Day 14 精读笔记 - Digital Healthcare 综合读书笔记

New words and phrases

1. cardiac |ˈkärdēˌak|


1 relating to the heart: a cardiac arrest.

2 relating to the part of the stomach nearest the esophagus.

nounMedicine, informal

a person with heart disease.


late Middle English (as a noun denoting heart disease): from French cardiaque or Latin cardiacus, from Greek kardiakos, from kardia ‘heart or upper opening of the stomach.’ The adjective dates from the early 17th century.

cardiac arrest


a sudden, sometimes temporary, cessation of function of the heart.

2. resuscitate |rəˈsəsəˌtāt|

verb [with object]

revive (someone) from unconsciousness or apparent death: an ambulance crew tried to resuscitate him.

• make (something such as an idea or enterprise) active or vigorous again: measures to resuscitate the ailing Japanese economy.


resuscitative |rəˈsəsəˌtādiv| adjective.

resuscitator |rəˈsəsəˌtādər| noun


early 16th century: from Latin resuscitat- ‘raised again,’ from the verb resuscitare, from re- ‘back’ + suscitare ‘raise.’

resuscitation |rəˌsəsəˈtāSH(ə)n|


the action or process of reviving someone from unconsciousness or apparent death: paramedics were called and aggressive resuscitation was performed | mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

• the action of making something active or vigorous again: resuscitation of bygone artistic styles.

3. grub |ɡrəb|


1 the larva of an insect, especially a beetle.

• a maggot or small caterpillar.

2 informal food: a popular bar serving excellent grub.

verb (grubs, grubbing, grubbed) [no object]

1 dig or poke superficially at the earth; dig shallowly in soil: the damage done to pastures by badgers grubbing for worms.

• [with object] remove (something) from the earth by digging it up: all the vines are grubbed up and the land left fallow for a few years | (as noun grubbing) : construction operations including clearing and grubbing.

2 search for something in a clumsy and unmethodical manner; rummage: I began grubbing about in the wastepaper basket to find the envelope.

• do demeaning or humiliating work in order to achieve something: she has achieved material independence without having to grub for it.

• [with object] achieve or acquire (something) by doing demeaning work: they were grubbing a living from garbage pails.


Middle English: perhaps related to Dutch grobbelen, also to grave1.

grubby |ˈɡrəbē|

adjective (grubbier, grubbiest)

dirty; grimy: the grubby face of a young boy.

• disreputable; sordid: grubby little moneylenders.


grubbily |-bəlē| adverb.

grubbiness |ˈɡrəbēnəs| noun

4. sift |sift|

verb [with object]

1 put (a fine, loose, or powdery substance) through a sieve so as to remove lumps or large particles: sift the flour into a large bowl.

• cause to flow or pass as through a sieve: Melanie sifted the warm sand through her fingers.

• [no object] (of snow, ash, etc.) descend or float down lightly or sparsely as if sprinkled from a sieve: ash began to sift down around them.

2 examine (something) thoroughly so as to isolate that which is most important or useful: until we sift the evidence ourselves, we can't comment objectively | [no object] : the fourth stage involves sifting through the data and evaluating it.

• (sift something out) separate something, especially something to be discarded, from something else: he asked for streamlined procedures to sift out frivolous applications.

noun [usually in singular]

an act of sifting something, especially so as to isolate that which is most important or useful: a careful archaeological sift must be made through the debris.

• an amount of sifted material: the floor was dusted with a fine sift of flour.


sifter |ˈsiftər| noun


Old English siftan; related to Dutch ziften, also to sieve.

5. incumbent |inˈkəmbənt|


1 [predicative] (incumbent on/upon) necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility: it is incumbent on all decent people to concentrate on destroying this evil.

2 [attributive] (of an official or regime) currently holding office: the incumbent president had been defeated.


the holder of an office or post.

• Christian Church the holder of an ecclesiastical benefice.


late Middle English (as a noun): from Anglo-Latin incumbens, incumbent-, from Latin incumbere ‘lie or lean on,’ from in- ‘upon’ + a verb related to cubare ‘lie.’

6. incumbent |inˈkəmbənt|


1 [predicative] (incumbent on/upon) necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility: it is incumbent on all decent people to concentrate on destroying this evil.

2 [attributive] (of an official or regime) currently holding office: the incumbent president had been defeated.


the holder of an office or post.

• Christian Church the holder of an ecclesiastical benefice.


late Middle English (as a noun): from Anglo-Latin incumbens, incumbent-, from Latin incumbere ‘lie or lean on,’ from in- ‘upon’ + a verb related to cubare ‘lie.’

reimbursement |ˌrēimˈbərsmənt|


the action of repaying a person who has spent or lost money: reimbursement of everyday medical costs.

• a sum paid to cover money that has been spent or lost: the family received insurance reimbursements.

7. deride |dəˈrīd|

verb [with object]

express contempt for; ridicule: critics derided the proposals as clumsy attempts to find a solution.


derider |dəˈrīdər| noun


mid 16th century: from Latin deridere ‘scoff at.’

