The jobs we'll lose to machines — and theones we won't
In 2013, researchers at Oxford Universitydid a study on the future of work. They can conclude
that almost on in every two jobs have ahigh risk of being automated by machines. Machine learning is the technologythat’s responsible for most of this disruption. It’s the most powerful branchof artificial intelligence. It allows machines to learn from data and mimicsome of the things that humans can do. This gives us a unique perspective onwhat machines can do, what they can’t do and what jobs they might automate orthreaten. We have no chance of competing against machines on frequent,high-volume tasks. But there are things we can do that machines can’t do. Wheremachines have made very little progress is in tackling novel situations. Theycan’t handle things they haven’t seen many times before. The fundamentallimitations of machine learning is that it needs to learn from large volumes ofpast data. Now, humans don’t. We have the ability to connect seeminglydisparate threads to solve problems we’ve never seen before. Machines cannotcompete with us when it comes to tackling novel situations, and this puts afundamental limit on the human tasks that machines will automate. So what doesthis mean for the future of work? The future state of any single job lies inthe answer to a single question: To what extent is that job reducible tofrequent, high-volume tasks, and to what extent does it involve tackling novelsituations? On frequent, high-volume tasks, machines are getting smarter andsmarter. Now as mentioned, machines are not making progress on novelsituations. The copy behind a marketing campaign needs to grab consumers’attention. It has to stand out from the crowd. Business strategy means findinggaps in the market things that nobody else is doing. It will be humans that arecreating the copy behind our marketing campaigns, and it will be humans thatare developing our business strategy.