Passage 1
John and Linda have been arguing about whether to buy a house for a long time.
They have been renting a small flat for several years, and the rent keeps going up.
Last year, John wasn’t sure about his job situation, so they agreed to delay the decision.
They also invested some money in the stock market, and their investments are doing well.
Passage 2
The simulated prison included three small prison cells, 6 feet by 9 feet.
Each cell had three small beds and held three prisoners.
There was also a closet that served as a solitary confinement room.
This was used to isolate prisoners who needed to be punished for bad behavior.
Passage 3
Consider what happened in 1918, the influenza pandemic.
It started in the fall of 1918 with what seemed to be something no more serious than the common cold.
In the next two years however, it infected a fifth of the world’s population.
In fact, it turned out to be the most deadly epidemic in history, killing between 20 and 40 million people.
Passage 4
First, a key to successful investing is time itself.
What makes many investors rich is that they have invested over a long time.
This allows their investments to grow, even if they weren’t active investors.
Unfortunately, most people don’t start saving enough until it’s too late.
Passage 5
Looking back to classic movies and comparing them with what we have today, we see many similarities.
However, there are major differences.
In particular, classic movies succeeded with few if any special effects.
The camera focused more on faces and expressions, like in the movie Casablanca.
Passage 6
Suddenly John had a bad feeling.
Immediately, he used his smartphone to check the company’s bank accounts.
To his horror, he found that a large amount of money was missing from one of the accounts.
There had been a large withdrawal earlier that morning, more than $75,000.