8. backdrop |ˈbakˌdräp|


a painted cloth hung at the back of a theater stage as part of the scenery.

• the setting or background for a scene, event, or situation: the conference took place against a backdrop of increasing diplomatic activity.

verb (backdrops, backdropping, backdropped)

provide a background or setting for: an ornate fountain, and at its center, backdropped with golden spray, a statue of a young girl.

9. hedge |hej|


a fence or boundary formed by closely growing bushes or shrubs: she was standing barefoot in a corner of the lawn, trimming the hedge.

• a contract entered into or asset held as a protection against possible financial loss: inflation hedges such as real estate and gold.

• a word or phrase used to allow for additional possibilities or to avoid commitment, for example, etc., often, usually, or sometimes.

verb [with object]

1 surround or bound with a hedge: a garden hedged with yews.

• (hedge something in) enclose.

2 limit or qualify (something) by conditions or exceptions: experts usually hedge their predictions, just in case.

• [no object] avoid making a definite decision, statement, or commitment: she hedged around the one question she wanted to ask.

3 protect oneself against loss on (a bet or investment) by making balancing or compensating transactions: the company hedged its investment position on the futures market.


hedge one's bets

avoid committing oneself when faced with a difficult choice.


hedger |ˈhejər| noun


Old English hegg, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch heg and German Hecke .

10. insulin |ˈinsələn|


a hormone produced in the pancreas by the islets of Langerhans that regulates the amount of glucose in the blood. The lack of insulin causes a form of diabetes.

• an animal-derived or synthetic form of insulin used to treat diabetes.


early 20th century: from Latin insula ‘island’ + -in1.

11. lucrative |ˈlo͞okrədiv|


producing a great deal of profit: a lucrative career as a stand-up comedian.


lucratively |ˈlo͞okrədivlē| adverb.

lucrativeness noun


late Middle English: from Latin lucrativus, from lucrat- ‘gained,’ from the verb lucrari, from lucrum (see lucre) .

12. devise |dəˈvīz|

verb [with object]

1 plan or invent (a complex procedure, system, or mechanism) by careful thought: a training program should be devised | a complicated game of his own devising.

2 Law leave (real estate) to someone by the terms of a will.


a clause in a will leaving real estate to someone.


devisable |dəˈvīzəb(ə)l| adjective.

devisee |dəˌvīˈzē| noundevise ( sense 2 of the verb).

deviser |dəˈvīzərdēˈvīzər| noun.

devisor |dəˈvīzər| noundevise ( sense 2 of the verb)


Middle English: the verb from Old French deviser, from Latin divis- ‘divided,’ from the verb dividere (this sense being reflected in the original English sense of the verb); the noun is a variant of device (in the early sense ‘will, desire’).

13. intriguing |ˌinˈtrēɡiNG|


arousing one's curiosity or interest; fascinating: an intriguing story | it's an intriguing possibility | the food is an intriguing combination of German and French.


verb |inˈtrēɡ| (intrigues, intriguing, intrigued)

1 [with object] arouse the curiosity or interest of; fascinate: I was intrigued by your question.

2 [no object] make secret plans to do something illicit or detrimental to someone: the delegates were intriguing for their own gains.

noun |ˈinˌtrēɡinˈtrēɡ|

1 the secret planning of something illicit or detrimental to someone: the cabinet was a nest of intrigue | the intrigues of local government officials.

• a secret love affair.

2 a mysterious or fascinating quality: within the region's borders is a wealth of interest and intrigue.


intriguer |inˈtrēɡər| noun


early 17th century (in the sense ‘deceive, cheat’): from French intrigue ‘plot,’ intriguer ‘to tangle, to plot,’ via Italian from Latin intricare (see intricate). Sense 1 of the verb, which was influenced by a later French sense ‘to puzzle, make curious,’ arose in the late 19th century.

14. mole 1 |mōl|


1 a small burrowing insectivorous mammal with dark velvety fur, a long muzzle, and very small eyes.eastern mole

eastern mole

[Family Talpidae: several genera and species, including the eastern mole (Scalopus aquaticus) of North America.]

2 a spy who achieves over a long period an important position within the security defenses of a country.

• someone within an organization who anonymously betrays confidential information.


late Middle English: from the Germanic base of Middle Dutch and Middle Low German mol .

mole 2 |mōl|


a small, often slightly raised blemish on the skin made dark by a high concentration of melanin.


Old English māl ‘discolored spot,’ of Germanic origin.

mole 3 |mōl|


a large solid structure on a shore serving as a pier, breakwater, or causeway.

• a harbor formed or protected by a mole.


mid 16th century: from French môle, from Latin moles ‘mass.’

mole 4 |mōl| (abbreviation mol)


the SI unit of amount of substance, equal to the quantity containing as many elementary units as there are atoms in 0.012 kg of carbon-12.


early 20th century: from German Mol, from Molekul, from Latin (see molecule) .

mole 5 |mōl|


an abnormal mass of tissue in the uterus. See also hydatidiform mole.


late Middle English: from French môle, from Latin mola in the sense ‘false conception.’

mole 6 |ˈmōlā|


a highly spiced Mexican sauce made chiefly from chili peppers and chocolate, served with meat.


