.Net Mirco Framework 2007技术大会

2006年在《程序员》杂志上通过看马宁的专栏文章,第一次知道了.Net MF。一年后的今天终于近距离地接触了.Net Mirco Frmaework,对MF有了一定的感性认识。

最近公司很多项目都有大量嵌入式设备使用,由于WinCE系统相对较大,对硬件平台要求过高,所以对.Net MF一直比较关注。今天总算大开眼界了。

微软公司的Colin Miller和Digi公司的John Leier在上午的演讲拉开了.Net MF序幕,针对嵌入式领域,一个从软件角度进行阐述,另一个从硬件平台角度进行呼应,一软一硬,二者强强联合,恐怕未来嵌入式智能设备一半以上的项目开发要被其收入囊中了。下午的中文演讲给人感觉有些干瘪,两三个演讲,平均短短十几分钟就草草收场。后来微软公司杜伟的演讲,从VS2005一行行难以看清的代码,到一个个令人惊艳的样例把MF开发技术推向最前台。


最后为每个人送出的1G优盘(类似微软今年MVP大礼包中的优盘)很有分量,不仅是1G的容量,并且里面竟然把所有的幻灯片拷贝其中,更没有想到的是,MF 的SDK也在里面,真棒!

回到家迫不及待装了一份MF SDK(MicroFrameworkSDK.MSI 区区只有5998 kb,强!),有模拟器,也有示例。



// Copyright (C) MicrosoftCorporation.  All rights reserved.

using System;

using System.Collections;

using System.Threading;

using Microsoft.SPOT;

using Microsoft.SPOT.Input;

using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;

using Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation;

using Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Media;

using Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Controls;

using Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Shapes;

using PresentationDemo;


public sealed class MyApp : Application {

   //This static field prevents the object from being GC'd

  private static GpioButtonInputProvider s_gpioInputProvider;

  public Font NinaBFont;

  public Font SmallFont;

  public Bitmap Snowflake;

   private MyApp() {

     // Initialize the Buttons/Pins dispatcher

     s_gpioInputProvider = new GpioButtonInputProvider(this.Dispatcher,null);

     // Load some resources

     NinaBFont = Resources.GetFont(Resources.FontResources.NinaBFont);

     SmallFont = Resources.GetFont(Resources.FontResources.SmallFont);

     Snowflake = Resources.GetBitmap(Resources.BitmapResources.Snowflake);


  protected override void OnStartup(EventArgs e) {

     // Create and set the application's main window

      this.MainWindow = new MainMenuWindow(this);



  public void GoHome() {

     Buttons.Focus(this.MainWindow); // Set focus back to the main window


  public static void Main() {

     new MyApp().Run();   // Start theapp's main window




// This is the base class of all ourwindows; it makes every window visible,

// sets the window's size to the full sizeof the LCD, and give the window focus

internal class PresentationWindow : Window{

  protected MyApp m_app;

  protected PresentationWindow(MyApp app) {

     m_app = app;

     // Make the window visible and the size of the LCD

     this.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

     this.Width = SystemMetrics.ScreenWidth;

     this.Height = SystemMetrics.ScreenHeight;

     Buttons.Focus(this); // Set focus to this window


  protected override void OnButtonDown(ButtonEventArgs e) {

     // Remove this window form the Window Manager


     // When any button is pressed, go back to the Home page





internal sealed class MainMenuWindow :PresentationWindow {

  private ListBox m_listbox;

  public ListBox MainListBox { get { return m_listbox; } }

  public MainMenuWindow(MyApp app)

     : base(app) {

     Color instructionTextColor = ColorUtility.ColorFromRGB(192, 192, 192);

     Color backgroundColor = ColorUtility.ColorFromRGB(26, 118, 183); 

     Color unselectedItemColor = ColorUtility.ColorFromRGB(192, 192,255);   // Unselected listbox item color

     Color selectedItemColor = Colors.White;                                 // Selectedlistbox item color

     // The Main window contains a veritcal StackPanel

     StackPanel panel = new StackPanel(Orientation.Vertical);

     this.Child = panel;

     // The top child contains text with instructions

     TextFlow textflow = new TextFlow();

     textflow.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;

     textflow.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;



        app.NinaBFont, instructionTextColor));


     // Add a blank line to the stack

     panel.Children.Add(textflow = new TextFlow());

     textflow.TextRuns.Add(" ", app.NinaBFont,instructionTextColor);

     textflow.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

     // The next child contains a listbox with options

     m_listbox = new ListBox();

     // Prepare the listbox



     this.Background = m_listbox.Background = newSolidColorBrush(backgroundColor);

     m_listbox.SelectionChanged += delegate(Object sender,SelectionChangedEventArgs e) {

        Int32 previousSelectedIndex = e.PreviousSelectedIndex;

        if (previousSelectedIndex != -1) { // If there was a previous index

           // Change previously-selected listbox item color to unselected color

           ((Text)m_listbox.Items[previousSelectedIndex].Child).ForeColor =unselectedItemColor;


        // Change newly-selected listbox item color to selected color

        ((Text)m_listbox.Items[e.SelectedIndex].Child).ForeColor =selectedItemColor;


     // Add the items to the listbox

     foreach (String s in new String[] { "Vertical Stack","Horizontal Stack", "Canvas", "Diagonal" }) {

