Time series analysis (One/more output, no input)
System Identification Toolbox™ enables you to create and estimate four general types of time series model.
Linear parametric models — Estimate parameters in structures such as autoregressive models and state-space models.
Frequency-response models — Estimate spectral models using spectral analysis.
''12''Nonlinear ARX models — Estimate parameters in the nonlinear ARX structure.
Grey-box models — Estimate the coefficients of the ordinary differential or difference equations that represent your system dynamics.
ARMA typies
For the following functions,we all the notation that
- AR
- MA
where is the integrator in the noise channel, .
Over here
And the above coefficient , we can choose it or not and further more to specify the structure of S-ARIMA. Of cousre, for the above models the AR, ARI, MA, ARMA, and ARIMA, there are also the time series difference operator that can be applied.
Time series analysis (with input)
idpoly:Polynomial model with identifiable parameters
The variables ,, , , and are polynomials expressed with the time-shift operator .
As we can see, the above all time series analysis models (ARMA typies) are all special case of a polynomial model without the input series, . So the input series, there are some polynomial models.
For the multiple-Input, Single-Output Models, the ARX MISO structure is then given by the following equation:
iv4: ARX model estimation using four-stage instrumental variable method.
It estimates an ARX polynomial model, using the four-stage instrumental variable method. The estimation algorithm is insensitive to the color of the noise term, .
Estimation is performed in 4 stages. The first stage uses the arx function. The resulting model generates the instruments for a second-stage IV estimate. The residuals obtained from this model are modeled as a high-order AR model. At the fourth stage, the input-output data is filtered through this AR model and then subjected to the IV function with the same instrument filters as in the second stage.ivar: AR model estimation using familiar method.
ivar estimates an AR polynomial model, sys, using the instrumental variable method and the time series data data.
For this model, I am not familiar with its differnce with AR. How use the instrumental variable, it need more consideration.
Also with the integrator in the noise channel,
The general Box-Jenkins model (with more than one input series) structure is:
State-space model
idss: State-space model with identifiable parameters.
,, , , and are state-space matrices. is the input, is the output, is the disturbance, and is the vector of states.
ssest: Estimate state-space model using time-domain or frequency-domain data. It estimates a continuous-time state-space model.
n4sid :estimates a discrete-time state-space model.
The the above two models have the same fomula, but apply to two different time format.
Grey-box model
greyest: Linear grey-box model estimation.
This model can be any linear structure. We choose the common DC motor model as a example. Choose the angular position (rad) and the angular velocity (rad/s) as the outputs and the driving voltage (V) as the input. Set up a linear state-space structure of the following form:
is the time constant of the motor in seconds, and is the static gain from the input to the angular velocity in rad/(V*s) .
Frequency response
idfrd: Frequency response data or model.
the transfer function estimate is and the additive noise spectrum at the output is
Here, is the estimated variance of and T is the sample time.
- spa: Estimate frequency response with fixed frequency resolution using spectral analysis.
The notation represents the following operation:
is the shift operator, defined by the following equation:
is the frequency-response function when it is evaluated on the unit circle, .
The disturbance can be described as filtered white noise:
Here, is the white noise with variance and the noise power spectrum is given by the following equation:
- spafdr:Estimate frequency response and spectrum using spectral analysis with frequency-dependent resolution.
- etfe: Estimate empirical transfer functions and periodograms.
The fomula expressions of spa, spafdr and etfe are the same, but the solving algorithm are not the same.
Nonlinear models
- nlarx(nonlinear ARX model): Estimate parameters of nonlinear ARX model.
- You can assign any of the regressors as inputs to the linear function block of the output function, the nonlinear function block, or both.
- It maps the regressors to the model output using an output function block. We can spdcify any structures of Nonlinear models.
and are respectively representing the linear and non-linear blocks of the model. And for non-linear block, , it is a abstract expression and can be any specific structure.
- nlgreyest: Estimate nonlinear grey-box model parameters.
Hammerstein-Wiener Models
Hammerstein-Wiener models describe dynamic systems using one or two static nonlinear blocks in series with a linear block. The linear block is a discrete transfer function that represents the dynamic component of the model.
is a nonlinear function that transforms input data as . , an internal variable, is the output of the Input Nonlinearity block and has the same dimension as .
is a linear transfer function that transforms as .
, an internal variable, is the output of the Linear block and has the same dimension as . and are similar to polynomials in a linear Output-Error model.
and are similar to polynomials in a linear Output-Error model.is a nonlinear function that maps the output of the linear block to the system output as .
We computes the Hammerstein-Wiener model output y in three stages:
- Compute from the input data. In MATLAB, we can choose sigmoid network, wavelet network, saturation, dead zone, piecewise linear function, one-dimensional polynomial, or a custom network. Those are transfer functions of nonlinear block, .
- Compute the output of the linear block using and initial conditions: . You can configure the linear block by specifying the orders of numerator and denominator .
- Compute the model output by transforming the output of the linear block using the nonlinear function as . Similar to the input nonlinearity, the output nonlinearity is a static function. We can configure the output nonlinearity in the same way as the input nonlinearity. You can also remove the output nonlinearity, such that , then we can call it Hammerstein system.
Hammerstein ARIMX model
For the above Hammerstein-Wiener model, we specify that the is empty and is the structure of linear model ARIMX, Furthmore, we choose the first nonlinear block is s expressed by a linear combination of known basis functions with unknown coefficients, or is a piecewise linear function with unknown joints and slopes, and hence, identification of the nonlinear block in this case is equivalent to estimating unknown parameters.The nonlinear part is considered as a known basis with coefficients .
Refer to the above formulas, we the detail exprssion of Hammerstein ARIMAX model.
This can be transformed as
Then it is the nonlinear block expression:
Combine them all, we can get the Hammerstein ARIMX model's expression:
Deep Learning Toolbox
- Neural Net Time Series
- Deep Network Designer
- Neural Net Clustering
- Neural Net Pattern Recognition
- Neural Net Fitting
- Experiment Manager