6 Summer Days


lilac: ['laɪlək]n. 淡紫色;丁香花

bloom:if a plant or a flower blooms, its flowers appear or open

trout:n. 鳟鱼,鲑鱼

stiff: if someone or a part of their body is stiff, their muscles hurt and it is difficult for them to move

hitch:[T always + adv/prep] to fasten something to something else, using a rope, chain etc 〔用子、链条等〕将…拴于,套住

cutter:n. 刀具,切割机

swathe/sweɪð,sweð/ n. [C ]a long thin area of something, especially land一长条〔尤指土地〕

rake:[I,T] to move a rake across a surface in order to make the soil level, gather dead leaves etc〔用耙子〕耙,耙平

haul: /hɔːl,hɔl/ v. [T ]to pull something heavy with a continuous steady movement拖,拉

wagon:a strong vehicle with four wheels, used for carrying heavy loads and usually pulled by horses〔一般由马拉的〕四轮运货车

hoist: v. [T ]to raise, lift, or pull something up, especially using ropes〔尤指用绳子〕吊起,升起,提起

timothy:n. [植] 梯牧草

jubilee:['dʒubɪli] n.(犹太史)五十年节(每五十年举行一次庆祝希伯来奴隶的解放);大赦年(天主教每二十五年一次的);欢乐的佳节,欢乐的节日;重要的周年纪念

swamp:n. 沼泽;湿地

sparrow:n. 麻雀  song sparrow n. 北美歌雀

bough:[baʊ] n. 大树枝a main branch on a tree

phoebe:['fiːbɪ] n. 燕雀类的小鸟

teeter:to stand or walk moving from side to side, as if you are going to fall站立不稳;摇摇欲坠;蹒跚行走

wag:1 [I,T] if a dog wags its tail, or if its tail wags, the dog moves its tail many times from one side to the other;2 [T] to move your finger or head from side to side, especially to show disapproval

interlude:['ɪntɚ'lʊd] n. 插曲

swoop:v. [I ]if a bird or aircraft swoops, it moves suddenly down through the air, especially in order to attack something

scold: /skəʊld,skold/ v. [T ]to angrily criticize someone, especially a child, about something they have done

cheeky:adj. rude or disrespectful, sometimes in a way that is amusing厚脸皮的,放肆的,无礼的,冒失的

dandelion: ['dændɪlaɪən]n. 蒲公英

nectar:['nɛktɚ]n. [植] 花蜜;甘露

Frigidaire: [,fridʒi'dεə] n.[美国英语]【商标】弗立吉代电冰箱

spit:[U] informal the watery liquid that is produced in your mouth唾液,唾沫,口水

weed:n. 杂草,野草

stalk: [stɔk] n. (植物的)茎,秆

vine: n. 藤;葡萄树

potato bug: 马铃薯瓢虫

goose: 雌鹅;gander:公鹅;gosling:小鹅

cramped:a cramped room, building etc does not have enough space for the people in it

gratify:v. [T ] to make someone feel pleased and satisfied   be gratified to do

unremitting: [,ʌnrɪ'mɪtɪŋ]continuing for a long time and not likely to stop不间断的,无休止的

bow: [baʊ] v.鞠躬

dud:n. [C ]something that is useless, especially because it does not work correctly无用的东西,废物

beady: ['bidi]adj.beady eyes are small, round, and shiny – used especially about someone who you think looks dishonest or strange〔眼睛〕珠子般又圆又亮的〔尤指某人看上去不诚实或奇怪〕

pounding:n. 重击 take a pounding to be completely defeated or to be hit or attacked many times and often badly damaged

poke your nose into sthinformal to take an interest or get involved in someone else’s private affairs, in a way that annoys them

morals: ['mɔrəl][plural,复数] principles or standards of good behaviour, especially in matters of sex

conscience: [ˈkɑːnʃəns] n. [C,U ]the part of your mind that tells you whether what you are doing is morally right or wrong 良知,良心

scruple: ['skrupl]n. [C usually plural 一般用复数,U] a belief about what is right and wrong that prevents you from doing bad things顾忌,顾虑

decency:[U] polite, honest, and moral behaviour and attitudes that show respect for other people正派,规矩,礼貌

rodent: ['rodnt] n. [C ]any small animal of the type that has long sharp front teeth, such as a rat or a rabbit 啮齿动物〔如老鼠、兔子〕

the milk of human kindnessliterary the kind and sympathetic behaviour of most ordinary people 善良的人性;恻隐之心 the milk of rodent kindness

compunction: [kəm'pʌŋkʃən]a feeling that you should not do something because it is bad or wrong 良心的责备,内疚

get away with:If you get away with doing something wrong or risky, you do not suffer any punishment or other bad consequences because of it. 逃脱惩罚

bill:a bird’s beak鸟嘴,喙

mutter:[I,T] to speak in a low voice, especially because you are annoyed about something, or you do not want people to hear you 咕哝,嘀咕;悄声说

tinkling:n. 叮叮声

untenable:an untenable situation has become so difficult that it is impossible to continue〔局面〕难以维持的

on account of:为了…的缘故;因为,由于 It means nobody will be able to live here on account of the smell.

snarl/snɑːl,snɑrl/ v.1.[I] if an animal snarls, it makes a low angry sound and shows its teeth〔动物龇牙咧嘴低声地〕咆哮,吼;2.[I,T] to speak or say something in a nasty, angry way 咆哮着说(话),怒吼

nudge:[T] to push someone gently, usually with your elbow, in order to get their attention〔通常用肘〕轻推〔以引起某人的注意〕

lair:[lɛr] n. [C ]the place where a wild animal hides and sleeps兽穴,兽窝

die down: 平息; 渐渐消失That afternoon, when the wind had died down and the barnyard was quiet and warm, the grey goose led her seven goslings off the nest and out into the world.


School ends, and children have time to play and fish for trouts in the brook.

Dandelion stems are full of milk, clover heads are loaded with nectar, the Frigidaire is full of ice-cold drinks.

Everywhere you look is life; even the little ball of spit on the weed stalk, if you poke it apart, has a green worm inside it.

When the first gosling poked its grey-green head through the goose's feathers and looked around, Charlotte spied it and made the announcement.

"Luck had nothing to do with this," said the goose. "It was good management and hard work."

"What are you going to do with it?" continued Templeton, his little round beady eyes fixed on the goose.

That afternoon, when the wind had died down and the barnyard was quiet and warm, the grey goose led her seven goslings off the nest and out into the world.

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