        Text text = new Text(m_app.NinaBFont, s + " Panel Demo");

        text.ForeColor = unselectedItemColor;

        text.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;

        text.Width = this.Width;

        ListBoxItem lbi = new ListBoxItem();

        lbi.Background = m_listbox.Background;

        lbi.Child = text;



     m_listbox.SelectedIndex = 0;

     // Add a blank line in the stack

     panel.Children.Add(textflow = new TextFlow());

     textflow.TextRuns.Add(" ", app.NinaBFont,instructionTextColor);

     textflow.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

     // The bottom child contains text with return instructions

     textflow = new TextFlow();

     textflow.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;

     textflow.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;


        new TextRun("(After viewing a Panel Demo, hit Enter to return tothis screen)",

        app.NinaBFont, instructionTextColor));



  protected override void OnButtonDown(ButtonEventArgs e) {

     // If button is pressed, go into the selected demo

     if (e.Button == Button.Select) {

        switch (MainListBox.SelectedIndex) {

           case 0:  // Vertical Stack PanelDemo

               new StackPanelDemo(m_app,Orientation.Vertical);


           case 1:  // Horizontal Stack PanelDemo

               new StackPanelDemo(m_app,Orientation.Horizontal);


            case 2:  // Canvas Panel Demo

               new CanvasPanelDemo(m_app);


           case 3:  // Diagonal Panel Demo

               new DiagonalPanelDemo(m_app);




     // Don't call base implementation (base.OnButtonDown) or we'll go backHome


  protected override void OnGotFocus(FocusChangedEventArgs e) {

     // Whenever this window gets focus, it gives it to its listbox






internal sealed class StackPanelDemo :PresentationWindow {

   //This class shows how to build your own shape drawing in a DrawingContext

  private sealed class Cross : Shape {

     public Cross() { }

     public override void OnRender(DrawingContext dc) {

        // Draw a line from top, left to bottom, right

        dc.DrawLine(base.Stroke, 0, 0, Width, Height);

        // Draw a line from top, right to bottom, left

        dc.DrawLine(base.Stroke, Width, 0, 0, Height);



  public StackPanelDemo(MyApp app, Orientation orientation)

     : base(app) {

     StackPanel panel = new StackPanel(orientation);

     this.Child = panel;

     panel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

     Shape[] shapes = new Shape[] {

        new Ellipse(),

        new Line(),

        new Polygon(new Int32[] { 0, 0,   50, 0,    50, 50,    0, 50 }), // A Square

        new Rectangle(),

        new Cross() // Our own custom shape


     for (Int32 x = 0; x < shapes.Length; x++) {

        Shape s = shapes[x];

        s.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(ColorUtility.ColorFromRGB(0, 255, 0));

        s.Stroke = new Pen(Color.Black, 2);

        s.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

        s.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;

        s.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;

        s.Height = Height - 1;

        s.Width = Width - 1;

        if (panel.Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal)

           s.Width /= shapes.Length;


           s.Height /= shapes.Length;






internal sealed class CanvasPanelDemo :PresentationWindow {

  public CanvasPanelDemo(MyApp app)

     : base(app) {

     Canvas canvas = new Canvas();

     this.Child = canvas;

     this.Background = new SolidColorBrush(ColorUtility.ColorFromRGB(0, 255,255));

     for (Int32 x = 0; x < Width; x += Width / 4) {

        for (Int32 y = 0; y < Height; y += Height / 4) {

           Text text = new Text(m_app.SmallFont, " (" + x + ","+ y + ")");

           Canvas.SetLeft(text, x);

           Canvas.SetTop(text, y);







internal sealed class DiagonalPanelDemo :PresentationWindow {

  public DiagonalPanelDemo(MyApp app)

     : base(app) {

     DiagonalPanel panel = new DiagonalPanel();

     this.Child = panel;

     this.Background = new LinearGradientBrush(

        ColorUtility.ColorFromRGB(192, 0, 0), ColorUtility.ColorFromRGB(32, 0,0), 0, 0, Width, Height);

     for (Int32 x = 0; x < 4; x++) {

        Bitmap b = new Bitmap(Width / 4, Height / 4);

        b.StretchImage(0, 0, app.Snowflake, b.Width, b.Height, (UInt16)((x + 1)* 50));

        Image image = new Image(b);




   //This class shows how to build your own Panel

  private sealed class DiagonalPanel : Panel {

     public DiagonalPanel() {


     protected override void MeasureOverride(int availableWidth, intavailableHeight, out int desiredWidth, out int desiredHeight) {

        // Called to calculate the width/height desired

        desiredWidth = 0;

        desiredHeight = 0;

        foreach (UIElement child in Children) {

           if (child.Visibility != Visibility.Collapsed) {


               Int32 childWidth, childHeight;

               child.GetDesiredSize(outchildWidth, out childHeight);

               desiredWidth += childWidth;

               desiredHeight += childHeight;




     protected override void ArrangeOverride(int arrangeWidth, intarrangeHeight) {

        Int32 x = 0, y = 0;

        foreach (UIElement child in Children) {

           if (child.Visibility != Visibility.Collapsed) {

               Int32 childWidth, childHeight;

               child.GetDesiredSize(outchildWidth, out childHeight);

               child.Arrange(x, y, childWidth,childHeight);

               x += childWidth;

               y += childHeight;







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