One thing is above another 前者高于后者或在后者的上方。
用在附加状语里或动词 be 之后:
- Above the town, the fire was still blazing.
- 市镇上方的大火仍在熊熊燃烧着。
- Sarah was put in the room above me.
- 莎拉被安置住在我楼上的房间里。
- ... the hills above the town.
- ······市镇上方的山岗。
- The music seemed to be coming from the floor above.
- 音乐声似乎来自楼上。
Be above a particular amount or level 某事物超过某一个量或高于某一水平。
用在附加状语里或动词 be 之后:
- The temperature has not risen much above zero for the past week.
- 在过去一周里,气温仅上升到零度以上一点儿。
- Otto's voice was low, just above a whisper.
- 奥托嗓音低沉,仅比耳语略高一些。
Be above someone else 某人的社会地位高于另一个人或其权力凌驾另一个人。
- Well, my mum's a nurse and she has to bow to the matron above her.
- 我母亲是护士,凡事得听护士长的指示。
- It did not even work all that well for the gentry above them.
- 对于他们之上的绅士们,这可不那么管用。
用在动词 be 或 marry 之后:
- Guy was above her.
- 盖伊地位比她高。
- She married above herself.
- 她嫁给了一个比她自己更有身份的人。
Be above a particular activity 认为自己品行好或地位重要而不屑去做某事。
- They were supposed to be above such crude methods of communication.
- 他们被认为还不至于使用如此原始的通讯方式。
- ... even for the minority who consider themselves above such mercenary transactions.
- ······甚至对于少数自认为不屑于这种金钱交易的人来说。
Be above criticism or suspicion 某人因品行良好或社会地位高而不可能遭批评或惹人怀疑。
用在动词 be 之后:
- ... those whose loyalty and morals were above reproach.
- ······ 那些忠诚和品德无可指责的人。
- Martyn was merely an erudite eccentric and entirely above suspicion.
- 马丁只是个博学但古怪的人,根本无可怀疑。