1.Introduce myself 自我介绍
好奇心极强,静若淑女,动若疯兔的双子女一枚。自从进入外企从事财务管理工作,一发不可收拾得掉进了英语的迷之海洋中。从最初不敢开口说英语,磕磕绊绊用蹩脚地英语交流,到现在so easy地写出会议报告,淡定从容地在会议上做财务分析,并与大家进行方案和决策的讨论。整个过程不足6个月时间,鬼知道我经历了什么?(如果你们感兴趣的话,嘿嘿嘿,欢迎私信我)
Meanwhile,作为一名秉有终生健身理念的运动爱好者,也喜欢在业余时间画一些小画儿,煮一手奇怪的菜。In a word, 就先暴露到这里,留几手以备不时之需,哈哈。
2.Why I want to open a English column about studying money management ?为什么我想开设一个关于学理财的英语专栏?
3.Money management ,is it really important?理财,它真的有那么重要吗?
谈论起财富自由这个词,尤其在这盛行的知识经济时代, 看看大多数人的状态,忙于工作,忙于学习,忙于生活中的大事小事,伴随着内心日渐增多的焦虑,财富自由更像是一颗速效救心丸,抚慰我们内心对不安的恐惧,对美好的憧憬。
In this Era of prevailing economic knowledge, If you look at the state of people (with myself included)you will find that most, if not all are busy with work and study. Each person is preoccupied with the tiniest and most gigantic concerns in life. And each one lives with an increasing anxiety in their hearts. Thus, in a situation such as this, financial freedom is more like a quick relief pill, that can soothe fears and insecurities. It’s a very striking vision.
My Teacher,Li Xiaolai once said that,“Financial freedom is a word which shines on many people’s hearts.”So why don’t we stop and really think about that for a moment. Let’s ask ourselves this, “If we will have financial freedom tomorrow, and won’t have to sell away our time each day, what kind of life would we like to have?”
I don’t really know how to contain my happiness and excitement while typing these words. And while thinking about the life that I would want to live after I’ve attained my freedom financially. I just want to live a life that would allow me to do everything that I like!I want to have a lot of free time. I want to pursue my dreams. I want to become a person of value. Most importantly, I want to help a lot of people. And I believe that most people are just like me, if without the shackles of money and other concerns in life, perhaps they will also be doing the things which they really like to do or which they are passionate about. And they would surely live their lives the way they want to. So, in order to achieve this beautiful dream, for the vast majority of ordinary people like us, wise money management is a reliable way through which financial freedom is most likely to be achieved.
今天就先到这里哦,下一期栏目我会正式带领大家,用正确的方式打开理财之门。Come on baby,I think you will be the person who you want to .
money management 理财
financial freedom 财富自由
economic knowledge 知识经济
ordinary people 普通人
era 时代,年代 n.(常常用于an/the era of ...)e.g.We live in an era of prevailing economic knowledge.我们生活在一个知识经济盛行的时代。
preoccupied 全神贯注的,入神的 adj. ( 常在后面加with)e.g.She seems a little preoccupied.她好像有点心事重重。 Each person was preoccupied with the work.每个人都全神贯注得在工作。
pursue 追求v. pursue dream 意在强调追求梦想这个过程
attain(通过长时间努力而) 得到,获得,赢到v.
shackle 束缚,桎梏 n.在文中有比喻意义,将金钱和其他生活中的东西比喻成对于我们有约束作用的手铐,延伸开来可以直接翻译成束缚
reliable 可信赖的,可靠的 adj. e.g. Sophie is a quiet and reliable girl.索菲是一个话不多且可靠的女孩