Mexican Spanish, from Nahuatl molli ‘sauce, stew.’

15. onerous |ˈōnərəsˈänərəs|


(of a task, duty, or responsibility) involving an amount of effort and difficulty that is oppressively burdensome: he found his duties increasingly onerous.

• Law involving heavy obligations: an onerous lease.


onerously |ˈōnərəslēˈänərəslē| adverb.

onerousness |ˈōnərəsnəsˈänərəsnəs| noun


late Middle English: from Old French onereus, from Latin onerosus, from onus, oner- ‘burden.’

16. array |əˈrā|


1 an impressive display or range of a particular type of thing: there is a vast array of literature on the topic | a bewildering array of choices.

2 an ordered series or arrangement: several arrays of solar panels will help provide power | the lens focuses light onto an array of pixels.

• an arrangement of troops: I shall have my men drawn up here in battle array ready to come to your help.

• Mathematics an arrangement of quantities or symbols in rows and columns; a matrix.

• Computing an indexed set of related elements.

3 literary elaborate or beautiful clothing: he was clothed in fine array.

4 Law a list of jurors empaneled.

verb [with object]

1 display or arrange (things) in a particular way: arrayed across the table was a buffet | the forces arrayed against him.

2 (usually be arrayed in) dress someone in (the clothes specified): they were arrayed in Hungarian national dress.

3 Law empanel (a jury).


Middle English (in the senses ‘preparedness’ and ‘place in readiness’): from Old French arei (noun), areer (verb), based on Latin ad- ‘toward’ + a Germanic base meaning ‘prepare.’

17. upheaval |ˌəpˈhēvəl|


a violent or sudden change or disruption to something: major upheavals in the financial markets | times of political upheaval.

• an upward displacement of part of the earth's crust.

18. stalk 1 |stôk|


the main stem of a herbaceous plant: he chewed a stalk of grass.

• the slender attachment or support of a leaf, flower, or fruit: the acorns grow on stalks.

• a stalklike support for a sessile animal, or for an organ in an animal.

• a slender support or stem of something: drinking glasses with long stalks.


stalkless adjective.

stalklike |-ˌlīk| adjective.

stalky |ˈstôkē| adjective


Middle English: probably a diminutive of dialect stale ‘rung of a ladder, long handle.’

stalk 2 |stôk|


1 [with object] pursue or approach stealthily: a cat stalking a bird.

• harass or persecute (someone) with unwanted and obsessive attention: for five years she was stalked by a man who would taunt and threaten her.

• chiefly literary move silently or threateningly through (a place): the tiger stalks the jungle | figurative : fear stalked the camp.

2 [no object] stride somewhere in a proud, stiff, or angry manner: without another word she turned and stalked out.


1 a stealthy pursuit of someone or something.

2 a stiff, striding gait.


late Old English -stealcian (in bistealcian ‘walk cautiously or stealthily’), of Germanic origin; related to steal.

19. exacerbate |iɡˈzasərˌbāt|

verb [with object]

make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse: the exorbitant cost of land in urban areas only exacerbated the problem | the forest fire was exacerbated by the lack of rain.


exacerbation |iɡˌzasərˈbāSHəneɡˌzasərˈbāSHən| noun


mid 17th century: from Latin exacerbat- ‘made harsh,’ from the verb exacerbare, from ex- (expressing inducement of a state) + acerbus ‘harsh, bitter.’ The noun exacerbation (late Middle English) originally meant ‘provocation to anger.’

usage: On the difference between exacerbate and exasperate, see usage at exasperate.

20. cavalier |ˌkavəˈlir|


1 (Cavalier) historical a supporter of King Charles I in the English Civil War.

• archaic or literary a courtly gentleman, especially one acting as a lady's escort.

• archaic a horseman, especially a cavalryman.

2 (also Cavalier King Charles) a small spaniel of a breed with a moderately long, noncurly, silky coat.


showing a lack of proper concern; offhand: Anne was irritated by his cavalier attitude.


cavalierly |ˌkavəˈlirlē| adverb


mid 16th century: from French, from Italian cavaliere, based on Latin caballus ‘horse.’ Compare with caballero and chevalier.


What i have learnt

Digital health is the convergence of digital and genomic technologies with health, healthcare, living, and society to enhance the efficiency of healthcare delivery and make medicines more personalized and precise. The discipline involves the use of information and communication technologies to help address the health problems and challenges faced by patients. These technologies include both hardware and software solutions and services, including telemedicine, web-based analysis, email, mobile phones and applications, text messages, and clinic or remote monitoring sensors. Generally, digital healthcare is concerned about the development of interconnected health systems to improve the use of computational technologies, smart devices, computational analysis techniques and communication media to aid healthcare professionals and patients manage illnesses and health risks, as well as promote health and wellbeing.

Digital health is a multi-disciplinary domain which involves many stakeholders, including clinicians, researchers and scientists with a wide range of expertise in healthcare, engineering, social sciences, public health, health economics and management

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