart in directing behavior:
Behavior reflects his heart. The heart is a well from which all the issues of life gush forth.
3. Why is it so easy to get sidetracked with behavior when issues of the heart are clearly so much more important?
Because we are more tempted to focus on external behavior, which could be quickly and visibly changed, and costs less time and efforts.
4. What is wrong with a change in behavior without a change in the heart?
It won’t last long and could be hypocritical. It misses the point that the kid’s need of the cross of Christ and for a Savior.
5.If the point of discipline is to direct the heart, how does that change the approach to discipline and correction?
We as parents must learn to shepherd our children’s hearts, to engage them, not just reprove them. Ask them questions that will expose that attitude of the heart that has resulted in wrong behavior. Help them to see the ways that they are trying to slake their souls’ thirst with that which can’t satisfy.
Let me overview a biblical vision for the parenting task. The parenting task is multifaceted. It involved being a kind of authority, shepherding your children to understand themselves in God’s world, and keeping the gospel in clear view so your children can internalize the good news and someday live in mutuality with you as people under God.