根据 OTU 注释结果分别在各个分类水平:domain(域),kingdom(界),phylum(门),class(纲),order(目),family(科),genus(属),species(种)统计各样品的物种相对丰度并作图(依据给定的物种比例分布表格)。
b)优势物种(关键物种) Heatmap 图
c)OTU 分布 Venn 图
多个样品中所共有和独有的 OTU展示,依据是共有和独有OTU表格。
Relative abundance of XXX taxa (y axis as group percentage of the total number of XXX rRNA gene sequences per sample, after rarefaction to correct for uneven sampling effort) grouped by general XXX class. Identities of the sites sampled are given on the x axis.
The rarified sequence data set suggests that soils from our sites were overwhelmingly dominated by taxa in the XXX with the Alveolata and Cercozoa representing 66.5% and 22.5%[具体数据来源于物种分布表], respectively, of all of the protistan sequences recovered. The green algae (Archaeplastida, Chloroplastida, Chlorophyta) were also highly abundant in a few soils from XX areas, as were the golden algae (SAR, Stramenopiles, Chrysophyceae)[图片展示直观描述]. Our finding that Cercozoa (diverse flagellates and amoebae within Rhizaria) and Ciliophora (one of three major groups within Alveolata, along with dinoflagellates and Apicomplexa) are common members of eukaryotic soil microbial communities is congruent with what we know from previously published direct observation studies of soil protistan communities[reference][图片展示直观陈述,与前人工作结果一致性]. The only comparable study using high-throughput pyrosequencing to examine terrestrial protistan diversity[reference], also found alveolates and Rhizaria to be the dominant protists in soil [图片展示的直观陈述,本研究手段的发现].
b)优势物种(关键物种) Heatmap 图:
Heat map of XXX key OTUs responding to XXX and XXX treatment identified by XXX models. The colour of the spots in the panel represents the mean relative abundance (normalized and log-transformed) of the OTU in each group. The values on the colour bar are the relative abundance indicated by the corresponding colour.
XXX models identified XX OTUs responding to XX treatment and XX OTUs responding to XX augmentation. In total, XX non-redundant OTUs contributed significantly to the establishment of the models. XX OTUs were significantly enriched by A treatment. These OTUs belonged to [物种名称](差异分析结果). A total of XX OTUs were significantly decreased, most of which were species from the families [物种名称]. ……
c)OTU 分布 Venn 图
The Venn diagram depicts OTUs that were unique to the XX cows used in this study (COWS), unique to the public repositories (REF) or shared.
Out of XXX bacterial species-level OTUs found in this study, only XXX (XX%) were shared with the three public repositories. Moreover, for every OTU found in the public repositories, a novel one was discovered from the new data, while still far from maximal Good’s coverage. Conversely, the majority of the archaeal OTUs (XX%) found in this study were previously observed in the public databases with only 2 new OTUs added; 1 [物种] and 1 [物种]. For Fungi, only 1 OTU was shared between the public repositories and the animals investigated in this study, suggesting the scientific community is only beginning to realize the extent of fungal diversity of ruminants. It should be noted that, of the XXX ruminal eukaryotic OTUs in public repositories, roughly XX % were fungal, which further highlights the paucity of rumen fungal rRNA sequences in these databases. ……