lemons to stop the hiccups(Bite into a thick slice.)
hiccups 打嗝
ginger to end nausea(Grind it and add hot water to make a tea.)
ginger [ˈdʒindʒə] 姜
nausea [ˈnɔːsjə] 晕船,作呕
grind [graind] 碾磨,捣碎,摩擦
milk to cure insomnia(Drink a wam glass at bedtime.)
insomnia [inˈsɔmniə] 失眠
honey to help a sore throat(Mix it with warm water and drink it slowly.)
onions to relieve a headache(Put slices on your forehead,close your eyes,and relax.)
chili peppers(to prevent colds) 辣椒
cumin seeds(for indigestion) 小茴香籽
echinacea flowers(to prevent all kinds of illness) 紫锥菊花
fennel seeds(for bad-smelling breath) 茴香籽
valerian root(for insomnia) 缬草根